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Guardian.UK: Swine flu 'could kill millions unless rich nations give £900m


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Swine flu 'could kill millions unless rich nations give £900m

UN report says pandemic may result in anarchy unless western world pays for antiviral drugs and vaccines

The swine flu pandemic could kill millions and cause anarchy in the world's poorest nations unless £900m can be raised from rich countries to pay for vaccines and antiviral medicines, says a UN report leaked to the Observer.

The disclosure will provoke concerns that health officials will not be able to stem the growth of the worldwide H1N1 pandemic in developing countries. If the virus takes hold in the poorest nations, millions could die and the economies of fragile countries could be destroyed.

further down in the article

The UN's efforts were boosted last week when nine countries, including Britain and the US, pledged to give the equivalent of a 10% share of their swine flu vaccine supply to help fight the deadly virus's global spread. In Britain, Douglas Alexander, the development secretary, pledged to give £23m.

Some officials within WHO believe, however, that this will not be enough. One said that richer countries were reluctant to pay out all of the money that was needed. "The downturn means that governments countries are reluctant to give," he said.

Lets start off by saying I'm obviously a horrible person.

I think giving the world 10% of our product is generous. I also think that the estimates are grossly exaggerated. So to say we need to pony up and pay probably 600million of the 1billion for this swine flu is a bit much.

I am also suspect of any project that says "147million" will be used for other stuff related to the outbreak... sure.. sure... like computers and chairs and staff for future outbreaks..


Worldwide, the number of deaths related to seasonal flu is between 250,000 and 500,000 annually.

The World Health Organization said Tuesday that the number of deaths globally from the H1N1 virus has doubled in the past three weeks, rising to over 700 from about 330 at the start of July.

The organization recently recommended governments stop tallying the number of H1N1 flu patients nationally.

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Current funding of the UN 2009

United States 22.00%

Japan 16.624%

Germany 8.577%

United Kingdom 6.642%

France 6.301%

Italy 5.079%

Canada 2.977%

Spain 2.968%

China 2.667%

Mexico 2.257%

Other member states 23.908%


The current annual budget for WHO's immunization work globally is approximately US$ 140 million. Main contributors to

the 2008-09 budget are:

the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation;

the GAVI Alliance;

the governments and aid agencies of Canada and the United States of America;

Johns Hopkins University;

the Measles Partnership;


However, financial support for WHO's immunization work has decreased in recent years. Fir the future, our projected budget required for 2010-11 is US$ 210 million. Of this amount, we are currently forecasting a funding gap of US$ 112 million, or 53%

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WELL HECK: Look what the Gavi Alliance is.


The GAVI Alliance (GAVI) (formerly The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) is a global health partnership between the private and public sectors, committed to the mission of saving children's lives and protecting people's health by increasing access to immunisation in poor countries.

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I'm pretty sure I have it now, and all it seems to be is a couple sniffles and a little muscle soreness....big ****ing deal :doh:

Sad thing is, you probably passed it on, to all those Iranian girls you been sleeping with.

They're going to get sick and die, and totally weaken the Iranian revolution to overthrow the Dictator.

Way to change the world, BLTO.

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Sad thing is, you probably passed it on, to all those Iranian girls you been sleeping with.

They're going to get sick and die, and totally weaken the Iranian revolution to overthrow the Dictator.

Way to change the world, BLTO.

Oh ****, I think you are right....I dont think what I have is the swine flu either....I think its Arabian Fever! :cool:

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Instead of money lets send them syringes of the vaccine with the USA flag on them accompanied with people (wearing Team USA with pride guarded by Americas finest) who will actually immunize the poor eliminating the overhead and hundreds of millions for miscellaneous nonsense.

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That is a good point.. China should be forced to pay more than Japan for the UN.

Largest economies

Country GDP

1 United States $11,750,000,000,000

2 China $7,262,000,000,000

3 Japan $3,745,000,000,000

4 India $3,319,000,000,000

5 Germany $2,362,000,000,000

6 United Kingdom $1,782,000,000,000

7 France $1,737,000,000,000

8 Italy $1,609,000,000,000

9 Brazil $1,492,000,000,000

10 Russia $1,408,000,000,000

11 Canada $1,023,000,000,000

12 Mexico $1,006,000,000,000

13 Spain $937,600,000,000

14 Korea, South $925,100,000,000

15 Indonesia $827,400,000,000

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First, Thiebear, I don't think you're a horrible person at all if that means anything to you :)

As some may know, I am very pro global public health. However, I have a big problem just throwing money at the UN and other aid organizations because I think most of the time a vast majority of the money is completely wasted...especially when it comes to the UN.

So, while I am not opposed to helping increase health resources to impoverished nations, especially in an effort to mitigate large scale (or potential large scale) health issues, I am always very suspicious of instances where organizations are saying they need " blank much to do blank in order to fend off the end of the world" so to speak. If these organizations managed their money a lot more efficiently and implemented just a LITTLE transparency, I would be more for this. But at this point, I almost feel like answering some of these demands/requests with a "go pound salt until you can actually get your **** together and ensure the money will be utilized properly" response.

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I've said it all along. at the end of this, we're going to think it was bad because the deaths from this thing will be publicized (yet the actual flu will kill more people) and blown out of proportion and someone will be rich at the end of the day from the vaccines. I'm skeptical of the whole thing (especially the media fear-mongering hype).

either way, someone is going to be very rich at the end of the day...

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