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So, What's the Coaching Plan B?


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I would have to say Russ Grimm.

1) He was a Redskin player and coach

2) He has been to 6 super bowls, and has 4 super bowl rings.

3) He was a finalist for the Steelers HC when Cowher retired.

4) Assnt head coach for the Arizona Cardinals.

Altho Grimms resume is not nearly as impressive as Shanahans, I think Grimm should be plan A. He has the experience, he's been with successful teams, and he is hard nosed.

Look at it this way, we have to rebuild our OL, he would be a great person for doing that.

We are talking about restoring our once proud Redskin heritage, who would be better at that ?

Bruce Allen GM

Russ Grimm HC

Mike Mularkey OC

Mike Zimmer/Jerry Gray DC

I know some people are down on jerry Gray because of the way the DB's play, but I think alot of that has to do with Blache's bend dont break scheme. I really believe Gray would be alot more aggressive as DC.

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I'm not sure why, but I'm really starting to get irritated by responses like:

"I really don't want COACH X. He's too old/young/fat/whatever. I'd much rather have someone older/younger/fatter/whatever."

The fact is most of us on this board are just as clueless about picking a good HC as Dan Snyder. And none of us are actually in a position to even pick a HC. Like it or not, we're just fans. Someone will be the HC, and we'll have to live with the results. Or not... and choose to stop being fans. It's that simple.

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Gregg Williams or Grimm are the only two I'd want if we don't get Shanny.

I wouldn't mind seeing Shanny in here, because I don't think he would take alot of crap from ole Mr. Snyder. Grimm I think would be awesome because he has a history with the franchise, he knows how to play hard nose football, and he knows how to win. Greg Williams I'm not sure would even think about coming back here after the snubb he got last time when Gibbs left, plus him and Snyder don't see eye to eye on anything.

I've also heard threads about Jerry Gray getting a chance at the job, I just don't think that would be an improvement over Zorn, and Blache would be a joke. What would he do apply his bend but don't break philosophy to the offense........Ya that would work real well! :doh:

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So, all signs are pointing to Mike Shanahan as our next head coach. It makes enough sense - he's the biggest name available, he's a West Coast guy, and Snyder's ready to dump money at his feet.

But the rest of the initial coaching crop seems to have withered. Jon Gruden is apparently Stone Cold Lead Pipe Locked into his MNF gig. Mike Holmgren is in Cleveland. The Chin isn't interested. If one of the rumors about Shanny going elsewhere is true - maybe he's just using us to pump up his price, maybe Jerry Jones would push harder, maybe he's waiting to see if he can be reunited with his one true love in Chicago - then what exactly is the plan? Who do we line up for the next round of interviews? Russ Grimm? Jim Harbaugh? Is there an obvious coordinator out there who would fit the personnel we're keeping?

As much as I love the idea of Jim Harbaugh, he just got an extension with Stanford, I don't see him being the type to leave just after being extended, the man has more class than that I think. Not sure though. I like Grimmy, but I think he just is not ready to be a HC, sad but true. So who does that leave?

I'd like us to interview Leslie Frazier, Mike Zimmer of the Bengals (Assuming he can coach a 4-3 D), I would also give Billick a call, and I'd interview people like Brian Schottenheimer (who may be young, but right now I'd take young and hungry, and a total rebuilding operation right now, over trying to just retool for another run next year). There have to be some other up and coming names, question is who and where.

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If they haven't interviewed our next HC yet, I sure as hell hope that Snyder isn't conducting the interview. Who knows what types of questions he's asking. He doesn't know about coaching so why would he be conducting interviews?

"So uh, would you run the PA Streaks play alot? It always works great in Madden!"

Obviously, Bruce Allen and only Bruce Allen should be conducting these interviews. Any HC interviews conducted prior to Allen's arrival should not be considered.

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i honestly think Bruce Allen is going to go in a direction that surprises everyone.

if he really wants to make his mark, if he really wants to show that it is a new day at redskins park, he will.

if we go out and get shanahan - it will be business as usual, and I will expect another 5 years of mediocre seasons, and false hopes. offseasons full of big name signings, big money contracts, and post-seasons full of watching other teams compete while ours is at home doing the same as us.

if he goes out and gets someone who wasn't on anyone's list, and gives that guy control, and works with him, then I'll at least know that snyder really isn't making decisions anymore. This may not end in a super bowl, but its got a hell of a better shot than anything that involves snyder making decisions.

is shanahan better than zorn? of course. but i want someone new in here, not a retread.

i'm, of course, no genious when it comes to FO decisions, i'm just a armchair-GM. but thats my opinion.

Sooooooooooooo then who's your pick if we don't get Mike Shanahan???

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I think we should probably look into Russ Grimm, but why people are raving so much about giving this guy a chance I don't know. He's probably a good O-Line coach and nothing more, but I don't know of really anyone else that could be good out there other than Grimm unless another suprise coach is fired from another team.

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If next year there is no salary cap, I bet Gibbs would come back for one more season if we signed lot of stars to one year contracts to make a super bowl run. Maybe 3 new offensive linemen and a couple of defensive backs (ones that can catch an interception and will not get beat up by the other teams had coach).

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If next year there is no salary cap, I bet Gibbs would come back for one more season if we signed lot of stars to one year contracts to make a super bowl run. Maybe 3 new offensive linemen and a couple of defensive backs (ones that can catch an interception and will not get beat up by the other teams had coach).

That would be the worst thing we could possibly do.

Snyder, is that you?

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