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WEx: The end of the Zorn era begins


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It was an awful year to be in the market for a name HC.

2010 will be a lot better and I expect to see both Washington and Dallas in the market for a name coach to come in and turn things around.

Let's face it. Cowher was the only 'big' name out there in 2008 and he indicated he was going to take the one year off regardless.

The only way the Redskins were going to find a quality HC last year was to do what Baltimore did and dig for an assistant that has HC potential and then evaluate the candidates thoroughly.

Ozzie Newsome has experience doing this. Cerrato does not.

That's the reason Harbaugh is in Baltimore and Zorn is here.

That's the reason one looks comfortable and the other looks lost and overwhelmed.

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...The only way the Redskins were going to find a quality HC last year was to do what Baltimore did and dig for an assistant that has HC potential and then evaluate the candidates thoroughly...Ozzie Newsome has experience doing this. Cerrato does not...

The only way to gain experience in hiring head coaches is to fire a lot of them. How did Ozzie get to be an expert?

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Zorn should have never been hired as coach, we should never have attempted to switch to the WCO. The impatience of Snyder + his insistence on changing ....

Yo SkinsFTW,


Imma let you finish, but Dan Snyder is one of the greatest owners OF ALL TIME!

Ok, that's three. Now I'm going to bed. The later I stay up, the closer to kickoff it is when I wake up.


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The only way to gain experience in hiring head coaches is to fire a lot of them. How did Ozzie get to be an expert?

If that was true then Snyderatto are much more experienced than Ozzie Newsome. He's had 2 Head Coaches as GM and 1 of them won a Super Bowl. The second one has won immediately.

Meanwhile Snyder has had 5 head Coaches, 1 Interim Head Coach, and several of those "Extra Sets of Eyes".

If experience in Hiring/Firing head coaches was a positive thing the Redskins, Lions, Rams, Raiders, Pukes, Browns, would be the class of the league.

I think it's more knowing what you are doing and not knowing. Snyder and Cerrato have proven time after time that if there is a needle in the haystack they must be looting the wrong haystack.

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I think that Mike Shanahan is one of the few big name guys that would actually sign on in DC.


He would be such a good fit in D.C. too. He would be all about Skin's football with a great o line that anybody can run behind and does well at finding o lineman and backs that can get it done.

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If that was true then Snyderatto are much more experienced than Ozzie Newsome.

Correct. That was my point.

He's had 2 Head Coaches as GM and 1 of them won a Super Bowl. The second one has won immediately.

Ozzie fired the one who won the Super Bowl and the current coach was not his first choice. Jason Garrett, whose star has fallen from the sky in Dallas, was Ozzie's number one.

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How do any of you call yourself Redskins fans when a writer like Rick Snider can say his opinion about the team and you call it the truth? When did Rick Snider play Pro Football, coach a NFL team or be a NFL GM? Never. He is just like the 90% of the sports writers out there. They never played the game so they don't know what it takes to win games or to gather talent. They just voice their opinion as if they know everything about winning. So it is clearly a no-brainer that these guys are mind readers and Jesus Crist because, according to those who believe this guys opinion, he speaks the gospel truth.

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How do any of you call yourself Redskins fans when a writer like Rick Snider can say his opinion about the team and you call it the truth? When did Rick Snider play Pro Football, coach a NFL team or be a NFL GM? Never. He is just like the 90% of the sports writers out there. They never played the game so they don't know what it takes to win games or to gather talent.

Reality Check.

So because Snyder can write a bigger check than the rest of Redskins fans it DOES make him qualified?

I seriously doubt Snyder ever played football, coached football, or was a GM for a football team.

IMO Rick Snyder, and probably 1000 other ES members could run this team 10x as well as our 5-6 times failed Snyderatto. He sets this team up to fail time after time. The fact that he has to bring in a 5 years retired OC that no team wants to help decipher the problem SCREAMS at you that he and Vinny haven't the slightest clue.

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...I seriously doubt Snyder ever played football, coached football, or was a GM for a football team...

I'm sure he hasn't, however, from his achievment in business, it's safe to say that he has an above average intelligence which makes him smarter than the average Redskins fan and most of the media. Moreover, he has been in close contact with people with extensive experience in the game on a daily basis for a decade and has the benefit of intimate knowledge of the Redskins personnel.

So, when the media and the average fan base their speculation of Snyder's moves on the premise that he's a clown who has learned nothing from his experience, they are proving themselves to be egotistical dimwits.

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I'm sure he hasn't, however, from his achievment in business, it's safe to say that he has an above average intelligence which makes him smarter than the average Redskins fan and most of the media. Moreover, he has been in close contact with people with extensive experience in the game on a daily basis for a decade and has the benefit of intimate knowledge of the Redskins personnel.

So, when the media and the average fan base their speculation of Snyder's moves on the premise that he's a clown who has learned nothing from his experience, they are proving themselves to be egotistical dimwits.

Because he has this guy?


Because we all know that 99% of the rest of the NFL doesn't want anything to do with him. He has his business luck and good timing and Vinny Cerrato. Nothing else besides the ego to repeatedly feel the need to prove the world wrong. Napoleon Complex.

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Because he has this guy?


