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Yahoo News: Walmart's Project Impact; a move to crush the competition.


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Would this just eliminate all of these clothing and pharmaceuticals retailer fronts therefore making Walmart the exception.


Thus, the company is in the beginning stages of a massive store and strategy remodeling effort, which it has dubbed Project Impact. One goal of Project Impact is cleaner, less cluttered stores that will improve the shopping experience. Another is friendlier customer service. A third: home in on categories where the competition can be killed. "They've got Kmart ready to take a standing eight-count next year," says retail consultant Burt Flickinger III, managing director for Strategic Resources Group and a veteran Walmart watcher. "Same with Rite Aid. They've knocked out four of the top five toy retailers, and are now going after the last one standing, Toys "R" Us. Project Impact will be the catalyst to wipe out a second round of national and regional retailers."

Clickhere for more on the article.


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This is part of Wal-Mart's answer to the loss of their major business expansion model, previously known as "opening one new store per week."

Turns out the US has borders, Canada/Mexico are limited markets, and international inroads are harder to come by than North American opportunities.

So for a few years now Wal-Mart has been staring at expanding business less by increasing store count, and more by improving sales within the stores they already have.

Good luck, fellas. Most communities only have a certain amount of money in them for consumer products, and Wal-Mart is already getting a huge chunk of that. Even killing Toys R' Us entirely and taking every dime of their business will net "only" $13B in revenue -- a huge sum, but a pittance vs. Wal-Mart's current annual revenues of over $350B.

So, 4% if it's done perfectly.

And I suspect the actual recovery of Toys R' Us business will be less than perfect. So more like 2-3% over half a decade or so.

When they're aggressively courting this level of improvement, largely in existing stores, it's clear that their business expansion planners are playing in smaller leagues than they used to.

Growing more turnips is always easier than getting more juice from turnips that have already been grated and pressed one. Yet any garden is only so big...

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I hate wal mart. We drive longer to go to Target. But I've been in one of these new stores in ****eysville, MD and its really great. Wide isles. Nice paint job in more neutral colors rather than the garish red, blue, and grey. Plenty of cashiers. CLEAN!! Really, a good place to shop.

And I just heard they were remodeling the Wal Mart close to me. Not sure if they will magically transform their apathetic workers in the remodel but I hope it happens. If they change, my attitude towards them will change. And I'll start shopping there again.

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Its just wrong for us to support them when they openly admit to crushing any and all competition.

How many countless mom and pop stores have gone down from the beast, and now, not even Jeffrey is safe.

Sad day indeed.

You could say the same about Home Depot, McDonalds General Motors etc etc. Big coporations have been forcing the mom and pops out for more years than WM has been around. They just did it right.:mad:

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