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So, What's the Coaching Plan B?


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i honestly think Bruce Allen is going to go in a direction that surprises everyone.

if he really wants to make his mark, if he really wants to show that it is a new day at redskins park, he will.

if we go out and get shanahan - it will be business as usual, and I will expect another 5 years of mediocre seasons, and false hopes. offseasons full of big name signings, big money contracts, and post-seasons full of watching other teams compete while ours is at home doing the same as us.

if he goes out and gets someone who wasn't on anyone's list, and gives that guy control, and works with him, then I'll at least know that snyder really isn't making decisions anymore. This may not end in a super bowl, but its got a hell of a better shot than anything that involves snyder making decisions.

I don't understand your post, we did the new guy thing two years ago with Zorn. Now let's get a coach who has been a top NFL coach and is a true football coach. Snyder needs to keep his check book handy but stay out of the decision making. Let Allen and our new coach make all player and coaching decisions. Let's hope that 2010 is the year of a devision win for the Redskins.

is shanahan better than zorn? of course. but i want someone new in here, not a retread.

i'm, of course, no genious when it comes to FO decisions, i'm just a armchair-GM. but thats my opinion.

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now wait a minute.

you don't like zorn, you don't think he's doing a good job, and thats fine. but lets be real about what happened.

Zorn was a QB coach, who was hired as an OC, and then promoted to HC because noone else wanted the job.

Zorn was handicaped from the start. Most HC's come from coordinator positions - not a position specific position, and those that do normally get OC and DC's to help them out. Zorn was not allowed to make personell decisions, and there was no close relationship between him and the FO. Snyder and Ceratto picked players, and told zorn to make it work. Ceratto's famous last works 'We gave you a playoff roster'.

Zorn never stood a chance - he didn't have the authority required to be an effective HC, he wasn't given a roster required to make the playoffs.

Say what you want about zorn - but at least be fair in it. I don't care who you had hired, if it was a first time head coach it wasn't going to work.

The successful first time coaches as of late have had a few things in common - they were allowed to take control of their team. Smith in atlanta was credited for completely changing Atlantas culture. Thats what is needed here, and zorn was never allowed to do that (don't know if he wanted to, but he couldn't have if he did).

FINALLY!!! Someone who actually gets it! Thank you for the post, I am 100% behind you on this one.

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With hints from a couple of ESers and looking back at media articles:


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Gray interviews, Blache does not

Defensive coordinator Greg Blache did not interview for the Washington Redskins' head coaching position, but secondary coach Jerry Gray did, league sources confirmed Saturday.

ProFootballTalk.com reported that Blache interviewed for the position currently occupied by Jim Zorn, but it was Gray, who has publicly expressed his desire to become a head coach and was a finalist for the position at the University of Memphis, who recently spent time discussing the position with owner Daniel Snyder, according to sources.

I will now rest easy and await the announcement on Shanahan. Man am I a happy camper!!!

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What is the fascination with Jerry Gray and Russ Grimm?

Jerry Gray can't even coach a secondary properly why would anyone want him promoted straight to head coach?

And what about Russ Grimm? This guy has never called plays in the NFL before, after the Zorn debacle, haven't we learned our lesson?

Just because he did great things for us as a player doesn't mean he's going to be the next dynasty-building Redskins head coach.

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I heard from a reliable source that Bruce Allen will announce Daniel Snyder as the new Head Coach of the Washington Redskins. Team owner Daniel Snyder will publicly state he is against the hiring of new Head Coach Daniel Snyder, but he will say that he 100% backs Allen's decision to have Daneil Snyder as the new Head Coach.

Superbowl, here we come!

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It's nice to know that Kyle Shanahan is going to be our future HC also. I think he will have a very bright career with the Skins. :)

I hesitated to post this and thought twice, but what the heck - take it for what's it worth. My two former roommates knew Kyle Shanahan well when they attended UT-Austin with him. He was in their circle of friends, and they'd all hang out on weekends, see him at parties, etc. I was asking them about him a few years ago, just out of curiosity, and they hesitated. I remember Justin saying that he "didn't think he was a very good person," and said he didn't have a lot of integrity. I kind of laughed and pressed him for more details... "what? huh?"... and he stopped, explaining that he didn't want to talk smack about the guy.

Nevertheless, Kyle Shanahan's professional record is pretty damn good. Being promoted to a coordinator position at 28 is unheard of.

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I hesitated to post this and thought twice, but what the heck - take it for what's it worth. My two former roommates knew Kyle Shanahan well when they attended UT-Austin with him. He was in their circle of friends, and they'd all hang out on weekends, see him at parties, etc. I was asking them about him a few years ago, just out of curiosity, and they hesitated. I remember Justin saying that he "didn't think he was a very good person," and said he didn't have a lot of integrity. I kind of laughed and pressed him for more details... "what? huh?"... and he stopped, explaining that he didn't want to talk smack about the guy.

Nevertheless, Kyle Shanahan's professional record is pretty damn good. Being promoted to a coordinator position at 28 is unheard of.

I guess you can say there's 2 sides. Maybe jealousy or maybe KS is stuck up. Hey, you stated the obvious after Nevertheless. I think he will be a brain when it comes to offenses. Working with his Dad might have inflated his ego as I think Mike Shanahan has one but no one can deny his genious at being a great OC which is what this team needs now. Our DF is set for the next 5 years, I think and our OF will get it going next year and beyond. Thanks for the info.

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I hesitated to post this and thought twice, but what the heck - take it for what's it worth. My two former roommates knew Kyle Shanahan well when they attended UT-Austin with him. He was in their circle of friends, and they'd all hang out on weekends, see him at parties, etc. I was asking them about him a few years ago, just out of curiosity, and they hesitated. I remember Justin saying that he "didn't think he was a very good person," and said he didn't have a lot of integrity. I kind of laughed and pressed him for more details... "what? huh?"... and he stopped, explaining that he didn't want to talk smack about the guy.

Nevertheless, Kyle Shanahan's professional record is pretty damn good. Being promoted to a coordinator position at 28 is unheard of.

If he's anything like his father, he's probably got an ego the size of Manhattan and rubs people the wrong way but much needed in this business. I don't care what type of personality the OC has as long as he gets the job done.


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If he's anything like his father, he's probably got an ego the size of Manhattan and rubs people the wrong way but much needed in this business. I don't care what type of personality the OC has as long as he gets the job done.


Honestly I think getting a "players' coach" would be one of the biggest mistakes we could make right now. Kyle Shanahan's offense speaks for itself, and I have no problem with him and his dad coming to DC and getting onto these players' asses.

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