Because we all know that 99% of the rest of the NFL doesn't want anything to do with him. He has his business luck and good timing and Vinny Cerrato. Nothing else besides the ego to repeatedly feel the need to prove the world wrong. Napoleon Complex.

It's ironic. Dan Snyder, the know-it-all, has as his sharpest critics people who think they know more.

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Snyder has fired 2 coaches. Norv and Marty. Norv he inherited and he had plenty of time to prove himself. Spurrier and Gibbs quit. People are acting like he's George Steinbrenner.

And as for Vinny, he's doing for the most part exactly what people have been asking for this team which is to try to get younger. Aside from the Jason Taylor and that trade looked good for most of us and the media at the time -- they have been pretty much trying to go younger.

Most of us love guys like Orkapo, Marko Mitchell, Jarmon, Colt Brennan, Chris Horton. J Tyron looks like is coming on strong, K Moore seems decent. It seems like the players are high on M. Kelly and think he will develop. Rinehart is playing now. And that is from his two drafts none of which they had a full draft. Maybe D. Thomas, and F Davis might become busts, will see. But what team hits on every pick in the draft?

He's moving away some from the Gibbs load up on veterans drill, and is signing FAs under 30, holding on to picks, and finally moving older injury prone players like M Washington and S Springs out.

Am far from in love with all that Snyder and Cerrato did in the Gibbs years and prior to that. Though I don't think that was a disaster if you go through that roster they made some good choices including: L. Fletcher, Santana, Griffin, Springs, M Washington, etc and hit big with some picks like Cooley.

But when you have Snyder actually flat out saying he's made mistakes and is learned from them -- I'll give him and Cerrato a little time to prove it. From what I've seen so far, it seems like they at least might be serious about that.

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Shannahan would NOT be a good fit for our team.

This team needs a hard nose HC that wont take any players crap regardless of the players experiance or profile with the team.

I.E. fan favorite or Rookie

It also needs to be set in STONE that this is the HC,he makes the decisions and what the HC says is how it's going to be.

Plain and simple.

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It's ironic. Dan Snyder, the know-it-all, has as his sharpest critics people who think they know more.

And they are 10 for 10 in being proven correct. (I don't count 1999) BTW, we don't all think we know more but when the guy with no history of building a team continually tries, and fails spectacularly despite unlimited funds, find someone with a clue. It doesn't mean hire me, and you knew that already.

Also, 6 different offenses in 10 years. That is the definition of winner, right? What other team has even changed their offense 3 times in that span?

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And they are 10 for 10 in being proven correct. (I don't count 1999)

Well, of course they are. Being right is easy with the benefit of hindsight.

An ES poll showed 89% favored the trade for Jason Taylor when it happened. If you read the posts criticizing Dan and Vinny now, 100% sound like they were among the 11% opposed (I was, BTW).

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Shannahan would NOT be a good fit for our team.

This team needs a hard nose HC that wont take any players crap regardless of the players experiance or profile with the team.

I.E. fan favorite or Rookie

It also needs to be set in STONE that this is the HC,he makes the decisions and what the HC says is how it's going to be.

Plain and simple.

Your plan has worked well in the Belichick example, and a handful of others, and failed in countless others over the years.

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Well, of course they are. Being right is easy with the benefit of hindsight.

An ES poll showed 89% favored the trade for Jason Taylor when it happened. If you read the posts criticizing Dan and Vinny now, 100% sound like they were among the 11% opposed (I was, BTW).

WTF does what the fans think about a trade have to do with building a winning team? The FO has access to a lot more information that they still don't use.

I think it's funny that you believe that this proves anything. If we had competence in the FO they would have already known that Blache wouldn't use JT to his strengths. That was my question at the time but I don't have direct access to Blache. A simple question for them though. Hey Blache, do you think a 240 pound RE would be a good replacement for the 300 pound LE Daniels? Blache had stated publicly months before that he didn't want JT. I doubt he was even asked.

The more telling part of this is that even with the hindsight you mention they STILL went out and paid Haynesworth 100Mil. WITH THE SAME HINDSIGHT! The way Blache runs his DL he doesn't need any big stars. Just get another Daniels 10 years younger and a Griff replacement and our DL is fine for what it does. Canty and 2 other players would have been better than a guy who will play 1/2 of all defensive snaps.

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SkinsFTW -- WTF does what the fans think about a trade have to do with building a winning team?

Nothing. It relates to your comment which I quoted. This one:

And they are 10 for 10 in being proven correct. (I don't count 1999)

You should at least try to stay on the point you raised yourself..

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I arrived to this thread late -- but I support Oldfan in the "clearly" debate.

When people use 'clearly' in front of their take on things -- it's like they are saying ..."If you can't see things my way, then you must need glasses."

So that make me wonder ... if this was so clear ... why did Snider have to write an article telling us something, that Snider assumes we should already have known?

To be fair, I've always enjoyed Snider's articles, but -- frankly -- there's nothing "absolutely clear" about what's going on behind the scenes with the Redskins. I see this as a tad of journalistic license. ...Clearly ...;)

Hmm, come to think of it, I tend to use the word 'frankly' even when I'm still weighing the impact of my words. So I suspect some of us are as guilty as Snider, even without being journalists. :D

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