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Who's Pulling Obama's Strings?


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If it was last night's, yep I saw that too and its simply perfect.

Fox News says: Kids sang song about Obama

Fox Opinion says: Obama is indoctrinating kids

Fox News says: Obama is accused of indoctrinating kids

And people still defend Fox as actual news, oh and I loved where the one guy was hammering Obama for being a Stalinist for taking on Fox when under Bush the SAME GUY was complaining that it took too long for Bush to take on MSNBC and the media.

How anyone can watch Fox News with a straight face is beyond me.

I liked the bit where the VP of Fox said that Greta, Orielly, Beck and all the other controversial people weren't news shows. Edit-ainment. Not News.

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I liked the bit where the VP of Fox said that Greta, Orielly, Beck and all the other controversial people weren't news shows. Edit-ainment. Not News.

:hysterical::hysterical: The graphic where they show all the people who Fox claim are "not news" was amazing. It was basically everyone. :hysterical:

Then they show how Fox uses those images of the people they say are not "news" to promote Fox NEWS as Fair and Balanced in all of their promos.

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The Daily Show did probably their best look at Fox News ever the other night. Did you see that?

No. I don't actually watch it. I check out a clip if someone says that it was particularly funny, but otherwise I get my news and views by reading.

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.......Obama isn't a liberal. He's a centrist and a pragmatist.......

Lets see if Abortion stays in the HC bill.....just like Pelosi wants

Regarding the health care bill unveiled today by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), a spokesman for the nation's largest pro-life organization said, "A vote for this bill is a vote to establish a federal government program that will directly fund abortion on demand, with federal funds."...


BUT Obama said this months ago.......

WASHINGTON, D.C., August 20, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - In a conference call with faith leaders yesterday, President Obama said it was a "fabrication" and "untrue" that his health care legislation involved "government funding of abortions." In a call during which the president used multiple Biblical references to criticize opponents of his healthcare plan, the president said, "You've heard that this is all going to mean government funding of abortion. Not true. These are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation - and that is that we look out for one another, that I am my brother's keeper and I am my sister's keeper."


So the ball is in your court Obama.....Or is it?


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Now I don't think it's fair to say it was a handful, I mean most Univeristies, papers, cable networks sans Fox, a major motion picture (Fahrenheit), etc... I mean that movie was pretty damning, ya know. And I know everyone in hear understands the serious slant and hateful slander it had.

Now for a moment, imagine a movie like that about Obama being so popular? What would be said then?

Here's the thing. Bush was Daniel Snyder. For years, 'skins fans said Snyder was a great owner and there was an incredible media bias against the 'skins painting him as the great Satan. They defended nearly every move Snyder did and took every criticism of the Redskins as an unwarranted attack based solely on hate. Fast forward to 2009, it turns out that a lot of that criticism was warranted and even accurate. The media probably did have a dislike of Snyder, but that didn't stop the articles from being true. The Snyder strategy and the Snyder style did fail...

It took years almost eight years (coincidentally) for many people to come to the realization that Snyder was failing the Redskins. Now, if you go into the Stadium you don't read any threads about media bias b/c there is a recognition that the criticism was in many, many (not all) cases warranted. Bush deserved most of the criticism he received. I have no doubt that some of it was mean spirited and even over the top, but if we look at where we are today and how we got there... the criticism was valid and Bush earned it.

Today, even most mainstream Republicans acknowledge the criticism of Bush. It's why he's been disowned after a conservative after being the conservative standard barer for six years.

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I don't think you know what a liberal is. Obama isn't a liberal. He's a centrist and a pragmatist........

I'm pretty sure 90% of Democrats would even say he is a liberal. A centrist? Amazing (Just curious are you a member of DU? That is about the only place I've seen where posters think he is not a liberal.).

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And yet here you are to declare that everyone who doesn't agree with the article is an "Obamabot".

Ironic isn't it?

I must have missed when I wrote that amigo. Maybe it's because I never did. I'm pointing to people who write off, or constantly write off, everything that Fox produces and disregard all their stories out of hand. I may not like everything I see on some news channels but I also don't use sweeping generalizations to describe them.

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Today, even most mainstream Republicans acknowledge the criticism of Bush. It's why he's been disowned after a conservative after being the conservative standard barer for six years.

