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Vintage stuff you love. And would like to see return.

Spaceman Spiff

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DUDE! I LOVED the Shakey's Pizza that was in District Heights. I would eat that Taco Pizza and Big Mac Pizza ALL the time! Now its this seafood/liquor place called Charlies's....no joke, thats the name :hysterical:

Little Caesar's. While I know they still exist, they don't exist around here. And their tv commercials were good.

I'm not sure if anyone remembers a restaurant in Reston called Fritzbe's, but when I was a kid that was my most favorite place to go. I'd BEG my parents to go there. I'd always get a hamburger.

I know it closed years ago, that was sad.

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DUDE! I LOVED the Shakey's Pizza that was in District Heights. I would eat that Taco Pizza and Big Mac Pizza ALL the time! Now its this seafood/liquor place called Charlies's....no joke, thats the name :hysterical:

My parents used to take us to the one in Langley Park. Disgusting.

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Good broadcast television. No secret today's modern television is plagued by reality television and game shows, most of which appear idiotic. Like that show Shark Tank. Have you ever seen that? Bunch of clowns appear in front of business executives and try to pitch an idea. How intriguing is that?

In addition today's sitcoms are a joke compared to the sitcoms of old.

And back in the day you'd get a NBA tripleheader on NBC. Most conference finals games were also on NBC. Nowadays they are all cable exclusive with the exception of the occasional ABC broadcast.

And that old ABC Monday Night Football broadcast, nowadays they put that **** on ESPN and it's not as good, Mike Tirico is an average broadcaster, the crew doesn't impress me one bit

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I'm not sure if anyone remembers a restaurant in Reston called Fritzbe's, but when I was a kid that was my most favorite place to go. I'd BEG my parents to go there. I'd always get a hamburger.

It was called Fabulous Fritzbee's and the original was in Annandale. Pretty good place.

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My parents used to take us to the one in Langley Park. Disgusting.

They went downhill fast after the 70's. They started doing a larger menu because they were losing ground to Pizza Hut. Back in the day, the one in VA. had a window so you could watch the guys tossing dough and making the pizzas. For a four year old kid that was a show. But yeah, after a while they started really doing poorly. Jack of all trades, master of none.

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Watches that had moving parts. Now adays they're all quartz crystals, which is fine I guess. I get it, its cheaper and more efficient. There was a time when evey watch was a true mechanical piece of work, and for some reason I think that's cool.

Edit: To say "for some reason" isn't exactly fair. I know why. My grandparnets owned a jewlery store when I was younger, and this was back when there were still lots of 'real' watches around. There was a watch repair man who worked in the store, its a craft that's gone now I think. Bill Lair was his name. As a kid I would sit back there watching him with these gigantic magnifying glasses on working on these watches, cleaning them, replacing parts. Tiny little brushes, screw drivers, and oils and such. Stuff I remember as a kid..

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