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SI.com: Zorn's Job Security in Jeopardy


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MINNEAPOLIS -- Musings, observations and the occasional insight as we try to fathom the latest comeback miracle, and undoubtedly one of the greatest, in Brett Favre's long and eventful 19-year NFL career....

• In today's NFL, it's never too early for the topic. Not in a league in which three offensive coordinators were canned before the regular season opened, and the six out-of-work Super Bowl-winning head coaches out-number the currently employed Super Bowl-winning head coaches by a 2-to-1 margin (6 to 3).

So don't ask whether the debate about Jim Zorn's job security in Washington is worth having a mere three weeks into the season, just get ready for the discussion to go viral in the coming 48 hours. Zorn's Redskins ensured that on Sunday afternoon when they became the first team to lose to the Detroit Lions in a span of 21 months and three days. The Lions' 19-14 win, the first in rookie head coach Jim Schwartz's three-game tenure in Detroit, snapped their 19-game losing streak and all but painted a bulls-eye on Zorn's backside.

You can't say we didn't see this coming. After a promising 6-2 start to his rookie season in Washington last year, Zorn is 3-8 and his Redskins (1-2) look like the clear-cut last place team in the hyper-competitive NFC East for the second year in a row. Losing to Detroit just gives Redskins owner Daniel Snyder all the motivation he needs to be the first one to pick up the phone to try to get a Mike Shanahan, Bill Cowher or a Jon Gruden to sign on the dotted line. This much we know: Zorn's players certainly didn't look like they were playing to save their coach's job Sunday at Ford Field.

We're not predicting that Snyder would entice anyone with a Super Bowl ring on their finger to town to take over his team in an interim situation, but you can't like Zorn's chances to last much longer after a game in which his Redskins were at one point getting dominated by the NFL's lovable losers. The Lions led 13-0 at the half, and held advantages of 274-94 in total yards and 16-6 in first downs. Washington played better in the second half, but not well enough to pin a 20th consecutive loss on Detroit.

When you throw in Tony Dungy, Mike Holmgren and Brian Billick, that's an available coaching talent pool that represents seven of the most recent 13 Super Bowl winners, and four of this decade's nine Super Bowl champs thus far. It's going to undoubtedly tempt some owners to act, rather than take the risk of not getting their first choices when it comes to picking through that elite litter.

The Rams and Raiders both canned their head coaches after four games last season, with St. Louis at 0-4 under Scott Linehan and Oakland 1-3 under Lane Kiffin. San Francisco waited until seven games were in the books to dismiss Mike Nolan last year, but the 2-5 49ers at least responded to interim coach Mike Singletary, going 5-4 in the season's final nine games. Oakland's Tom Cable also bucked the usual fate of the interim coach, earning the opportunity to lead the Raiders into the 2009 season by going 4-8 in his 12-game run.

Will those results perhaps encourage other teams to go the early dismissal route this year in an effort to salvage their seasons? Maybe, maybe not. But Zorn certainly moved to the front of the firing line with Sunday's result. Despite offense being his specialty, Zorn hasn't fixed the Redskins lack of production, or come anywhere near developing Jason Campbell into the franchise quarterback he was drafted to be.

Sins of that nature usually end up costing head coaches their jobs. Zorn, who Snyder hired last year despite him not even having experience as an NFL coordinator, looks like he's in position to be the first one to go this season. Whether it happens this week, next week or sometime after that, the outcome no longer appears in doubt in Washington.

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I think we should definitely be negotiating hard with one of those experienced coaches. If I were Snyder, I would even consider a deal that includes ownership interest to lure a Dungy or a Gruden or a Cowher.

I don't think there is any rule stopping the team from signing a deal with one of those guys that takes affect the day after our last game. But I can see any of them wanting to take over this year.

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Peter King just recently said he heard from "good" sources within Washington that there's no way Zorn will get fired. This article has nothing in it.

Only God knows, but I'm just going to assume this is a "grab ratings while you can" article.

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I feel bad for him, but he is in over his head. The team just seem to want to play for him and if that is the case then bye bye.

Agreed. And while I also agree that getting rid of Zorn now would be problematic, it seems clear he's destined to be gone. I think Gruden could be the closest fit on short-term basis since his TB and OAK offenses were somewhat similar to ours (in design, not production). He also may be the most likely to work with a GM. I think Shanahan, Cowher, Holmgren, Green, and probably Dungy all want to be GMs.

If none of that works either now or in the future, however, how about Russ Grimm next year? He's a tough guy who's been here. Just a thought.

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After today I don't know who of THOSE great coaches would WANT to be the HC for this team. That's probably the most depressing thing I've ever said as a Skins fan, but it was probably one of the most heartless performances I've ever seen today. Sure, JC and Moss played well, but everyone else looked bad.

The only coach I know of who would want this kind of challenge is the GM or team Pres or whatever, over in Miami. God forbid we get him, our players would start urinating on themselves as soon as the news reported it. No more shade during practice, no more bowling trips, no more accepting poor play and getting big money, I'm not even kidding.

I really don't see this being a patch up job anymore. I thought we were going to have a great year, now it looks as bad as the pre Gibbs era (when we had absolutely no talent on the team thanks to Spurrier's huge ego).

Peter King just recently said he heard from "good" sources within Washington that there's no way Zorn will get fired. This article has nothing in it.

Only God knows, but I'm just going to assume this is a "grab ratings while you can" article.

Good, cause I really don't see firing Zorn immediately as improving the team. Blache doesn't look like he's doing a great job right now either.

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Firing Zorn at this point does nothing for the way the season will finish out.

