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Chiefs at Redskins Predictions


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The line cant block that long and Blache blitzes all the time.

People don't seem to grasp why we don't have a vertical passing game.

The line can't block long enough (right now). There were times when they tried, but sometimes it just wasn't executed correctly on multiple fronts by different people. This line, though.. it's just doubtful we're going to have any protection.

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you all have no idea how bad our offensive line will be this weekend...

no idea...

chemistry is more important on the OL than any other position on the field. And none of the players have any chemistry with each other on the OL this weekend except Rabach and Dockery. Heyer is switching sides... he hasn't played LT in years... and will be up against the best pass rusher.. that's after getting blown up last week for the 5 yard loss for a safety. Mike Williams is moving and Montgomery hasn't played with anyone.

so bad..... we will look like a high school team on offense... prepare yourselves... if you thought we looked bad so far.... you have NO IDEA....


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The offensive line is going to play much better this week.

Last week 2 guys were playing out of position Batiste and Williams.

Now Heyer moves to LT a position he's played well in the past.

Williams goes from RG to his natural position as RT

Montgomery goes to the RG spot where he was backup 2A with Rhinehart who was playing well prior to his shoulder injury.

Now where will this improved OL play lead?

I think Zorn will stick to the running game until the bitter end.

Hopefully we'll be able to find some running lanes.

If we don't find running lanes Zorn will just keep calling run plays anyway.

Then mix in some play action.

I expect alot of I-form.

If we're losing Zorn will turn to the passing game in the second half and we'll move the ball.

Hopefully JC throws a TD bedore we get inside the 10 so Zorn can't screw it up.

It would be nice if Zorn would some faith in the OL against a team with a weak pass rush.

Call some pass plays early that build JC's confidence in the OL and the OL confidence in themselves.

Come out passing.

I want to see JC in shotgun early and passing on 1st down.

I want to see 3-4-5 receivers sets with some quick passing.

Pass to set up the run.

Skins 20 KC 16

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