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So, What's the Coaching Plan B?


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So, all signs are pointing to Mike Shanahan as our next head coach. It makes enough sense - he's the biggest name available, he's a West Coast guy, and Snyder's ready to dump money at his feet.

But the rest of the initial coaching crop seems to have withered. Jon Gruden is apparently Stone Cold Lead Pipe Locked into his MNF gig. Mike Holmgren is in Cleveland. The Chin isn't interested. If one of the rumors about Shanny going elsewhere is true - maybe he's just using us to pump up his price, maybe Jerry Jones would push harder, maybe he's waiting to see if he can be reunited with his one true love in Chicago - then what exactly is the plan? Who do we line up for the next round of interviews? Russ Grimm? Jim Harbaugh? Is there an obvious coordinator out there who would fit the personnel we're keeping?

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i honestly think Bruce Allen is going to go in a direction that surprises everyone.

if he really wants to make his mark, if he really wants to show that it is a new day at redskins park, he will.

if we go out and get shanahan - it will be business as usual, and I will expect another 5 years of mediocre seasons, and false hopes. offseasons full of big name signings, big money contracts, and post-seasons full of watching other teams compete while ours is at home doing the same as us.

if he goes out and gets someone who wasn't on anyone's list, and gives that guy control, and works with him, then I'll at least know that snyder really isn't making decisions anymore. This may not end in a super bowl, but its got a hell of a better shot than anything that involves snyder making decisions.

is shanahan better than zorn? of course. but i want someone new in here, not a retread.

i'm, of course, no genious when it comes to FO decisions, i'm just a armchair-GM. but thats my opinion.

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is shanahan better than zorn? of course. but i want someone new in here, not a retread.

i'm, of course, no genious when it comes to FO decisions, i'm just a armchair-GM. but thats my opinion.

We went to that route with zorn you see how that turn out lol
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We went to that route with zorn you see how that turn out lol

now wait a minute.

you don't like zorn, you don't think he's doing a good job, and thats fine. but lets be real about what happened.

Zorn was a QB coach, who was hired as an OC, and then promoted to HC because noone else wanted the job.

Zorn was handicaped from the start. Most HC's come from coordinator positions - not a position specific position, and those that do normally get OC and DC's to help them out. Zorn was not allowed to make personell decisions, and there was no close relationship between him and the FO. Snyder and Ceratto picked players, and told zorn to make it work. Ceratto's famous last works 'We gave you a playoff roster'.

Zorn never stood a chance - he didn't have the authority required to be an effective HC, he wasn't given a roster required to make the playoffs.

Say what you want about zorn - but at least be fair in it. I don't care who you had hired, if it was a first time head coach it wasn't going to work.

The successful first time coaches as of late have had a few things in common - they were allowed to take control of their team. Smith in atlanta was credited for completely changing Atlantas culture. Thats what is needed here, and zorn was never allowed to do that (don't know if he wanted to, but he couldn't have if he did).

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...Zorn was a QB coach, who was hired as an OC, and then promoted to HC because no one else wanted the job...

Fassel wanted the job--badly. So did Gregg Williams.

We hear Spagnoulo turned it down, but despite the stains on the Redskins as an organization (which aren't undeserved), it's still only 1 of 32 HC jobs available in the NFL. I'm not even qualified for the job myself, but for a couple million I'd take it.

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There doesn't need to be a plan B. I have no sources of my own but I know people who do and it really is a done deal. There's nothing to worry about. Shanahan will be our next coach. We just have to wait these last two weeks out.

Who are these people that you know that have "sources"? Relationship to the FO or players?

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Coulda sworn this was laid out last week. :)

Irrelevant. You may have insider information that is completely reliable, but there are people on here who know a guy who knows a guy who's dating a chick whose cousin worked as a ticket-taker at 6 flags last summer. That's the kind of REAL insider-information that you can't find outside of the internet.

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I don't care who we get as long they are a hard nose take no bull**** coach. i am so tired of the whiny, apologetic 'tards we have had as of late. Sorry to say but that includes Joe Gibbs too. We need Bill Cowher or someone with the gonads to tell these spoiled brat players to either shape up or ship out. No more coach pull me from the game because I am tired see CP, fine how about you sit for the next however many games. No more, damn our qb just f'ed it up again, so we will continue to have him behind the center because something will happen see JC... we need a drill sargeant sit down now type of coach for those players who don't cut the mustard.

ok I feel better now. sorry.

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