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Blache's post game comments, "Well, I don't know why they're shell-shocked."


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bubba, I disagree.

I, also, think they will be better then a 1-15 team. 1-15 teams are the exception and a rarity. Only 7 teams have gone 1-15 since '78 so that ain't saying much. His comments display the wrong attitude and he is the one providing direction to the players on D. Everyone should be shocked that we have been reduced to bottom dwelling so far this year. Even if the Lions are better then the 0-16 Lions of last year they are still the Lions and we are still the Redskins.

actually you have the wrong attitude, and probably the same one shared by the team.

because "they are the Lions" means nothing... history doesn't make up what your team is today.... going in thinking "we are the Redskins, we should win because we always beat the lowly Lions.... is like twirling a gun because it's usually unloaded.... you're flirting with disaster.

If I'm not mistaken people where down on the Skins after the Giants and Rams game. Heck how many annalist picked the Lions? Clearly they saw something to suggest this outcome.

Maybe Blanche is saying more about how bad we are than how good the Lions are...

He should be instilling a sense of pride, expectation, and a winning attitude, not providing back door excuses incase his schemes get exposed. Go it there and rip the freaking heads off!

I'm sorry but if anything a coach says in the media affects the way his players preform, then you got more problems than coach speak

there's a lot of hype right now about Rex Ryan's bash comments, but they had nothing to do with the win, and will wear thin quickly (ask hid Dad) after a loss, fans will say he should have shut up :)

I'm not sayin he should guarantee a victory or anything like that but this "well, I tried to sell you on them being a good team so don't be shocked that we lost" crap is exactly that, crap! I don't think I'm over reacting. I think I'm acting like a fan that is sick of losing and those in charge that allow for it.

yeah you overreacting, sik of losing? we've played three game and are coming off a win.

you're mad and embarrassed about losing to the lions and are looking to take it out on anyone.... and one of the favorite targets is taking something a coach says out of context, and make more out of it than should be.

and while right now all looks bad, it will look different by week 16. The first team to lose to the dolphins last year thought their team sucked.... but at season's end

when the Dolphins went 11-5 it didn't seem as bad.

what if this loss turns out to be like the 07 giants rout by the Seahawks starting 0-2, players rebelling, fans calling for Coughlin's firing, media speculating whether he'd last through the season, calling Eli a bust... not one Giant fan thought they have a winning record much less a championship.

will that happen :whoknows: but you never know .... right now no one thinks we'll make 500.... well just have to let it play out

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man, we were 0-2? man I didn't realize we failed to beat the rams :/

I think this makes it clear its time to clean house next year. New coaches all around, cut the dead weight, and start rebuilding.

I never thought I'd say that at the beginning of the training camp but at some point these guys Zorn and Blache need to own up, or quit.

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You know, I realize this is typical coach speak... But we played like absolute crap and this is all he has to say?


At least give some indication that he's not happy about how we played and his play calling. Take some responsibility.

This is why we're mediocre. Our coaching staff doesn't appear to really have the fire to make us a better team. Rex Ryan is leaving phone messages for season ticket holders and our guys are making excuses.

"well, we said they'd be tough!"

Yeah? And we were the first win for a team that hadn't won 19 straight games previously... But don't worry guys, it's all good. *shrug*

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The team on Defense also played with an aggressive swagger.and when he cleared out of Redskins Park so did that attitude.


Another thing Gregg never had an Haynesworth or an Orakpo and Jarmon either. Love him or hate him he got more out of his guys then Blache does,and that's for damn sure.

I agree and doubt GW would have Orakpo covering TE's. GW would be having a ball with most of the guys we have on defense I think. I do not think Wynn or Daniels should be on the roster though.

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People are over reacting (surprise) to his comments

To be fair the 2009 Lions aren't the same team as in 2008. 3/5th of the roster is new, plus anew coaching staff and a change in the FO.

While they were 0-2, they played 2 of the 3 best teams in the NFC if not NFL, and they played tough on offense against the Saints and Vikes.

I doubt they will finish 1-15 or the worst team as last year ( no "we will be" comments please)

The Skins defense was horrible, but the Lion made plays on their own as well.

That's not the point bubba.

His defense gave up almost 400 yards to a rookie QB in his 3rd start. And he gave up a crap ton of yards on the ground to freaking Kevin Smith. God forbid we ever have to play against Peterson.

