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Honeycrisp Apple = Best Apple in the World!


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Just ate a Jazz because Honeycrisps are not in season. I have to say that the Jazz will hold me over until the honeycrisps come back to town. They both taste almost identical, but what make the honeycrisp better if they taste pretty much like a Jazz? The Crisp is what sets the Honeycrisp above the Jazz. The honeycrisp has that pop, which is why they are marketed as "explosively crisp", the Jazz is more crunch than crisp and is alot firmer. The honeycrisp is also the juciest apple I have ever eaten as well. I have never eaten one without having the dribble of jucie rolling off of my chin that makes me feel like a kid again. The Jazz had far less juice, which was nice because, lets face it, you don't want to have apple juice dribbling off your chin at work. In conclusion, I have found an adequate replacement for the honeycrisp while they are unavailable, but with each gnaw on a Jazz I will be longing for the return of my beloved honeycrisp.

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i picked up a bag of honey crisp apples- foregoing my usual 'red delicious' bag- at the local harris teeter tonight, solely upon the advice of ES. I had just gone through a bag of macintosh apples that were so banged up, soft, and bruised, they made me want to quit eating apples altogether.

i had to eat one on the way home. i must say, the honey crisp apple may, in fact, be, the king of apples. soooooo.......crisp.

damn, thats a good apple.

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Please, please, PLEASE!! Don't fall for this, it's all marketing hype. Honeycrisp apples are not sweeter, crispier and downright more "apply" tasting as the posters in this thread say, all of whom are probably paid shills for the Honeycrisp (HC) conspiracy. Don't fall for it folks. Have yourself a nice, mealy, bland red delicious apple and don't let the HC conspiracy win!!

For the record, I have no hidden agenda on this.

....other than assuring that I have as little competition as possible for the best apple EVER!!!

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