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UNC Coach Williams' Dick Move

Dan T.

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With six minutes to go in North Carolina's blowout win over Presbyterian yesterday at The Dean Dome, Roy Williams instructed security personnel to eject a fan who had heckled the Heels' Deon Thompson during a free throw attempt. The man, wearing a Presbyterian shirt and sitting a few rows behind the Carolina bench, yelled "hey Deon, don't miss it!" during the second free throw, which caused Williams to turn around, exchange some words and, eventually, point him out to security. WRAL has video of the incident.

Drunk, profane fans are a menace at games, but there's no indication the ejected party was either of those things. "Hey Deon, don't miss it," is about as tame a taunt as there gets in a college basketball arena. That may be the nicest heckle Deon Thompson hears all season. When the Tar Heels go play at Duke, such a statement might be considered a compliment.

When asked about the move after the game, Williams said:

"I don't think anybody should yell anything negative at our players. Period. Let's don't make it a bigger thing than it is. But I just don't think anybody should yell negative things toward our players (when) you come in on our tickets to watch our game."

Let's not make it a bigger thing than it is? That's easy to say after Roy himself made it a bigger thing by having some cops grab a guy who was rooting for his team in an acceptable (if slightly obnoxious) manner. If the other people sitting around the Presbyterian fan were offended, they could have gone to security themselves. What's a two-time national championship coach doing worrying about what some guy from a tiny little school is saying in a game that his team would end up winning by 39? Isn't this a little beneath Roy Williams?

Because Roy is normally such an affable guy and this came in a meaningless game in the middle of December, there won't be much criticism lobbed his way. There should be. It's was inappropriate for Williams to censor a fan that wasn't breaking any rules. He overstepped his bounds and should be embarrassed about his actions.



Roy freaks out over heckler, asks everyone else to calm down

With 6:45 left to play in Saturday’s 103-64 blowout of Presbyterian, North Carolina forward Deon Thompson went to the free throw line for two shots. Thompson drained the first. And as he went to shoot his second, a fan approximately 20 rows behind the North Carolina bench stood and yelled.

“Hey Deon, don’t miss it!”

Thompson didn’t.

But to Williams that didn’t matter. His hypersensitive antennae had picked up behavior that he deemed inappropriate.

Heckling? At a basketball game? Lord no!

Flustered by the taunt, Williams spun around and scanned the seats for the culprit. The heckler easily identified himself, standing up, and pointing to the Presbyterian College logo on his white golf shirt.

That would help explain why he wanted a player from the team he wasn’t rooting for to miss a free throw. But for Williams, it didn’t matter. A guest in his arena had been disrespectful and he wasn’t going to stand for it.

He summoned John Dubis, a member of the Smith Center staff, and told him to have the fan kicked out of the building. Dubis in turn sent two law enforcement personnel up to the heckler and a third came down from the concourse.

The flustered heckler asked aloud why he was being thrown out. There wasn’t much of an explanation. Instead, he was led dragged out of the row he was sitting in and promptly shown the exit.

Multiple Carolina fans sitting in the vicinity of the heckler said that all they had heard the Blue Hose fan yell was “Hey Deon, don’t miss it!” There was no profanity in the taunt that bothered Williams and nothing thrown either. Just an opposing fan sitting in seats designated for Carolina backers shouting out with glee.



Video of the incident:


I just lost a TON of respect for Roy Williams...

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See if Roy brings it up during Roy Williams Live tomorrow (his coach's radio show). Roy's one of my favorite coaches, this story disappoints me

Williams couldn't squelch questions about the incident fast enough in the post-game press conference, threatening to end the conference if anyone asked more about it, so I highly doubt he'll raise it on his own during his show.

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No one knows what else this guy said during the course of the game. What he said during the FT attempt could have been the last straw. He also could have said more than that but Williams isn't going to relay that message.

As for the lawsuit -- are you serious? What in the world could he possibly bring a lawsuit about?

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No one knows what else this guy said during the course of the game. What he said during the FT attempt could have been the last straw. He also could have said more than that but Williams isn't going to relay that message.

As for the lawsuit -- are you serious? What in the world could he possibly bring a lawsuit about?

Even North Carolina fans sitting near this guy said they heard NOTHING else from this guy's mouth.

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No one knows what else this guy said during the course of the game. What he said during the FT attempt could have been the last straw. He also could have said more than that but Williams isn't going to relay that message.

Actually, the story does say that no one else heard anything.

"Multiple Carolina fans sitting in the vicinity of the heckler said that all they had heard the Blue Hose fan yell was “Hey Deon, don’t miss it!” There was no profanity in the taunt that bothered Williams and nothing thrown either. Just an opposing fan sitting in seats designated for Carolina backers shouting out with glee."

And if the fans were upset, they would have said something. Carolina fans are whine and cheese all the way. In 2004, I was at the ACC Basketball Tournament, and I was sitting in the Carolina section. I was with a friend of mine to watch the late games, since Carolina played in the early game. Some old guy in front of me spent the whole game trying to tell me to stop clapping because I clapped too loud. The next day, I was given the same seats, and the same guy was there. Again, he told me to stop clapping because it was too loud for him.

So this incident at the dean dome only suprises me bcecause it came from Roy Williams, and not from the crowd.

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No one knows what else this guy said during the course of the game. What he said during the FT attempt could have been the last straw. He also could have said more than that but Williams isn't going to relay that message.

As for the lawsuit -- are you serious? What in the world could he possibly bring a lawsuit about?

I agree with this. Who knows what else was said throughout the game. I doubt Roy would just kick him out for saying don't miss

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I agree with this. Who knows what else was said throughout the game. I doubt Roy would just kick him out for saying don't miss

Who cares what else was said throughout the game? Apparently, it wasn't anything worth being thrown out for or it would have happened earlier.

This was a douchebag move.

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Williams and UNC tried to downplay it. The school said that security officers indicated the fan appeared intoxicated, wasn’t in his ticketed seat and had been asked to move earlier.

"Let's don't make it a bigger thing than it is," Williams said. "I just don't think anybody should yell negative things toward our players that come in on our tickets to watch our game."

That leads me to believe that the area behind the UNC is allocated from big boosters or players’ friends and family. Not opposing fans.

And it made his players chuckle.

Carolina players laughed about their coach’s blow up.

“That’s some head honcho stuff right there,” said point guard Larry Drew II.

Added Thompson: “That’s a lot of pull around here, huh? To get somebody kicked out of a game. That’s pretty impressive.”

Asked whether he was surprised by Williams’ reaction, Thompson shook his head.

“Nah, that’s typical coach.”




More comedy



12:42 PM

If Roy Williams was coaching the Redskins the total weekly attendance would consist of Daniel Snyder and his team of manicurists.

One thing that Roy said I have issue with is the whole "He was heckling our players, in our house"...well, opposing fans are going to get in and heckle players. The own fans even heckle their own players, NY made a habit of it to Jeter and Rodriguez. Heckling is part of the game

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What a douche. But yeah, what do you expect from anyone represented with that school. Roy also didn't think John Wall was good enough to play for him this year, despite the fact that they have no point guard. How's that working out for ya, Roy! lol

Not the whole story. :cool:

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