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McDonalds Has No Shame


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The only thing that irritates me about Ronald's company is their racist ass radio ads.

Have you heard those things during Redskins games? it's ridiculous.

I've heard literally the same commercial in the Raleigh area and Greensboro area... Except in the Raleigh area you can tell it's spoken by a mexican person and in Greensboro it's a southern accent...

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I respect their decision to close on Sundays, but for selfish reasons, I hate it when I get a craving for a Chick-Fil-A biscuit on Sunday morning, and then suddenly remember that they're closed, as I start cussing them out, and then feel like such a hypocrite, on my way to church :paranoid:

then you could appreciate this song...

Don't get wrong I love a good burger or chicken sandwich, and I loved Chick Fil-a when I was in college, but I have to abstain because the hassle of having to wash my hands after eating to keep my son safe is just too much. I'm not a huge McD fan, I prefer wendy's when I can get it, but we only have one fast food restaurant in town, if not that it would be nothing.

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then you could appreciate this song...

Wow - that was not only hilarious - but an awesome musical rendition, as well...Almost every parody loses much of the original lyrical rhythm, due to the change of lyrics affecting the phrasing.

But this version was almost identical sounding to the original, in terms of lyrical rhythm, as well as melody. A musical and creative genius. Sounded just like the original, with the only exceptions being the non-Beatles voice and the lyrics.

By far, the best parody I ever heard

Don't get wrong I love a good burger or chicken sandwich, and I loved Chick Fil-a when I was in college, but I have to abstain because the hassle of having to wash my hands after eating to keep my son safe is just too much.

I don't follow what you're saying with the hand-washing thing ?

What's it related to ?

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It's one thing to try to steal Chick-fil-A's sandwich, but now they're trying to steal "my pleasure" ?

Recently on 4 separate occasions (different people) they've said "my pleasure" instead of you're welcome or the equivalent. It has to be a company mandate, taken directly from Chick-fil-A's book. That's pretty lame. Anyone else notice?

I think its stupid to force your employees to say that. I go to CFA all the time and they always say that back to me. And you can just tell that it isn't sincere, half the time. Spare me. All I ask is that my order is correct, and I get my food in a reasonable amount of time.

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Wow - that was not only hilarious - but an awesome musical rendition, as well...Almost every parody loses much of the original lyrical rhythm, due to the change of lyrics affecting the phrasing.

But this version was almost identical sounding to the original, in terms of lyrical rhythm, as well as melody. A musical and creative genius. Sounded just like the original, with the only exceptions being the non-Beatles voice and the lyrics.

By far, the best parody I ever heard

I don't follow what you're saying with the hand-washing thing ?

What's it related to ?

My son is alergic to peanuts, and contrary to common myth, it doesn't just have to be consumed for him to have a reaction, the oils can irritate or cause inflammation in the skin, so whenever I do consume a peanut product I have to make sure I washy my hands and face thoroughly cause I don't want to accidentally pass it on.

A few years ago at a Christmas dinner at our church he had a breakout, not from eating anything, he touched a plate that had some cookies that had peanuts in them, not the cookies, the plate... We guess the oil was covering the thing, so we try to be careful.

Its hard on me, I gave up my favorite Pie for Thanksgiving last year (Peanut butter pie which my wife has a recipe she inherited from her Godmother that is just plain awesome) because it just was not worth the hassle and worry. I love peanuts, I always have, and so many of my favorite candy bars, Mr. Goodbar, Snickers, Babyruth, even M&Ms he can't have because they either have peanuts in them, or they are processed on the same equipment as other items that contain nuts.

So given that Chick Fila uses peanut oil in their vats, I can't take my son there if I wanted too.

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I think its stupid to force your employees to say that. I go to CFA all the time and they always say that back to me. And you can just tell that it isn't sincere, half the time. Spare me. All I ask is that my order is correct, and I get my food in a reasonable amount of time.

Okay, but nothing the drive-through people say is sincere. When they ask, "Can I help you?" they don't really want to help you. They want to get paid and not get into trouble. And when they say "thank you" they aren't really thanking you. They're just following the same script. Not sure why "my pleasure" is any different from those two.

McDonald's is definitely stealing that "my pleasure" bit from Chick-Fil-A. That's better than "yep" or silence, which seemed to be the norm before McDonald's started trying to copy Chick-Fil-A's every advantage. The inferior McD sweet tea, the inferior "southern style" chicken sandwich... They can't touch CFA. CFA is king.

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McDonald's needs to just stick to hamburgers, and stop trying to branch out, get fancy, and copy other restaurants. Now their latest copied item is from Starbucks - McCafe :doh:

If I want a Latte

I sure aint goin to McCafe

And if I want a sandwich with a Chickey

I aint goin to see Mickey

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I dont care if they say "Rabba Labba Ding Dong" while doing a little truffle shuffle and slapping me a high five before they give me my change... as long as the order is correct, the food is hot and prompt, and I get the correct change if i dont use plastic.

I dont use McDonalds enough to notice though. Im going through this phase where Im all over all the little privately owned mexican joints. The greater the language barrier the better. (more authentic) These places always have some bomb ass native to where they came from specials. If I have to point to my order, I know Im in the right place.

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So, after all my funny posts, it wouldn't bother you if I said "Rabba Labba Ding Dong at the end, as long as the post is funny ?

You would have to say it from behind the counter of the McDonalds... and Id probably be disapointed if you didnt do the truffle shuffle and slap me five as you gave me my change...

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I don't really have an opinion on this, but I would like to thank CrazyZeb once again for the Sean Taylor "Bad to the Bone" video he made of his rookie season. So badass.

:point2sky:point2sky:point2sky Again, the best Redskins video ever made. Kudos my friend.

Was it the same McDonalds, or a few different ones? Perhaps a local DM, or just an area manager heard it and went with it. It may not be corporately mandated?

I know they're a Christian business, but am I the only one that feels like I walked onto the set of Big Love when you step into a Chick Fila?

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You would have to say it from behind the counter of the McDonalds... and Id probably be disapointed if you didnt do the truffle shuffle and slap me five as you gave me my change...

I can't say that I know what the Truffle Shufle is, but I imagine that there must be a YouTube video of it somewhere, that teaches those dance moves.

If I ever saw this at a restaurant, they would have a customer for life :hysterical:

BLTO - You'd be so proud of me, for what I did yesterday !! :D

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