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WEx: The end of the Zorn era begins


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What are the odds we'll turn the season around and make a playoff run? This has got to be the earliest time to date for bailing out and start talking about next season yet. Some fans give the term fickle a whole new meaning.

Considering who we have played odds have to be REALLY high and actually would love to see them.

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"Thus" and "therefore" are indeed prefaces to conclusions. Conclusions are those things that we draw from arguments.

"Clearly" is not a conclusion or a preface to a conclusion. It's a claim about a conclusion -- almost always used by authors when the conclusion isn't clear. If it WAS clear, there would be no need to point it out to the reader.

"Clearly" is indeed a preface to a conclusion. It relates to the reader that you've moved from the premises of an argument to the conclusion they were building toward. If a reader resents the use of the word because they believe the conclusion is not, in fact, clear, then the writer has failed to provide solid support of his claim. That's his error, not the use of the word "clearly."

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Our owner goes about this is in the wrongest way possible, it's freaking disgusting. HEY ******* - LOOK DOWN IN BALTIMORE - COPY CAT LEAGUE.

Daniel Snyder = No class.

Just because a writer says it doesn't make it true.


Nice revisionist history.

Other than Fassel, no one would take the job. Mooch said no. Cowher said no. Pete Carroll said no. Meeks was interviewed, but withdrew his name and said no after getting pissed about the Zorn hire and Blache promotion. Same thing Jim Caldwell. Spagnolo said no. Jim Mora said no. We tried to get Rex Ryan to come coach early on, but he said he was not interested.

Go back and look at this http://curlyr.blogspot.com/2008/04/chronology-of-new-redskins-head-coach.html

Snyder botched the coaching search and has made this a job only the most desperate want.

How's that Spags hire working out? Where is Mooch coaching? Where is Cowher coaching? Where is Carroll coaching? Where is Meeks coaching? Get out of here with your nonsense. Any coach would coach any team for $$$ - which you know Danny is willing to give.

Don't be so naive. Dan Snyder you are a piece of ****. Actually **** has more value than you.

Ugh. You disgust me.

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"Clearly" is a preface to a conclusion. It relates to the reader that you've moved from the premises of an argument to the conclusion they were building toward. If a reader resents the use of the word because they believe the conclusion is not, in fact, clear, then the writer has failed to provide solid support to his claim.

You are mistaken when you group the word "clearly" with words like thus, therefore, since or so which are essential to open the conclusion statement since the word "clearly" is not essential. It can be omitted with no loss of meaning.

I assume that authors who often make these bogus claims of clarity know full well that they don't have a persuasive argument and they're hoping to intimidate the weak-minded from questioning their conclusions. I don't know what other purpose they could possibly have in mind.

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Also, if they win the next couple games all this talk is gone.

Not a bit; if they win the next couple of games, well that could be spun as the team responding to Lewis not Zorn. If they win the next two games (which are against 'soft opposition') it merely delays the pressure. Things will get much tougher starting from the Monday night game against the Eagles, a poor offensive showing there could be the final straw. A good win against the Eagles is the only thing that will begin to put this to rest.

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Who knows? Maybe Zorn can turn it around.

If nothing else, maybe Dan and Vinny will learn not to hire coordinators before they hire a head coach. Or have the front office name the starting QB.

Call me crazy, but I don't think coaches like those kind of things.

I guess I should be used to it by now, but I just can't believe that Vinny isn't going to be held accountable for any of this. Remember, he bragged that Zorn was his hire.

What will it take for Dan to get out of the way? A 2 or 3 win season? I'm not even sure that would be enough. The fans are too loyal -- they will get excited by a new coach and have hope again. We've seen it before and we'll keep seeing it. Because we all love our skins.

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Nice revisionist history.

Other than Fassel, no one would take the job. Mooch said no. Cowher said no. Pete Carroll said no. Meeks was interviewed, but withdrew his name and said no after getting pissed about the Zorn hire and Blache promotion. Same thing Jim Caldwell. Spagnolo said no. Jim Mora said no. We tried to get Rex Ryan to come coach early on, but he said he was not interested.

