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D. Hall tells it like it is


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amazing how the run opened up in the second half. No one fears JC and his throwing ability

If you really believe that you are a beast. Is that why once CP had the long run, the Defenses started playing the underneath stuff because he could stretch the field right? Just curious....

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Listen to the presser, it pretty much sounds like he was saying the playcalling.

Then why did he say it wasn't Zorn's fault last week? It's a sports interview which amounts to absolutely nothing 99.999999% of the time. He's defending a fellow player and that is great but it amounts to nothing in a meaningful conversation.

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The players also think that no blame rests on Zorn

I can see where they are coming from.

They know who signed the players that makes up the offense. They know that the turnstile that is the Redskins offensive line is not on Zorn but on Vinny.

If I was a player I don't think too much of my blame would be on Zorn either. I would look at Heyer and Williams and know that Vinny did nothing to help out the offense in the offseason.

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When Brunnell stunk up the joint I said pull him. I'm a JC guy, I can see that he has lost "it". Anybody watching the 1st half of that game could see it. If 4 of your 1st 6 drives are 3 and out, something has to give. The QB must move the chains and that's just not happening. He missed an open Santana, threw a ball 5 yds out of bounds to Thomas, constantly threw off target to Randal-El & Moss in the 1st Half. You could see the switch coming. Zorn has to save his job at this point (lot of good it will do).

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When Brunnell stunk up the joint I said pull him. I'm a JC guy, I can see that he has lost "it". Anybody watching the 1st half of that game could see it. If 4 of your 1st 6 drives are 3 and out, something has to give. The QB must move the chains and that's just not happening. He missed an open Santana, threw a ball 5 yds out of bounds to Thomas, constantly threw off target to Randal-El & Moss in the 1st Half. You could see the switch coming. Zorn has to save his job at this point (lot of good it will do).

I don't agree but you do make an excellent point.

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I think zorn had to try something but with our oline being made of withered styrofoam, I didn't expect much from collins or anyone at this point...

there's precedence in this league for dismantled offensive lines and the records of those teams usually make for high draft picks...

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Campbell isn't the answer, neither is Collins. At the very least with Campbell being a restricted FA you may still get a low round draft choice if he manages to show some semblance of being a pro QB. The same can't be said for Collins.

JC should be the starter for the rest of the season no matter what.

Heck, even if we do end up drafting a QB in the first round, Campbell may still be a better option to start for this team than any free agent QB that's going to be available.

No coach in their right mind will come in and start tie his future to a rookie. Not unless Snyder has 100% committed himself to a rebuilding effort.

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Doubt that. The defense knows who and what the problem is. Do you really think if JC was the problem, they would want really tolerate it? Really? D. Hall has been honest since he's been here.

afterall...the defense schemes the offense all the time in practice and works overtime to sack him!

what a joke.

JC is history at the end of the season - get over it.

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In the overall sense, I think we should accept the perceived and widely accepted cluelessless and dependable cluster**** in the team on the field and of the FO/coaches as simply a consistent part of the Redskins Identity that equally applies much of the fan-base. :D

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benching JC at the time was the same thing as firing Norv. Premature. In both cases we still were in a position to come back and win the game/make the playoffs. instead the move guaranteed that we would lose/not make the playoffs; and is the same thing as giving up.

No it is not. It is worse to keep trying the same thing and expect a different outcome. We are not and were never going to the playoffs. Even if somehow we do, I don't think we even deserve it. The team has become a joke top to bottom. Not scoring on the chiefs (even a fg) in a half is not the characteristic of a playoff team.

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