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McDonalds Has No Shame


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It's one thing to try to steal Chick-fil-A's sandwich, but now they're trying to steal "my pleasure" ?

Recently on 4 separate occasions (different people) they've said "my pleasure" instead of you're welcome or the equivalent. It has to be a company mandate, taken directly from Chick-fil-A's book. That's pretty lame. Anyone else notice?

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It's one thing to try to steal Chick-fil-A's sandwich, but now they're trying to steal "my pleasure" ?

Recently on 4 separate occasions (different people) they've said "my pleasure" instead of you're welcome or the equivalent. It has to be a company mandate, taken directly from Chick-fil-A's book. That's pretty lame. Anyone else notice?

Dude seriously, get a life

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Dude not everyone can eat at Chick Fil-A, for starters, the closest one is almost an hour away, for second much of their food is cooked or comes into contact with Peanut Oil, so if you are like me and have a child who is allergic, you happily take the Mc Donald's nuggets or sandwich.

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McDonald's is a marketing machine. Probably one of the best in corporate history in terms of delivering a consistent product across the planet.

I remember doing a case study in college where, at the time (1995 or so), the reason none of McDonald's burgers came with Tomatoes or Lettuce was that they could not find a way to standardize the size of a tomato or lettuce slice. I guess the Big & Tasty changed that though :)

That's why they do pickles and onions, consistency. Also, if you own a McDonalds, your lease expires in 20 years and you have to tear it down and rebuild. Which I'm sure a lot of you have witnessed. I was in a nasty, run down Burger King not long ago. You never go into a nasty, old, falling down McDonalds.

It really is an impressive operation if you take a step back and look like it. They're the only franchise that is able to do what they do, consistently, across the globe, on anything approaching the kind of scale they operate in.

So what I'm saying, is get used to it. You're not gonna beat McDonalds :)


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Dude not everyone can eat at Chick Fil-A, for starters, the closest one is almost an hour away, for second much of their food is cooked or comes into contact with Peanut Oil, so if you are like me and have a child who is allergic, you happily take the Mc Donald's nuggets or sandwich.

I respect their decision to close on Sundays, but for selfish reasons, I hate it when I get a craving for a Chick-Fil-A biscuit on Sunday morning, and then suddenly remember that they're closed, as I start cussing them out, and then feel like such a hypocrite, on my way to church :paranoid:

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Dude not everyone can eat at Chick Fil-A, for starters, the closest one is almost an hour away, for second much of their food is cooked or comes into contact with Peanut Oil, so if you are like me and have a child who is allergic, you happily take the Mc Donald's nuggets or sandwich.

I actually like their new sandwich, it's just painfully obvious where it came from. I'm sure you don't miss "my pleasure" though, lol.

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