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Blockbuster to close over 900 stores.

blue collar

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I can see a hybrid of online and store working.

But they were behind the curve in terms of service and content with other web-based outlets such as Netflix and Gamerang and have lost us as a customer.

With Netflix and Gamerang (and occasional Redbox) we spend more than $40 per month on video and game rental, but Blockbuster doesn't get a cent.

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With Netflix and Video on demamd, who rent videos now a days?

I do.

I tried Netflix but I didn't like it. When I want to watch a movie I'll go out and get it, not hope that Netflix sends me something I'm in the mood to see. My kids like to go and browse. Don't people browse for movies anymore?

On Demand is nice, but I'd rather get a DVD because it's easier to fast forward/rewind, and I actually watch the special features now and then.

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I do.

I tried Netflix but I didn't like it. When I want to watch a movie I'll go out and get it, not hope that Netflix sends me something I'm in the mood to see. My kids like to go and browse. Don't people browse for movies anymore?

On Demand is nice, but I'd rather get a DVD because it's easier to fast forward/rewind, and I actually watch the special features now and then.

Netflix doesnt just send you random movies. You can read the cover, read reviews, and ingeneral get more info then just a stroll through blockbuster.

I cannot remember the last time I set foot in blockbuster and we use to go almost every weekend.

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I do.

I tried Netflix but I didn't like it. When I want to watch a movie I'll go out and get it, not hope that Netflix sends me something I'm in the mood to see. My kids like to go and browse. Don't people browse for movies anymore?

On Demand is nice, but I'd rather get a DVD because it's easier to fast forward/rewind, and I actually watch the special features now and then.

You do, but is there enough of you to sustain them? And I don't know if you know this, but both Dish and cable offer systems that allow you to rewind/foward programming.

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Netflix doesnt just send you random movies. You can read the cover, read reviews, and ingeneral get more info then just a stroll through blockbuster.

Yes yes. But once you set up your queue they just send you movies. If I'm in the mood to watch a movie I'm not waiting for it to show up in the mail. I can go out and get it in five minutes.

I know a lot of people say "I don't even look at my queue. I forgot I even asked for that movie!" like that's a good thing. That's not for me though. I like to pick out my movie and then watch it.

You do, but is there enough of you to sustain them?

Probably not. That's too bad though, because I prefer going out and picking out my movie. On the other hand, we shop for groceries online, and I know people who'd rather go and get them in person. Still, I don't want grocery stores to evolve into far away warehouses no one actually walks into anymore.

And I don't know if you know this, but both Dish and cable offer systems that allow you to rewind/foward programming.

Of course. Just like you can rewind/fast-forward a videotape. DVDs give you much more control though.

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I liked to go to Blockbuster, but the one here closed a while ago (it was a franchise and not a corporate store). Usually I would browse the bargain bin to buy DVD's more than rent from them.

Now I use netflix (second time around). It's alright, but I still like the brick and mortar experience and getting a movie immediately. I guess redbox is an option but their selection is limited.

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As I said, my major problem with Blockbuster is that I used to walk into their large local store (conveniently next door to where I'm picking up my Chinese takeout), and usually walk out empty handed because they don't have a movie or game we want to rent.

Now we just queue up items on Netflix and Gamerang's websites. There we get recommendations, reviews etc. Faced with a wall of movies at Blockbuster I know the ones I don't want to watch, and don't know enough about the rest to make a choice I'm happy with.

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I used to love going to Blockbuster, but the one by me closed last year so now I use Netflix. I have no problems with Netflix so far, the movies get to me quick and I haven't had to wait for one that's been in my queue. Its also nice that I can watch some movies and tv shows instantly through my Xbox 360. I have the first 5 seasons of The Office on there that I can watch when ever I want. It's awesome!

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I do.

I tried Netflix but I didn't like it. When I want to watch a movie I'll go out and get it, not hope that Netflix sends me something I'm in the mood to see. My kids like to go and browse. Don't people browse for movies anymore?

On Demand is nice, but I'd rather get a DVD because it's easier to fast forward/rewind, and I actually watch the special features now and then.

I do too. It is not often that I have time to sit down and watch a movie, so when I do it is pretty impulsive. And the last couple of times I have rented something, it was a movie that I got from browsing and something I did not know much of anything about before I walked into the store.

I don't mind on demand, but they do not have some of the stuff I want to see sometimes.

And maybe it is a little idealistic, but I think about when I go into the store and rent something, I am helping a company I like and helping someone keep their job.

