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Fox news at it Again


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Wouldn't be so ironic if a "liberal" producer or whomever is in charge of putting together the on air video is responsible for these f-ups.

FYI to all the MSNBC sycophants who claim they never do anything wrong...........

Fox News rival MSNBC caught heat last week for using altered images of Sarah Palin on the air, for which they later apologized.

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Wouldn't be so ironic if a "liberal" producer or whomever is in charge of putting together the on air video is responsible for these f-ups.

No that would just mean he puts his ambition before his politics. After all misleading people is what FOX does, far be it from a liberal staffer to get in the way of things.

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It also mentions that msnbc used doctored photos of Gov. Palin the other day. Bah. Who cares?

Much ado about nothing. Ignoring the bigger issues for little stuff like this? Majoring in minors and minoring in majors?

I remember a few years ago when a local news station mentioned the cost of a new aircraft carrier as $32 billion instead of $3.2 billion. Big deal - it's not like it actually happened.

News bloopers are the funniest though - some are priceless and most journalists are humble enough to laugh along.

However, if your blood pressure rises over insignificant situations like this stuff, then pardon me while I laugh and take it with a grain of Montreal Steak Seasoning. :D

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Maybe they should just do better the first time and then they wouldn't have to continually admit how they screwed up. Nahh, only apologize when you get caught.

they all screw up. I just posted the other day that Rachel Maddow of MSNBC admitted 3 times just last week about her mistakes in reports. And it wasn't "oops I used the wrong photo" type mistake either.

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FYI to all the MSNBC sycophants who claim they never do anything wrong...........

Fox News rival MSNBC caught heat last week for using altered images of Sarah Palin on the air, for which they later apologized.

Show me one post where people defend MSNBC. There may be one but I've never seen it. Fox on the other hand...well the word rabid comes to mind.

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It is rather sad when Fox screws up so often that it becomes blasé to point out these errors. And to answer the article's question, yes, they are trying to mislead their audience.

As far as MSNBC is concerned, they screwed up when they showed those pictures which have circulated around the Internet. Rightly so, MSNBC should be criticized for running them and needed to issue an apology.

BTW, I also saw conservative sites also posting those fake pictures to show Palin's "sexiness," especially while holding a firearm in a bathing suite.

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The Tailgate has a stiffy for all things Fox. It's actually kinda funny.

I think it's funny that some people just can't bring themselves to consider the possibility that FOX really does make a business of misleading and lying to people to promote an agenda far more than their competitors. People act like this is some impossible reality. Why? There is a mountain of evidence showing the FOX is not all that different than World Net Daily or the rest of the "alternative media".

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Maybe they should just do better the first time and then they wouldn't have to continually admit how they screwed up. Nahh, only apologize when you get caught.

To err is human. I don't mind if they man up to their gaffes. Running a news program 24 hours a day is darn hard. There's bound to be glitches at some point in the year. It's the intentional lies that bug me. Not a mistake that they apologize for.

(Full disclosure, haven't clicked the link)

Edit: Okay, I clicked the link and I have to ammend my thought. I don't see what advantage FOX gets by this kind of deceitful production work. Don't they know there are professionally grumpy people scouring every second for these kinds of things? It's a dumb mistake and it isn't a mistake because it's not reasonable to get those tapes mixed up. In my experience they are all time stamped.

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The Tailgate has a stiffy for all things Fox. It's actually kinda funny.

more like creepy because...

a.) the only way to know that FOX supposedly lie is to actually watch the station which makes no sense to do so if you hate it...


b.) believe anyone who TELLS you that FOX lies but never actually watch it for yourself to find out...

Really weird. In order to hate something, one has to witness it. The idea that people are watching FOXnews over and over again and hating it is disturbing. Just walk away ONE TIME if you hate it... quit going back to get refueled of hatred... But then the idea that people are NOT watching FOXnews and just believing other people's opinion who tell them negative stuff about it is even more disturbing. At some point one has to make his or her own opinion.

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more like creepy because...

a.) the only way to know that FOX supposedly lie is to actually watch the station which makes no sense to do so if you hate it...

Really weird. In order to hate something, one has to witness it.

Oh, I don't know. I can work up a good hate against genocidal dictators.

I can work up a good hate of white supremicist groups without having sat in their meetings or being lynched by them.

I can hate many a rapist without witnessing them raping anyone.

I can even work up a strong loathing of historical figures who I've never met and whom the accounts I read from are third hand at best since the scholars couldn't possibly have witnessed anything either. For example, I'm not fond of those dudes who passed out cholera blankets or slave ship captains. Didn't witness any of it.

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I think that's what potentially bugs me the most. They potentially have a critical role to play. As the voice of the minority and the defender of those out of power. The problem is that if they cry wolf as often as they do they can not fulfill that role. It is useful to have oppositional voices and opinions. It is more important that they be trustworthy.

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To err is human. I don't mind if they man up to their gaffes. Running a news program 24 hours a day is darn hard. There's bound to be glitches at some point in the year. It's the intentional lies that bug me. Not a mistake that they apologize for.

(Full disclosure, haven't clicked the link)

Edit: Okay, I clicked the link and I have to ammend my thought. I don't see what advantage FOX gets by this kind of deceitful production work. Don't they know there are professionally grumpy people scouring every second for these kinds of things? It's a dumb mistake and it isn't a mistake because it's not reasonable to get those tapes mixed up. In my experience they are all time stamped.

B you're in the TV production business right? I assume that when raw footage is capture then it's place on a computer hard drive and the retrieve when needed. How does one find what footage is needed off a server with thousands of hours of raw footage? Word search? How accurate are those searches?

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