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DP: Mike Sellers getting a lot of hate...


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This is the only mention of it in the article, but the full article is linked above.

QBs Brady, Campbell put on air show

The Denver Post and wire services

Posted: 08/29/2009 01:00:00 AM MDT


"In an unsightly breach of patriotic etiquette, Redskins fullback Mike Sellers, carrying the American flag onto the field during pregame introductions, flung the Stars and Stripes onto the ground near the 50-yard line. After a few seconds, linebacker Robert Hanson walked over and rescued the flag off the turf."

Alot of people are really mad about this, calling for fines and suspension and such. I think they're overreacting, wondering what ES thinks...

Also, I didn't see this happen, did anyone actually see and can clarify what happened?

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I noticed this at the game. When he did it I sort of went :doh:, but figured he just wasn't thinking as opposed to being intentionally disrespectful. I'm sure he's been told and will know better from here on out.

I read somewhere that the flag was tangled and it was more out of frustration. any merit?

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Yeah, I started athread on it last night and it was merged like stated earlier. Nobody really knows why he did it or if it was an accident or not. I'll give him the benifit of the doubt and believe it was just dropped. This could be a PR nightmare for him if indeed it gets out that this was on purpose and some kind of statement.

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Alot of people are really mad about this, calling for fines and suspension and such. I think they're overreacting, wondering what ES thinks...

You think their overreacting? They take the "PLEDGE", which is pure honor of our flag and country, out of our schools and everywhere in the United States, then have the nerve to cry, moan and beetch because the flag was tossed and touched the ground? All I can even think to say to those people is go to hell you pathetic hypocrites!

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You think their overreacting? They take the "PLEDGE", which is pure honor of our flag and country, out of our schools and everywhere in the United States, then have the nerve to cry, moan and beetch because the flag was tossed and touched the ground? All I can even think to say to those people is go to hell you pathetic hypocrites!

There are people saying he should be kicked out of the NFL. I think that is overreacting. Obviously people have a right to be upset, but I don't think this was a career ending mistake

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Some people feel more strongly towards objects that symbolize something than others may. Personally, I think its silly to get bent out of shape over this situation. I understand that the flag is supposed to be a sign of strength and unity. However, it isn't like Sellers ripped, spit, stepped on, or did anything to the flag out of disrespect.

I could care less what he did. It wasn't meant in disrespect so big deal. I'm sure he knows now what he did could be seen in a negative light by others, let's get over it now.

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Overreacting big time. I am ex military. Guarantee The American flag gets dropped hundreds of times or is allowed to grace the floor. I've seen the color guard hang it upside down. When my father passed a few months ago (20 years retired military) I received his flag and the honor guard about dropped that. Let alone it took them literally 15 minutes to fold, unfold, refold it and it looked awful when they presented it to me. But no big deal. These guys practice this all the time. I'm sure Big Mike isn't in the flag handling business. And I'm pretty sure it was an accident. Hell it took months to get Obama to cross his heart of wear a flag on his lapel.

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I could care less what he did. It wasn't meant in disrespect so big deal. I'm sure he knows now what he did could be seen in a negative light by others, let's get over it now.

Sellers should just opt out of the flag carrying duties. If the Redskins are going to have a player carry the flag on the field, show some class. If there is no one up the task, leave it on the fricken pole.


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Moments ago, a visibly chagrined Sellers addressed the media about the incident. "It's been brought to my attention," he said, "carrying the flag out yesterday that I didn't put it in the proper spot after carrying it out. I meant no disrepect. My father retired [after] thirty-something years, almost; I grew up as an army brat. I know the conduct when it comes to the flag, and I made a mistake by setting it down the way I did, and I'd like to apologize if I offended anybody out there.

"I was asked to bring it out last-minute, didn't know who to give it to, got hyped up, and put the flag down. Like I said, if I offended anyone I apologize. That is not me. I grew up in a military background. I know what it is to respect the flag, and I apologize. It was in the heat of the moment."

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