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WP.com - dcsportsbog: Behavior Change: Skins Tees at MNF (MET) (See Post #186)


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"At half time, I went down to the concessions area to get a beer and a dog. Of course, the crowd was once again getting restless at the lack of productivity we were seeing on the field. Standing two rows away from me in line, were two middle aged men. One wore a T-shirt that read "Fire Snyder", the other's said "Fire Vinny". It wasn't long after standing there that the men were surrounded by close to a dozen people wearing yellow security jackets. The conversation between them and the two men escalated quickly as security asked the men to remove their shirts. Of course the men refused, and one stated that he had been a season ticket holder for 26 years. The conversation continued to get heated and before you knew it 6 or 7 armed security officers formed a circle around the layer of yellowed jacketed security officers. "Sir, you're about to lose those season tickets if you don't take off that shirt" is what he was told. I don't know what got into me but I had seen enough and had to speak up. This was beyond absurd! I cut across a crowd of people, entering the circle of security.... I said " these guys should be able to wear whatever they want! What the hell is going on? What the hell is this? Communist Russia??? ". I was quickly greeted with a stern warning to not interfere and a shove in the chest that sent me back a few feet. A few minutes later, the men were escorted out of the area and a security woman approached me with an explanation about their actions. "Look, I know what you're saying, and I can't say that I don't agree with you, but I'm a part-time teacher and this job is my Holiday money"...."upper management told us to come up here and ask these men to remove their shirts and I can't lose my job, so I'm doing it."

I decided then and there that I would NEVER again set foot in Fed Ex Stadium as long as Dan Snyder was the owner. The way I saw people being treated for voicing their opinions on this night embarrassed me as a Redskin fan, a Washingtonian, and as an American. These sort of totalitarian strong arm tactics are downright shameful and I needed to let others know about it. I hope you share this story with your audience."

A deeply embarrassed Redskins fan

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Seriously, this crap validates the whole "boycott" crap. I am a "true fan," not fair weather, and I know that if I bought season tickets and knew other season ticket holders that were treated like this I wouldn't renew. I wouldn't go to the games. Just not worth it for this ****.

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I would have thought that this might be a denial of the men's constitutional rights somewhere, that you were pushed like that was an assault on your person, you should go to the FBI and complain.

No way you should have to put up with that, and unless the seasons tickets state a dress code, the man who may have lost his season ticket could probably sue the redskins for breach of contract

this is way getting out of hand

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Do any of these people kicked out for not removing shirts have a lawsuit? I understand if you were kicked out for chanting something you wouldn't because the defense would just be you were being disruptive, bothering other fans etc.... BUT for simply wearing a shirt that does not have any foul language or obscene jestures???? You got to think they have a case eventhough they are technically on private property.

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I blame the Washington Post. First, they had no right to run this story. That alone shows their extreme bias against the team.

Aside from that, if it weren't for all their negative stories whipping the fans up into a frenzy about "loosing games", the "gameday experience", our "record" over the last decade and other such irrelevancies, our imperious leader His Grace Mr. Snyder wouldn't have been forced to resort to such tactics. Lousy, traitorous, hater, hometown media hacks. :mad:

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I wish we could organize a massive, orderly walk out. Like at a specific time of the game...maybe like 10 minutes left in the 3rd quarter everybody in the upper level stands up and files down the stairs while chanting Snyder sucks.

Oh what a dream come true that would be.

It can be done. The Orioles did something like this a few years ago. If we can get the word out, we could make it happen.

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The paper is making this up. None of this really happened... :silly:

I was chanting SELL THE TEAM but no one approached me. I even talked with a FedEx guard about how Redskins fans deserve better than this. He agreed with me.

Maybe a few guards were jerks, but I certainly didn't see it, and threads like this are painting a false picture of the atmosphere at FedEx.

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Wow...this is getting a little out of hand. I have a feeling the fall-out from everything that has happened this season is going to be huge.

I would not be surprised for the owner to make some sweeping and drastic changes.


Like set up holding pens lined with razor wire and guard towers.

The more I hear about what goes on at the Park and Fed Ex, the more Snyder begins to sound like Kim Jong Il.

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