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NFL Network: 'Skins buying time to let Samuels decide on retirement


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Frank Wyche of NFL Network said that at the league meetings earlier this week, he heard that the Redskins are indeed super concerned about Chris Samuels injury, and that the first opinion found spine damage (****). The doctor he is seeing int he next few weeks will be one of many as he needs to get second opinions and in the process, allow Chris to decide himself if he will hang it up for good.


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Regardless of what the second opinion said if I were Chris I'm out. Who is to say a opinion that disagrees with the first is the correct opinion? Not worth the risk. Risking your long term health to play on a losing team? WHY?! There is no superbowl in the cards for this team this your or anytime soon.

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This is crazy how nobody was even considering Samuels being near the end of his rope for at least 3 or 4 years before last week. Then BAM, he may be done now. So crazy.

Because he really wasn't. He was still playing at a very high level. This is the definition of a freak injury.

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i personally think this is great news all around, call me crazy.

chris has done 110% for this organization with his play and there is not a single reason for him to risk his entire future on this losing team right now. he needs to retire as healthy as he possibly can.

losing samuels is going to force this team to address the offensive line, because theres no way in hell we can continue on without an LT, especially one of his caliber.

so we get a samuels going out as healthy as he can and not risking his life, and we force the front office to upgrade the oline. win win if you ask me.

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i personally think this is great news all around, call me crazy.

chris has done 110% for this organization with his play and there is not a single reason for him to risk his entire future on this losing team right now. he needs to retire as healthy as he possibly can.

losing samuels is going to force this team to address the offensive line, because theres no way in hell we can continue on without an LT, especially one of his caliber.

so we get a samuels going out as healthy as he can and not risking his life, and we force the front office to upgrade the oline. win win if you ask me.

Now we have 2 major holes, and not enough resources to fill them, though. I was hoping with all the franchise caliber QB's coming out next year, we would finally be able to get our hands on one. Now we would be idiots to not address the line before even thinking of putting a kid QB behind them.

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i personally think this is great news all around, call me crazy.

chris has done 110% for this organization with his play and there is not a single reason for him to risk his entire future on this losing team right now. he needs to retire as healthy as he possibly can.

losing samuels is going to force this team to address the offensive line, because theres no way in hell we can continue on without an LT, especially one of his caliber.

so we get a samuels going out as healthy as he can and not risking his life, and we force the front office to upgrade the oline. win win if you ask me.

I hope so, but offensive lineman are not sexy in Snyderrato's eyes, they don't sell merchandise.

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If its the end, just want to tip my hat to one of the best LT's we ever had ... true HOF material, even though he played for a losing team most of his career. he has carried this team for decade with class and integrity! hail to samuels, best wishes on a positive outcome for you!

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Take the rest of the season off and get re-evaluated over the off season.

If nothing has changed, call it a day and retire.

He has done enough for this team over the years.

I think this is the right choice

The competitor in him will make him at least consider coming back in February

And who knows, he may be able to.

If his time is up though, he will leave one of the all time greats for this team, both on and off the field.

Never complained, never did anything wrong off the field, just showed and played at a high level.

Its a shame we wasted his talent with the poor teams we put out there this decade

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We can still draft a QB in the first round next year. This doesn't change that. Good O-lineman are found in every round. We can also get them through free agency.

One thing you RARELY get in free agency is a franchise QB. Gotta draft them (exception: Drew Brees). So let's take care of that part first.

Nonetheless, good luck Chris. He has to do what's best for him and his family. Paralysis isn't worth it if the doctors say that it's likely.

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We can still draft a QB in the first round next year. This doesn't change that. Good O-lineman are found in every round. We can also get them through free agency.

One thing you RARELY get in free agency is a franchise QB. Gotta draft them (exception: Drew Brees). So let's take care of that part first.

Nonetheless, good luck Chris. He has to do what's best for him and his family. Paralysis isn't worth it if the doctors say that it's likely.

Who was our QB when Brees was a FA?? Good grief, surprised Dan didn't jump right on that one. I'll bet it was Brunell.

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Agree with others...IR him immediately and give him until mini-camp to decide if he wants to come back. I personally hope he decides to retire unless a doctor can show him with absolute certainty that he's 100% healthy.

I agree with the assessment that him deciding to retire is a win-win. We need to rebuild, and nothing would make that more imminent than losing our rock in the OL.

Best wishes to Chris. He can now retire from the NFL a healthy, rich, young, and successful man.

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We can still draft a QB in the first round next year. This doesn't change that. Good O-lineman are found in every round. We can also get them through free agency.

One thing you RARELY get in free agency is a franchise QB. Gotta draft them (exception: Drew Brees). So let's take care of that part first.

Nonetheless, good luck Chris. He has to do what's best for him and his family. Paralysis isn't worth it if the doctors say that it's likely.

The likelihood of getting a franchise LT outside of the mid to high 1st round is very very slim. Next draft needs to be OL, OL, OL.

Anyway, hopefully Chris makes the right decision. No reason to risk his life if it is determined to be bad enough.

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Agree with others...IR him immediately and give him until mini-camp to decide if he wants to come back. .

On this one point, I'll slightly disagree. God knows he's been a warrior for us. And I think he should get some of the Brett Favre treatment (ie as much time as he needs to decide). However, it would be good to know before next years draft if we're going to be without his services.

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