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If you could fire one of them, who would it be? Snyder or Cerrato?


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Interesting question. Both of these guys have caught alot of flak during their tenures with the team.

Snyder has been the lightning rod of plenty of criticism over the years. From price gouging, lack of patience in team development, overpaying for players, having too much influence in the draft (without the experience), and the latest, suing premium season ticket holders.

Cerrato, likewise, has been the topic of many discussions regarding the lack of success of this team. Many fans feel he isn't suited to be a strong GM. He's accused of not having enough experience (or ability) for his position, and has often been seen as a "yes" man. He, like Dan, can be accused of handing away draft picks and failing to address major needs (like upgrading the already steady defense this offseason, instead of the struggling offense). Vinny is also viewed as responsible for the non-traditional head coaching search, being left with one of the few people who would take the position after all other options have passed on the opportunity.

Remember, Snyder has shown he is more than willing to pay for potential success. On the downside, he has too much power in choosing players and tends to alienate the fanbase. As for Cerrato, he seems loyal, interacts well with the fanbase, and has had success in the past constructing winning teams (Notre Dame, 49ers), but hasn't been able to put a consistent winning team on the field during his time with the Redskins. He was responsible for pulling in big-named free agents who simply didn't produce, which led to his firing by Marty Schottenheimer. Most of his more recent draft picks have yet to produce positive results.

So if you could fire one of the two (and were forced to keep the other), who would it be?

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Definitely Cerrato. I think Snyder has chilled out since Gibbs arrived, but he's still willing to throw money where he thinks it will help the team. Just because it hasn't worked out, doesn't mean the idea wasn't right.

As a matter of fact, the fact that it didn't work out lays squarely on Cerrato's shoulders. Get rid of that waste of air, please.

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Seeing how I introduced only the negative about Snyder and only the positive about Cerrato, I can see why you would even ask this. :doh:

would you like me to change it to "Snyder and Cerrato" then? You get the real point, which is that this thread is useless as it's only meant for people to continue flaming. What, the 3-5 threads about the Post articles weren't enough?

Seriously, what kind of legitimate conversation do you expect from a hypothetical topic discussing firing someone many aren't too happy with right now?

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would you like me to change it to "Snyder and Cerrato" then? You get the real point, which is that this thread is useless as it's only meant for people to continue flaming. What, the 3-5 threads about the Post articles weren't enough?

Seriously, what kind of legitimate conversation do you expect from a hypothetical topic discussing firing someone many aren't too happy with right now?

I suppose if I changed the question to "who would you hire for your football team?" the results would be different? Either way, people would state their reasons why they hired one person, and not the other. How is that any different than what is going on now? People are saying why they would fire one person, and not the other. Rewording the question will get the same results, just flip-flopped.

In fact, I specifically left off "both" from the poll answers because I figured that choice would run away with the votes. But I didn't--I kept it to either one of the two, or neither. It's more balanced. People can choose why they would fire one guy (and most likely flame them), and state why they chose the other (and positively support their choice). Or, they can choose to fire neither, and again, show positive support for both individuals.

The fact that you're getting pissy over this thread is mindblowing, as A) most people on this board do flame people in the organization, and B) there are plenty of other threads whose whole point is to flame (like the Post article ones). Unfortunately for you, this isn't one of them. You're wasting your time.

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People keep citing Snyder's money and desire to win.

First, since when has money been the determining factor in winning? Just look at Pittsburgh. They hardly ever make a splash in free agency, and only sign a very few core players to big-time contracts. And New England. Sure, they will drop some dough for a free agent occasionally. And when they do, it works out in their favor (unlike in D.C.). It's not how MUCH money you spend. It's HOW you spend it.

And "will to win?" Snyder only wants to win if HE gets credit for it. That's why he hires yes men who will be happy to tutor him. I doubt a competent general manager will ever work for Snyder. Who wants to spend an inordinate amount of time teaching your boss to do what you already do competently? The best example was when he entered talks with Bobby Beathard a few years back. After paying Steve Spurrior $5 mill a year to coach, he offered Beathard an insulting $900K to manage the team. It just goes to show he wasn't serious about bringing a serious football mind and give him autonomy.

I just don't get the Snyder apologists. I think I'll always see the Skins as my team. Doesn't mean I have to like the owner one iota. Honestly, I will rejoice when and if the Skins capture another title. But I think I might throw up a little bit in my mouth if I see Dan Snyder hoist that trophy.

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I suppose if I changed the question to "who would you hire for your football team?" the results would be different? Either way, people would state their reasons why they hired one person, and not the other. How is that any different than what is going on now? People are saying why they would fire one person, and not the other. Rewording the question will get the same results, just flip-flopped.

In fact, I specifically left off "both" from the poll answers because I figured that choice would run away with the votes. But I didn't--I kept it to either one of the two, or neither. It's more balanced. People can choose why they would fire one guy (and most likely flame them), and state why they chose the other (and positively support their choice). Or, they can choose to fire neither, and again, show positive support for both individuals.

The fact that you're getting pissy over this thread is mindblowing, as A) most people on this board do flame people in the organization, and B) there are plenty of other threads whose whole point is to flame (like the Post article ones). Unfortunately for you, this isn't one of them. You're wasting your time.

Wouldn't matter if you said "hire" or "fire" the intent is still there. Of course I never said YOU should reword your thread, I questioned whether or not it's even legitimate. You can dance around it all you want, but the intent of this thread, with its title, is clear as day meant to encourage flaming and not any legitimate conversation. The premise of the thread itself really doesn't leave a lot for discussion on its own anyway.

And just as what was intended by the thread, there isn't any legitimate discussion going on, just flaming.

I'm not getting "pissy" at all. Nothing in my language thus far would even suggest that. Seems more like you are just ticked off because you've been called on it correctly, so now you're trying to pretend like I'm overreacting or something.

You are right about one thing though, I am wasting my time, so this is my last post in this thread. Just wanted to point out to others, whom it should be obvious to anyways, that unless you have an axe to grind with the FO and aren't interested in actual discussion and back-and-forth over football, this thread isn't for you.

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I'd fire Snyder, because that would get rid of Cerrato too. Whoever replaced Snyder would immediately give Cerrato a pink slip. Keeping Snyder and dumping Cerrato would not help, because Snyder wants to run this team like his fantasy football plaything.

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