Go back and look at this http://curlyr.blogspot.com/2008/04/chronology-of-new-redskins-head-coach.html

Snyder botched the coaching search and has made this a job only the most desperate want.

Anyone who said Mooch was a candidate immediately gets a fail. I don't think he ever was considered and it was mostly a creation of JLC's speculation. He certainly was never formally interviewed. There is also nothing in there that said that Schwartz or Meeks withdrew their names. From the evidence presented, it certainly seemed it was the Redskins who didn't want them.

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Who knows? Maybe Zorn can turn it around.

If nothing else, maybe Dan and Vinny will learn not to hire coordinators before they hire a head coach. Or have the front office name the starting QB.

Call me crazy, but I don't think coaches like those kind of things.

For the former, I don't see how they had much of a choice at that point. You need to have the team be able to function in the offseason and you can't keep things in limbo forever. That's the problem when you have to wait for candidates who are in the playoffs and you haven't been impressed with the candidates you had so far. Yeah, he could have just gave in and hired Fassell as a temporary fix, but I think he wanted to wait cover all of his bases.

As for the latter, the FO around the league dictates personnel all the time, and it was certainly their option to say that one of the the prerequisites to being the head coach was to be able to work with Campbell. I don't have a problem with that.

I guess I should be used to it by now, but I just can't believe that Vinny isn't going to be held accountable for any of this. Remember, he bragged that Zorn was his hire.

Which is why I think Snider is wrong. It is in the best interests of Vinny to have Zorn succeed. This move is working toward that goal. Unfortunately, I think it is a move that is a few months too late.

What will it take for Dan to get out of the way? A 2 or 3 win season? I'm not even sure that would be enough. The fans are too loyal -- they will get excited by a new coach and have hope again. We've seen it before and we'll keep seeing it. Because we all love our skins.

Dan is probably about as out of the way as he's going to be. Vinny is mostly in control. The only things Dan does nowadays is get involved with the head coaching hires and the signing of big name FAs.

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Dan is probably about as out of the way as he's going to be. Vinny is mostly in control. The only things Dan does nowadays is get involved with the head coaching hires and the signing of big name FAs.

Dan is probably more involved than that. I certainly hope he is. If he isn't well aware of the offensive and defensive schemes, and the reasons the choices are made, he can't possibly weigh in intelligently on the grading of coaches, hirings if needed, and the scheme fit of high-priced FAs like Big Al.

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Dan is probably more involved than that. I certainly hope he is. If he isn't well aware of the offensive and defensive schemes, and the reasons the choices are made, he can't possibly weigh in on the grading of coaches, hirings if needed, and the scheme fit of high-priced FAs like Big Al.

I think he works hand-in-hand with Vinny, who is the guy who should be doing a lot of the evaluating. I think the choice of FA comes mostly from the scouting department and what the coaching staff needs. Snyder is just the final decision point, since he's the one who pays the bills.

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Zorn Cuts his own throat here!!! Zorn has ultimate control as the head coach of who plays, how their played, and what plays to run. I highly doubt The Dan is calling in Run left, Run left, pass, and punt... We address the D line and on the same note were not addressing the D line!

I was hoping Zorn could light it up in our last 3 Scrimmage game opponents but there was just a lack of Creativity.

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Dan is probably more involved than that. I certainly hope he is. If he isn't well aware of the offensive and defensive schemes, and the reasons the choices are made, he can't possibly weigh in intelligently on the grading of coaches, hirings if needed, and the scheme fit of high-priced FAs like Big Al.

if the jason taylor signing is any indication of dan's and vin's awareness of schemes or their willingness to listen coaches, they don't grade too high in my book... blache explicitly said during pre-season (before the injuries) that taylor did not fit into their scheme, when addressing the rumors... wasn't a month later our DE's went down and with them our 2nd round pick...

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Our 2nd round pick and the guy couldnt do squat for us and now he's back in Miami.

Snyder botched the coaching search and has made this a job only the most desperate want.<<<<<-------I agree with that post.

The only big name who would come here would be someone who was only doing it for the MONEY.

We know Vinney isnt going anywhere so the HC no matter the name is just a puppet.