This was a 4th ranked defense last year... which we spent almost all our draft picks and free agent moves "upgrading" and we give up all those yards to a team that hasn't won a game in almost 2 years. To a rookie QB in his 3rd start...

And what does Blache do... he adopts a "See I told you" attitude about how "good" the Lions really are... just cause they whooped up on his ****ty defense.

**** you blache. You suck you piece of ****.

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Fear the lions fear the lambs, why bother. Does he even put in a game plan? Where was Orakpo attacking their rookie QB? Running down field with his back to the QB. Move him back to LDE and fast, phil daniels can be in on 3rd and 1 only. Daniels brings nothing to 1st and 10.

He has the most predictable and ineffective blitz in the league. Wonder why we blitz so much? We get the most chances to since they always convert on 3rd on us.

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Just want to comment that during this interview and after the game, Kelli Johnson almost looked like she was going to lose it a couple of times. SHE looked completely shell shocked. It actually looked like she cared more than most of the people on the field.

She actually told Blache, "I didn't recognize the defense in the first half."

Blache, as far as I'm concerned, can say anything he wants. His defense stunk up the joint.

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If we don't stop 3rd down conversions and long, time-consuming drives, I don't care what kind of offense we have, it'll never have enough time to score enough points to win.

The efficiency of our opponents chain-moving is unreal...waiting for their mistakes isn't working.

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I'm thinking, pay Bill Cowher anything he wants and let him bring his own personnel in here and make some changes. Anybody got HIS number???

Do you really believe any big name coach would come here unless they were given part of the franchise?

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while i'm certainly disappointed with the defense's play yesterday and blache's scheme overall, all he is saying here is that the coaches were trying to make sure the skins' players were not looking past the lions. they were avoiding the "trap" game by pointing out that these were not the lions of last year (who we narrowly beat). this wasn't directed towards the fans.

that said, we were bad. strahan said it correctly during halftime when he said that the skins had already quit (in the first half). the 2nd half was better, but we let the lions believe in being able to win for too long.

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ok they mentioned in the game yesterday that when the lions were winning 10-0 vs the vikes, they vikes came out in the 2nd half and blitzed the hell out of stafford

so why did blache not do the same thing? that is failure to prepare for your opponent and that falls strictly on his shoulders.

every time they showed stafford with his ****y ass smile and sticking his tounge out, was an embarrassement to OUR team for letting him perform so well.

he is a ****ing rook and you are gonna let him slice and dice his way down the field.

I don't have a problem with this kid, he lead his team to victory and he should be acting that way. If I was a Lions fan i would run out right now today and buy his ****ing jersey and than go buy lower level tickets

our Defense and lack of running killed us

also accepting that penalty instead of making them kick a FG was ****ing stupid, i don't care how much Billick said it was the right call, maybe that is why he isn't a coach anymore also.

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Uh for 10 million a year they would come with their pants around their ankles saying yes mr. snyder.

that is not the kind of coach we need.

we need a coach who can shake things up.

btw I can think of about 10 to 15 players on the roster who need to be cut in the off-season so next season won't be any better.

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Skins D played poorly. But Blache is the best coach on this staff. He may not be the best with the media - which is why he refused to be considered for the HC position - but people are taking this way too far.

I still say you cant expect to win a single game by scoring less than 15 points. Even against he Lions.

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Blache's schemes and game planning allow us to get shell shocked. You could have the greatest defensive talent ever assembled. If you're never going to challenge an offense, then you'll get beat by rookies and weaker offenses every week.

The entire defensive coaching staff needs to get blown up! While firing a head coach after 3 weeks is the wrong thing to do. I see nothing bad about firing the D-Coordinator responsible for setting a tone of weakness and safe, unaggresive play.

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Skins D played poorly. But Blache is the best coach on this staff.

You realize, of course, that doesn't say much. Being the best coach on this staff, which he isn't, is like saying so-and-so is the skinniest guy on "The Biggest Loser". Hardly a compliment or a vindicating statement.

Buges is clearly the best coach on the staff, by the way. No coach has done more with less.

Blache has the unique distinction of doing less with more.

Someone needs to make a big friggin sign for the Tampa game that says.... "HEY GREG, SACKS ARE NOT OVERRATED!!"

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