Most mainstream Republicans are lost right now. Take Bush during the campaign against Gore. That was a conservative and who the Republicans are missing right now. The problem is the party didn't stick to it's principles once they gained power. They're currently lost. Bush was not the imbecile he is widely noted of being. I guess that is my point. I'm not trying to defend Fox news, just saying that it's a little bit of karma. I will agree that their accusations are totally insane the way they manufacture fault at every turn. Unlike libertarians who get accused of wanting the economy to fail because they don't believe in the current economic progress, Fox news has no beliefs right now and are simply desperately trying to hold on to relevancy. It's just a real shame the way they are doing it. It really is the dumbing down of it's audience.

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Obama is all but called a traitor, commie, liar and ghetto thug every single day on every single issue that comes up. He is accused of disrespecting the flag, he's a Kenyan, a muslim, a homosexual, a racist. He's doubled the troops in Afganistan but he clearly wants us to fail there. He wants to abandon Israel to terrorists. He wants completely open borders. He's about to install the fairness doctrine and ban all his critics from speaking. He was arrogant trying to get the Olympics for the US. He is imposing Czars on us. He wants to murder old people with this health plan, for god's sake.

This is not healthy criticism. This is not what Bush faced.



Since you are including claims from idiot bloggers and their attacks on Obama...

Bush has been compared to Hitler. Called a Fascist by Keith Olbermann. Accused of masterminding 9/11. He was accused of starting a war for oil and profit. He was called a racist. He let black people die in Louisiana because he didn't care about them. He was a genocidal murderer. Evidence was manufactured to discredit him and a "respected" reporter refused to admit his story had no legs. People claimed he rigged both elections.

Oh and here's a good one that has nothing to do with Bush but demonstrates the level some democrats will go to to attack anyone who does not support Obama...

Garofalo: Tea Party Goers Are Racists Who Hate Black President


This was on a national news show.

"You know, there's nothing more interesting than seeing a bunch of racists become confused and angry at a speech they're not quite certain what he's saying. It sounds right and then it doesn't make sense. Which, let's be very honest about what this is about. It's not about bashing Democrats, it's not about taxes, they have no idea what the Boston tea party was about, they don't know their history at all. This is about hating a black man in the White House. This is racism straight up."

I sure am glad that democrats would never stoop to the level of those terrible republicans. :rolleyes:

Oh yeah... here's a classic. Olberman on Bush and his claim that Iran wants to develop a nuclear weapon....

Keith Olbermann - Bush: Pathological liar or idiot-in-chief?


I wonder when we can expect such a rant on Obama?

U.S., Allies Say Iran Has Secret Nuclear Facility


President Obama's charge that Iran is constructing a secret nuclear fuel facility brought years of confrontation over the country's alleged nuclear weapons program to a new crisis point Friday, as he joined with the leaders of Britain and France to warn that international patience is waning fast.
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It is what it is.

A joint survey by two institutions revered by journalists, Harvard’s Joan Shorenstein Center and the Project for Excellence in Journalism, proved that newspaper and network TV coverage of the current presidential race has been overwhelmingly sympathetic to Democrats and hostile to Republicans. In newspapers, the ratio of positive to negative stories about Democrats was more than 5-to-1, while for Republicans negative stories outnumbered positive ones by 50%



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It is what it is.

A joint survey by two institutions revered by journalists, Harvard’s Joan Shorenstein Center and the Project for Excellence in Journalism, proved that newspaper and network TV coverage of the current presidential race has been overwhelmingly sympathetic to Democrats and hostile to Republicans. In newspapers, the ratio of positive to negative stories about Democrats was more than 5-to-1, while for Republicans negative stories outnumbered positive ones by 50%

I think this is most likely true, but while the "What" is important, the "Why" is equally important.

McCain ran a terrible campaign. He changed messages several times, replaced his campaign staff, was saddled with a Republican Administration that nearly everyone blamed for Iraq and the economic misery, then then after weeks of hammering away at experience, he inexplicably added Sara Palin to his ticket who was not only inexperienced, but a terrible bumbler and a blunder factor who openly disagreed and provided contention with him. They couldn't stay on message and she couldn't follow his lead.

McCain kept shooting himself in the foot. Remember, when he canceled the debate to charge back from Washington because he was the only one who could get something done? And when he got there, not only did he NOT get something done, it nearly completely fell apart. His response to his failure? He uncancelled the debate making his move look like political gamesmanship.

Obama, on the other hand, ran a nearly perfect campaign, stayed on message, and whether in the States or abroad had a message that was greeted with roars of approval.

Fair does not mean equal. McCain deserved to get more criticism and more negative coverage. He created it. He also was the victim of almost a perfect storm of events designed to damn a person of the incumbant party. Even McCain recognized this, stressing he was a "maverick" and not a true Republican. Thus, further alienating and demoralizing his own party.

Edit: Funny cartoon though.

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