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I think he works hand-in-hand with Vinny, who is the guy who should be doing a lot of the evaluating. I think the choice of FA comes mostly from the scouting department and what the coaching staff needs. Snyder is just the final decision point, since he's the one who pays the bills.

Check this out, it's a recent quote from Snyder's buddy George Michael...


Michael admits that "It's Dan's fault...and that's a shame," and also concedes that most of the big-name personnel decisions are on Snyder as well. Not really surprising, but Michael makes it sound like Executive Vice President-Football Operations Vinny Cerrato is something other than incompetent, which could qualify as breaking news.

"[snyder] says 'Let's get this guy, let's get that guy.' And the guy that takes the heat for it--and it's why I think he's never gotten fired--is Vinny Cerrato. Now, Cerrato's painted as a bozo, but the truth is, what did Vinny Cerrato do for the team? Look at Chris Horton. That's the kind of guy he gets."

I think Snyder is very involved with the FA process.

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You are mistaken when you group the word "clearly" with words like thus, therefore, since or so which are essential to open the conclusion statement since the word "clearly" is not essential. It can be omitted with no loss of meaning.

I assume that authors who often make these bogus claims of clarity know full well that they don't have a persuasive argument and they're hoping to intimidate the weak-minded from questioning their conclusions. I don't know what other purpose they could possibly have in mind.

Thanks, Oldfan, for clearing that up.

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Dan is probably more involved than that. I certainly hope he is. If he isn't well aware of the offensive and defensive schemes, and the reasons the choices are made, he can't possibly weigh in intelligently on the grading of coaches, hirings if needed, and the scheme fit of high-priced FAs like Big Al.

Didn't Zorn himself say that he'd be spending a lot of time with Snyder after the Detroit game, talking about the lack of offensive production? Snyder is at every practice and every game, home and away, from what I can tell. That to me looks like an owner who is more involved, on a day-to-day basis, than just head coaching and FA hires.

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Didn't Zorn himself say that he'd be spending a lot of time with Snyder after the Detroit game, talking about the lack of offensive production? Snyder is at every practice and every game, home and away, from what I can tell. That to me looks like an owner who is more involved, on a day-to-day basis, than just head coaching and FA hires.

I agree with you... but, to me, being involved (micromanaging) and being qualified to make strategic decisions are very very different.... I don't doubt snyder is involved but I think letting gallons of vanilla ice cream melt on your defensive coordinator's desk is a far cry from understanding why his defense is not performing up to their potential nor what to do personnel wise to help correct it...

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Also, he seems to want to repeat the BS that no one else would take the job. Does he honestly think that Fassel wouldn't have jumped at the job? Ron Meeks and Jim Schwartz seemed to still be interested in the job. The only ones that said he wasn't interested in the job was Mora Jr, who was promised the job in Seattle and Spags, which the feelings could have been mutual.

For a while there I was convinced that Mooch was gonna get the HC job when Zorn was hired.

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Zorn should have never been hired as coach, we should never have attempted to switch to the WCO. The impatience of Snyder + his insistence on changing schemes every 2 years makes everything an auto-Fail, not to mention his idiot FA signings making it seem as if we are going to win through a major overhaul.

I called this 2 years ago, and when Saunders was hired, spurrier too. Even if there was only a small chance of any of them succeeding it would be sabotaged beforehand.

Once again, for the 11th year in a row, they need to hire someone with a clue to run the team 100% with no input from Snyder.

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...Also, he seems to want to repeat the BS that no one else would take the job. Does he honestly think that Fassel wouldn't have jumped at the job? Ron Meeks and Jim Schwartz seemed to still be interested in the job. The only ones that said he wasn't interested in the job was Mora Jr, who was promised the job in Seattle and Spags, which the feelings could have been mutual.

Wow! You honestly can't tell me you believe that Snyderatto passed over all the coaches you mentioned for Zorn?!?! I like Zorn but come on! If he was their guy all along then why allow themselves to be turned down by Spags et al when they knew they had their guy all along?!?!

And Fassel would have been ran outta here on a rail! Don't even mention that no good, UFL coach who had his Giants team outright quit on him then was fired as a QB coach from Baltimore!

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