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DP: Mike Sellers getting a lot of hate...


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This is alot bigger deal then what some of you realize, especally to the guy that moved the orginal thread to the Dead Zone, lol what were you trying to do protect Sellers?

If thier is footage to showup then his apology wont be the end of it, unless it really looks like an acident, but doesnt sound like one. The comish Goodell is very strict and if he thinks this embrasses the league, dont be suprized he hands down some punishment, there doesnt have to be any laws broken for him to do so.



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Everyone is making a mountain out of a mole hill. Its just a flag. It only means as much or a little as you personally want it to. For some it is an object of pride and of honor. For others it is a symbol of oppression and genocide.

To each their own. Sellers is not the smartest apple in the bowl of fruit. I would not put thought at the top of the list of things that Sellers is good at.

He made a stupid mistake. He did not mean anything negative by it people should let it go.

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You think their overreacting? They take the "PLEDGE", which is pure honor of our flag and country, out of our schools and everywhere in the United States, then have the nerve to cry, moan and beetch because the flag was tossed and touched the ground? All I can even think to say to those people is go to hell you pathetic hypocrites!

Since when was the Pledge removed out of schools "everywhere in the United States?" From where does this silly information come?

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Everyone is making a mountain out of a mole hill. Its just a flag. It only means as much or a little as you personally want it to. For some it is an object of pride and of honor. For others it is a symbol of oppression and genocide.

To each their own. Sellers is not the smartest apple in the bowl of fruit. I would not put thought at the top of the list of things that Sellers is good at.

He made a stupid mistake. He did not mean anything negative by it people should let it go.

First I agree that I believe that it was an honest mistake, stupid mistake, but he didn't mean to offend anyone. Just because he didn't mean to offend people doesn't mean people shouldn't be offended...up to the point he apologized. He apologized, its done.

Now that he has made ammends we as Redskins well have to listen to crap from other team's fans like this guy on yahoo...

. Posted by Dane C Sat Aug 29 6:03pm EDT

P.S. I find it hilarious and ironic that a guy from a team nicknamed the REDSKINS is being chastised for throwing a flag on the ground. Maybe he was protesting the way that the native people of this land were treated centuries ago.

Here is another guy that is a total douche, I find it hard to believe that in the year 2009 there are still morons like this out there....

Posted by Topa Warrior Sat Aug 29 6:11pm EDT

Leave it to a ghetto bunny to disrespect our fflag! Maybe if the punk was in his motherland (solmola or the congo) disrespecting the national rag would constitute hooking up with a monkey! Here in America, many people have served and even died to preserve the right for freedom! Punks think they are owed the ground they strut on! They punk should serve the country and would better appreciate what he's got then his realtives in the bush!

link to the comments I posted above


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Of all the people who want to continue to cry about this, who has actually been in the military and did not get dishonorably discharged? I know a lot of you have, some are Vietnam vets but when I hear some smarmey ass 19 year old talking smack...Where's your uniform son. I am ex-military and I say get over it. Do you fly the American flag outside your house? Everyday? Not just the 4th of July either. Do you know how many folds there are to a flag when a flag is presented to a loved one when a family member (entitled to it) passes away or is killed in duty. Didn't think so. Sorry but the whole thing is blown way out of proportion.:gaintsuck

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well it's just a flag!:doh:

It's just a flag until "your" family member(s) are killed in the World Trade Center, or the Pentagon, or any other random location by people who hate its meaning and the people who love it.

I also say this is overblown, however many people have died for that flag, and the way you put your response is just disrespectful...you must not be an American, must not have spent time in the military, and must not care. If you are an American, no worry the U.S. Military will continue to fight for your right to speak your BS, I mean peace.


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They get fined for the red portion of their socks being slightly too high or too low. They get fined if their shirt tail is out (Last night when Campbell came up with a hurt shoulder, notice he made sure he tucked his shirt in instead of tending to his pain. Shirt tail out - 10,000 bucks.)

They get fined if the tape on their shoes doesn't match the shoe color, and if it is too far up the ankle. They get fined if their hand towel hangs too low, or not low enough.

It's ridiculous the things they get fined for, and I'd say considering that, a fine for disrespecting the flag is certainly going to happen.

Sorry to shill, but if you click the banner below and listen to th latest edition of the BCRH, we run down all the fines about midway thru the show. You'd be amazed.


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As an Eagle Scout I can tell you that seeing the flag so mistreated does indeed upset and distrub me. I thought it was a pretty stupid thing to do, but I'm glad Mike Sellars owned up to it. That was classy in my opinion. And regardless of your political views that's the real story. How many athletes would have owned up to it that quickly? I mean that was VERY quick if you ask me.

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If he broke the flag in half, then be outraged. If he threw it to the ground just shut up. Learn to get over things.

somehow i think older posters and/or those who have served wont take the advice of a younger poster telling them to 'shut up' and get over it.

people who serve our country defend what the flag represents and that includes protecting the opinions of those who want to burn the flag.

to me, that's humbling.

just a limey from across the pond's opinion though.... :soapbox:

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somehow i think older posters and/or those who have served wont take the advice of a younger poster telling them to 'shut up' and get over it.

people who serve our country defend what the flag represents and that includes protecting the opinions of those who want to burn the flag.

to me, that's humbling.

just a limey from across the pond's opinion though.... :soapbox:

You are so right...25 years in the military and counting, so my brain keeps reverting back to all the travels away from home. Getting off the airplane during the first Iraqi War, Carrier (CVN) cruise back to the gulf, Bosnia, & back to Iraqi and that doesn't include the simple Western Pacific Deployments that also kept me away from my family. Worse is seeing the American Flag over the coffins. Great comment.


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