I watched the post game stuff, and Rodney Harrison's quote was something many of us have been thinking all along.

Harrison doesnt know what the Redskins see in Campbell, he said that the team had numerous problems, but to him, quarterback was the biggest problem. He said that he thinks Jason Campbell is a backup quarterback who happens to be starting.

Sure, JC had good numbers today, but that was more to the fact that for the last part of the game, the Lions were in prevent defense.

Campbell will have to be benched at some point this season, maybe in the next few games, that's a given. Zorn, if he makes no changes, is most certainly gone in the offseason.

I personally think Zorn should be kept on as a QB coach or something that fits his skills better. He did a great job in Seattle. But a new Head Coach is something we don't have on this team right now. I dont even think we have anyone who would be fit as an interim coach...

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PLEASE not Jon Gruden or Brian Billick!!!!! Dungy or Cowher. That's it! If those two aren't around, then Shannahan. Holmgren will bring the West Coast and our team stinks at that right now. I'd love to see a more open offense: more downfield passing. Thinking pass first; run second. We have talent on this team. It's just not being utilized in the right way.

Our defense is loaded. But do we blitz like we should? Nope! We sit back and get eaten up. NO defense can win that way. THEY must dictate what the offense does. Blache must go, too, IMO. He might be the one to start with if heads start rolling. 9-12 on 3rd down to the lowly Lions is unacceptable for a defense as valuable as ours.

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I don't see any coach on the team worthy of serving as interim coach. Might as well wait till January.

Don't forget, players make plays. Time for a gut check.

I would agree with this. No one is ready to take over as HC. Maybe Zorn will turn it around by year's end. I remember way back when Gibbs first started. We went 0-5 and then it all jelled.

Well, this is a little different situation. Zorn has had more than five games. But if there is no alternative to take over midstream, why disrupt what little chemistry we have by firing the coach. I'd leave Zorn in place if a big name isn't ready to come in right now.

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I personally think Zorn should be kept on as a QB coach or something that fits his skills better. He did a great job in Seattle. But a new Head Coach is something we don't have on this team right now. I dont even think we have anyone who would be fit as an interim coach...

I can't think of an example of a head coach stepping down within the same team to a coordinator position, so yeah I can't see that happening.

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This is SI starting crap based no how they see Snyder. The people who actually no what they're talking about are saying Zorn is safe, and he should be safe. I'd like to give him another year, but if Snyder truly has a better idea, by God let him implement AFTER the season is over. We'll just look like a psyco franchise if we do otherwise.

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Early on when we held the Lions to a 4th and 3 and they were going to kick a FG, BUT Zorn accepted the penalty to make it 3rd and 13, those are the decisions he's making that's killing this team. Boy wouldnt it of been nice at the end being only down 16-14? OR... first drive, I know everyone is pressuring him to put it in the end zone, but for Gods sake, TAKE THE POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GIVE UP

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So we would not only have to start all over again in terms of players learning offense, but we would have to have a new coach who would have to implement all this in really no time. This would be a bad move. If Snyder is throwing in the season, then he really is the most stupid owner in the NFL. Firing Zorn would do nothing except send a message that this can't win and won't win this year. Giving up this early would be monumentally stupid. I thought he would have learned his lesson after the Norv firing, but then again I thought he would have learned his lesson after all the massively bad free agent signings we have had.

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I wouldn't dump Zorn. I think he's worked well with Campbell. I'd demote him to be a QB coach again, offensive coordinator at most, and let someone else be HC and call plays. I'd even let Campbell call plays, since he seemed to do a good job when he was doing it. But Zorn in his current role is just not happening. He's in over his head, he can't manage a game and call good plays. It's a tough job, and he gave it a good go, but it's not even that we can point to something and say 'at least he's getting better.' I think Zorn is getting worse, looking more predictable and more desperate at the same time.

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This is SI starting crap based no how they see Snyder. The people who actually no what they're talking about are saying Zorn is safe, and he should be safe. I'd like to give him another year, but if Snyder truly has a better idea, by God let him implement AFTER the season is over. We'll just look like a psyco franchise if we do otherwise.

I agree with you on timing, but not for the same reason. I really don't care how we look. I just don't see how removing Zorn in September does anything positive...

The only way this strategy works is if you're promoting an interim coach who could eventually be your head coach. It appears that all the candidates Snyder is looking at for 2010 are external to the organization...so what's the point?

Give Zorn the season to change your mind, but be ready to strike when the season ends.

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Firing Zorn at this point does nothing for the way the season will finish out.

I watched the post game stuff, and Rodney Harrison's quote was something many of us have been thinking all along.

Harrison doesnt know what the Redskins see in Campbell, he said that the team had numerous problems, but to him, quarterback was the biggest problem. He said that he thinks Jason Campbell is a backup quarterback who happens to be starting.

Sure, JC had good numbers today, but that was more to the fact that for the last part of the game, the Lions were in prevent defense.

Campbell will have to be benched at some point this season, maybe in the next few games, that's a given. Zorn, if he makes no changes, is most certainly gone in the offseason.

I personally think Zorn should be kept on as a QB coach or something that fits his skills better. He did a great job in Seattle. But a new Head Coach is something we don't have on this team right now. I dont even think we have anyone who would be fit as an interim coach...

So who made Rodney Harrison God?

I personally like Campbell, it's not his fault that the OL sucks, it's not his fault that CP is washed up, and it's not his fault that Zorn's playcalling is garbage. Oh wait, it is Jason's fault because Rodney Harrison says so. My bad.

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