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Orakpo needs to play DE!!!

Big "Pimpin" Chief

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:secret: Did you even read the post that AC already has 6.5 sacks? All he needs is one more sack and an assist, or just three assists, and you lose.


21forlyfe, I'll put $1,000 on it too. Andre Carter will finish the season with at least 8 sacks. I would totally feel bad for doing this, but I know full well that there isn't actually a real bet. This is just internet bs talk on the part of 21.

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In my personal opinion, the only time a player should play a position different from the one they are billed at or the one they are comfortable at is if 1) they are at the end of their career, and they move to a more low key position to prolong their career, the way some players move from cornerback to safety, or from RB to FB, and sometimes LB to DE and so on

In sharp contrast with that opinion is Jairus Byrd. Who moved from Cornerback in college to Safety in the NFL. The safety has tied an NFL record for consecutive games with multiple interceptions and is tied with Darren Sharper for a lead leading 7 interceptions.

I agree that Orakpo should keep his hands in the dirt, but Byrd proves that it can go either way when you make a switch.

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A switch in position is fine when you are switching them to a position that better suits their strengths. Everyone who's ever watched this guy knows his strength is getting to the QB.

Yet, more often than not, when the opposing QB is dropping back to pass, the guy who's most likely our best pass rusher, is out in coverage.

I've heard our coaches speak time and time again about hurrying throws to force turnovers. To me, the foolishness to not get Rak after the QB as often as possible, is proof that it's coaching that is the cause for our defense being worst in the league at causing turnovers.

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:secret: Did you even read the post that AC already has 6.5 sacks? All he needs is one more sack and an assist, or just three assists, and you lose.

LOl..talk is cheap,,bump the thread up at the end if the year


21forlyfe, I'll put $1,000 on it too. Andre Carter will finish the season with at least 8 sacks. I would totally feel bad for doing this, but I know full well that there isn't actually a real bet. This is just internet bs talk on the part of 21.

Yeah ok.. we are not going to play KC,DET,STL,NC,anymore this season..Andre Carter is not a GOOD DE,he is a average DE at best..:laugh:

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Yeah ok.. we are not going to play KC,DET,STL,NC,anymore this season..Andre Carter is not a GOOD DE,he is a average DE at best..:laugh:

Still, he plays DE fulltime. All he needs is 1.5 more sacks in 8 more games. I don't know how you can even think he won't get that, let alone be willing to put money on it.

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Its the whole have your best players on the field mantra....would you rather Orapko play OLB and rush the passer and possibly turn into the next Adalius Thomas or be on the bench because they covet Daniels more cause he's a run stuffer? Jarmon is a DT and undersized at that...he doesn't have the speed rush that Brian has...but hell yeah i would have loved to do what Philly did and trade for Wil Witherspoon for OLB and let Brian tee off every down at DE....but two undersized DE's(along with Carter) would kill your rush defense as they could go to either side....its a Catch 22.

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Still, he plays DE fulltime. All he needs is 1.5 more sacks in 8 more games. I don't know how you can even think he won't get that, let alone be willing to put money on it.

Easy,he gets no pass rush to save his life:laugh::laugh:

Unless you have a JC like QB in the pocket ,Cassell,Delhomme,ect holding the ball all day ,While Big Al takes up the other three blockers

i AM A REDKINS fan ,I hope that I am wrong,i just doubt that i will be

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Easy,he gets no pass rush to save his life:laugh::laugh:

Unless you have a JC like QB in the pocket ,Cassell,Delhomme,ect holding the ball all day ,While Big Al takes up the other three blockers

i AM A REDKINS fan ,I hope that I am wrong,i just doubt that i will be

Uh OK. You may be a fan but you're pretty dense and most likely haven't been paying attention much. Carter has had one on one coverage most of the year and been effective at getting in the pocket if not sacking the QB at least once a game.

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Easy,he gets no pass rush to save his life:laugh::laugh:

Unless you have a JC like QB in the pocket ,Cassell,Delhomme,ect holding the ball all day ,While Big Al takes up the other three blockers

i AM A REDKINS fan ,I hope that I am wrong,i just doubt that i will be

well youre wrong...on multiple occasions today but as far as this goes carter got his 1.5 already so go ahead and pay up your money now to the ESr's you bet.

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:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:Chris Simms hasnt played in a year=pass rush LMFAO

Orkapo Sack was divded to him DOuble Digits LMFAO:laugh::laugh:

You really are dumber than advertised, aren't you? :doh:

First you claim he won't get a sack because of Denver's O-line. When he gets 1.5 sacks, you credit it to Simms.


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You really are dumber than advertised, aren't you? :doh:

First you claim he won't get a sack because of Denver's O-line. When he gets 1.5 sacks, you credit it to Simms.


LMFAo ...Never said Dnever Oline? Said QB play ,I said he only SACKS JASON CAMPBELL LIKE QB"S=SIMMS,JAKE,CASSELL..:laugh::laugh::laugh:


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Orakpo is on pace for 10+ sacks as an OLB in a 4-3. Imagine how many he'd have if he were playing DE full time. He is going to wreck havoc in this league for years.

Now that I see how successful he's been this season, I think I see why the coaches are playing him at LB instead of DE. There have been a lot of big runs that go right through Orakpo. I just don't think his run-stopping abilities are there yet. He has the athleticism to eventually play well in coverage, and playing him at SLB allows him to still rush the passer frequently. I think people look at the sack #s and forget that DEs have to be versatile. The good news is that Andre Carter has basically evolved from what Orakpo used to be. It will take time, though.

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DId someone just say AC is on pace for a 12.5 sack season...This boards is insane ..LMFAO AC will only finsh the season with 7.5 sacks like i said in the Start of the season..The guy has only had two 10 sack season ..why the hell would he get 12 this season...Thats it ..why waste my time on here anymore the fans have gone MAd....LB rushing for 1500,AC with 12.5 sacks?

I like your name man. But other than that you're completely wrong. This year is independent of any other year of his career, and this year AC is tearing it up.

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21forlyfe, will you at least admit that thinking Carter will not get 1 sack in 8 games was a little on the dumb side?

Also, I'm with Oldskool. I'd rather have Orakpo spending half his time at LB and half his time at DE, than spending half his time at DE and half his time on the bench. They're both RDE's and neither of them should be playing LDE unless it's 3rd and long.

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