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Yes yes. But once you set up your queue they just send you movies. If I'm in the mood to watch a movie I'm not waiting for it to show up in the mail. I can go out and get it in five minutes.

I know a lot of people say "I don't even look at my queue. I forgot I even asked for that movie!" like that's a good thing. That's not for me though. I like to pick out my movie and then watch it.

You know, Netflix also offers movies on demand as well, right? I've used it on my Tivo a few times. Unfortunately, the selection is a bit thin but there is usually something I'm interested in seeing.

I think what is more of a downfall for Blockbuster is the rise of Redbox. I know a lot of people who use it to rent movies. It is cheap and it doesn't require a lot of searching. Course, the selection is somewhat more limited, but for the average person wanting to see just about anything at the spur of the moment, it is a pretty decent option.

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You know, Netflix also offers movies on demand as well, right? I've used it on my Tivo a few times. Unfortunately, the selection is a bit thin but there is usually something I'm interested in seeing.

Again, if given the choice I'll take watching a DVD over the DVR any day.

I think what is more of a downfall for Blockbuster is the rise of Redbox. I know a lot of people who use it to rent movies. It is cheap and it doesn't require a lot of searching. Course, the selection is somewhat more limited, but for the average person wanting to see just about anything at the spur of the moment, it is a pretty decent option.

Never heard of Redbox. That those vending machines outside the McDonalds?

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I use Blockbuster for video games. So I like it for that. And Redbox is tight and all but what if i want an older movie? Redbox's selections are pretty limited. Plus they don't do Blu-Ray.

I hear ya, but for new releases and $1.00? Can't beat it. One of my wife's customers invented the Red Box. Irrelevant, but cool.

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Red Box FTW!

I know it does not matter to them, or probably to anyone else for that matter, but I almost have a personal boycott against Redbox. Probably one of my biggest pet peeves is people's conduct in parking lots, notably people just leaving carts around or making their own parking places.

Redbox has people taking that second annoyance to a new level. Here in Charlotte, Redbox is everywhere, including almost every grocery store. So people park in the fire lane, or sometimes in handicapped spots to rent a movie or bring their movies back. Instead of walking the extra 20 feet that it would require to park in a legitimate parking spot. The laziness is baffling to me.

So between the hours of say six and nine, there is often a line at the Redbox, and cars are just randomly sitting everywhere in the parking lot. I went to Harris Teeter last night and there were at least five cars backed up in the fire lane and another guy pulls up right behind them and runs in with his Redbox movie in his hand.

So I guess my rant has more to do with general laziness than it does with Redbox but the situation as a whole just annoys the hell out of me.


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Used to rent movies from Blockbuster all the time. But now, i use a combo of Netflix and Redbox, and i save money doing so.

With Blockbuster, you would get like what, a 5 night rental for 4.99? Well, you're basically paying a dollar a day. Although i don't think you even get to keep the new releases that long..or maybe you do. I can't remember, but for the sake of this discussion, we'll say you're basically renting for a dollar a day.

I can rent a movie from Blockbuster for 4.99, watch it the night i get home, and take it back, but still have to pay the full $5 for the movie.

With Redbox, i can rent the same movie, watch it the night i rent it, then have it back the next day, and only be charged that $1. If i didn't get to watch it that night....i can watch it the next night, then take it back, and it cost me $2. It would take me holding onto a Redbox movie for 5 days, to match the cost of the same movie rental at Blockbuster.

Simply put, Blockbuster gives you no incentive to rent from them. Sure, redbox's selection is limited, and that's exactly why i do the cheap ole' one-at-a-time with Netflix.

With a combo of Redbox and Netflix, i get the quality, selection and price i want. i'm saving a fair amount of money, for the same amount of movies with Blockbuster.

and as far as Blockbuster's mail service goes, i've heard nothing but horror stories. Everyone i personally know that has used it, has switched to, or back to, Netflix.

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You know, Netflix also offers movies on demand as well, right? I've used it on my Tivo a few times. Unfortunately, the selection is a bit thin but there is usually something I'm interested in seeing.

I think what is more of a downfall for Blockbuster is the rise of Redbox. I know a lot of people who use it to rent movies. It is cheap and it doesn't require a lot of searching. Course, the selection is somewhat more limited, but for the average person wanting to see just about anything at the spur of the moment, it is a pretty decent option.

Ding Ding Ding. Not to mention that you are beginning to find more and more movies in 711 stores.

It's a shame really because Blockbusters were the ones that ran out Hollywood Videos and now they're next. This is why you must be on your game if you're a business entrepreneur.

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