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Please pray for my mom


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I am usually not a person of faith, but at a time like this, I wish there was someone up there who has the power to do something.

My mom has been sick with fever/coughing/nausea the last couple weeks. We took her to the ER on Monday and they diagnosed her with pneumonia. She was given some antibiotics, coughing and wheezing medicines. By the end of the week, she wasn't feeling any better (even worse). We took her back to the ER. They did more tests and are suspicious of the lymph nodes on her neck. We have been aware of the lymph nodes on the neck. It was scanned and tested and the doctors said it was benign a couple months ago.

Now, the lymph nodes have gotten bigger (inflammation) and the number has increased. They are going to do a biopsy. But at this point, I am scared to death for the results...I beg everyone to add my mom into your prayers. Thank you.

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As one with a mom who has terminal cancer, I understand the fear and helplessness you are going through right now. I wish I had the words to make it feel better, but the waiting to learn whats going on will be there regardless.

Please stay strong for her and your family. My prayers are going to be ongoing for you and yours.

Keep the faith and God bless.

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