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DP: Mike Sellers getting a lot of hate...


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I can't imagine this had anything to do with the personal foul called on the Redskins bench in the first half, or did it?

If not, does anyone know what that was about?

Seems like we are still struggling with getting out of our own way.....


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Sellers released an apology at Redskins.com

edit: just realized someone posted the link before me..

Everyone seems to be so sure it wasnt intentional disrespect..

Although I doubt it was meant towards this country, I'm sure it was more towards the team he was about to play..

Then he later realized it was a bad move..

I didnt see this happen, though.. So I dont know if he sat it down, threw it down etc.

IMO, this had to have something to do with playing the Patriots and their co-relation to the flag.. Just my guess though..

Either way, it wasnt the smartest thing Sellers has done. As long as he's truckin LB's, though, he's forgiven by me :D

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From ESPN.com:

Moments ago, a visibly chagrined Sellers addressed the media about the incident. "It's been brought to my attention," he said, "carrying the flag out yesterday that I didn't put it in the proper spot after carrying it out. I meant no disrepect. My father retired [after] thirty-something years, almost; I grew up as an army brat. I know the conduct when it comes to the flag, and I made a mistake by setting it down the way I did, and I'd like to apologize if I offended anybody out there.

"I was asked to bring it out last-minute, didn't know who to give it to, got hyped up, and put the flag down. Like I said, if I offended anyone I apologize. That is not me. I grew up in a military background. I know what it is to respect the flag, and I apologize. It was in the heat of the moment."

For the record: it was clear from hearing Sellers describe the incident, both before and during his speech, that he legitimately meant no offense, and his apology seemed heartfelt.

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I didn't see the incident; TV coverage of this preseason game was the typical CBS fare.

However, the article says the flag was flung, not dropped. That term implies this wasn't an accidental drop, rather something Sellers did intentionally.

Was Sellers unaware of the traditonal decorum involving the American flag at the opening of NFL contests? I suppose it is possible -- but for a veteran of 10 years in the NFL, you'd figure he'd have a clue by now.:doh:

So I don't feel the least bit sorry for Mike Sellers catching some heat for his antic. I think people are justified in reminding him that what he did was not acceptable behavior. And if it was done because he was all hyped up about a pre-season game, he needs to get a grip.

I can understand how people want to keep this in perspective, and give Sellers the benefit of the doubt. However I don't think we should condone what he did, or lower the bar for that kind of thoughtless behavior.

By the way -- I strongly disagree with Bobzmuda's comment (post#11). I can only hope it was not intended seriously.

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Just saw the post about Sellers apology. I'm glad he did that.

I hope the media allows this apology to effectively close this incident. I don't see any value in dragging this out further.

On the other hand, I hope Sellers learns something from this -- maybe a little more about sticking to the script when entrusted with a responsibilty. It might help him buckle down in learning his blocking schemes, and executing his line plunges effectively rather than trying to showboat by going airborne.

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Like the man said,he's a former Army brat an knows more than enough about respect for the flag. **** happens sometimes. We may not like it when it does,but we recognize it,learn from it,and move on. Hell even I made a similar mistake over the July 4th weekend this summer,(obviously a smaller flag and it was in the front yard). Got distracted and dummied up. :doh: Anyone can make a mistake. Mike did and apologized. Time to move on.

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Overreacting big time. I am ex military. Guarantee The American flag gets dropped hundreds of times or is allowed to grace the floor. I've seen the color guard hang it upside down. When my father passed a few months ago (20 years retired military) I received his flag and the honor guard about dropped that. Let alone it took them literally 15 minutes to fold, unfold, refold it and it looked awful when they presented it to me. But no big deal. These guys practice this all the time. I'm sure Big Mike isn't in the flag handling business. And I'm pretty sure it was an accident. Hell it took months to get Obama to cross his heart of wear a flag on his lapel.

Well he has come down and said it was a mistake but reading the first report on ESPN says he flung it on the ground which is differant then just oops and dropping it. I don't think people are upset about and accidently dropping but the precieved purposed disrespect. People were right to question him and be upset.

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By the way -- I strongly disagree with Bobzmuda's comment (post#11). I can only hope it was not intended seriously.

agreed. i'm sure his comment wasnt meant to offend and meant only in jest but IMO was not a great attempt at humor. surprised you were the first to comment on it.

RVdisturbedskins- as far as him not being born here (assuming he isnt, i dont know), i have a different take on that. i was born in the UK and moved to America when i was 4. i always wanted to do my part to give back to the greatest country in the world. so i joined the marine corps out of high school. i served in the gulf, had a friend die there, and kissed the ground when we came back and landed in new york.

i am not yet a citizen and may never be (long legal story), but i consider myself at least as much an 'American' as anyone born here. if i'm being honest, i'm probably more zealous about America and patriotism than most. i think alot of foreign born Americans can have an appreciation for America that some people born here may not fully have. and when you feel you've 'earned' your keep, you feel more attached to it as with anything earned, not given.

not sure how mike feels about that but i dont doubt his patriotism or apology. he just goofed.

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You think their overreacting? They take the "PLEDGE", which is pure honor of our flag and country, out of our schools and everywhere in the United States, then have the nerve to cry, moan and beetch because the flag was tossed and touched the ground? All I can even think to say to those people is go to hell you pathetic hypocrites!

Can you show me an actual public school system that has removed the pledge?



Mike shouldn't have done it. Disrespectful.


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Yeah, I started athread on it last night and it was merged like stated earlier. Nobody really knows why he did it or if it was an accident or not. I'll give him the benifit of the doubt and believe it was just dropped. This could be a PR nightmare for him if indeed it gets out that this was on purpose and some kind of statement.

If he dropped it, then why didn't he pick it up? I don't know the reasoning behind it, but it's a very big deal. Flag etiquette states that you should dispose of the flag if it even brushes the ground. Any American should know that you don't throw the national symbol on the ground.

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This is alot bigger deal then what some of you realize, especally to the guy that moved the orginal thread to the Dead Zone, lol what were you trying to do protect Sellers?

If thier is footage to showup then his apology wont be the end of it, unless it really looks like an acident, but doesnt sound like one. The comish Goodell is very strict and if he thinks this embrasses the league, dont be suprized he hands down some punishment, there doesnt have to be any laws broken for him to do so.

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Some people feel more strongly towards objects that symbolize something than others may. Personally, I think its silly to get bent out of shape over this situation. I understand that the flag is supposed to be a sign of strength and unity. However, it isn't like Sellers ripped, spit, stepped on, or did anything to the flag out of disrespect.

I could care less what he did. It wasn't meant in disrespect so big deal. I'm sure he knows now what he did could be seen in a negative light by others, let's get over it now.

It was disrespectful because he didn't pay closer attention to the flag.

Hell, even I know that you shouldn't drop the flag on the ground and go off to stretch and get ready for the game.

Military brat, yeah right.

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