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asking landlord to reduce rent - strategies?


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I really like my current apartment. Its in a great location and has everything I need in a place. Only thing is that the rent is kinda high. I went on Craigslist to look at other places so I could save a few bones and I come upon a listing by my landlord advertising other units in the same building for $180 less then I pay. Needless to say I intend to pay that price from here on out.

If he says no I would just be like okay let me move into one of the cheaper units. I don't think he really has any defense as each unit is the exact same; same size, same layout. They are even on the same floor. My lease expires in a month.

So any strategies to go about getting the rent reduced? I emailed him already and told him about the craigslist ad and how I feel I am over paying (obviously in a friendly tone).

I wish I could just email him a link to the ad and say "the **** is this ****?"

lol so yeah anyways have any of you successfully lowered your rent?

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Just tell him you want the rate you seen on craigslist. If your a good tenant, I'm pretty sure he'll do it.

Yeah I've done this and I'm hopeful he'll do it.

But people can be unreasonable so it can't hurt to get other peoples strategeries :D

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Tell him you will sign another years lease (if thats what you want) if you get the $180 reduction in price. Good luck! $180 saved a month - that is huge!

Let us know what happens.

Yep, offer him something. If he knows you'll be there another year then he's assured himself consistent payment for the next 12 months from that unit, and you get to save $180 a month.

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Tell him you will sign another years lease (if thats what you want) if you get the $180 reduction in price. Good luck! $180 saved a month - that is huge!

Let us know what happens.

Yep that's the plan. Said I would sign on for another 2 years if he gives me the reduced rent.

Haven't gotten a reply yet but I'll update this thread when he does.

Thanks for the advice everyone. Appreciate it.

And hell yes $180 is huge. When I saw the listing on craigslist I was pretty damn mad. Thats over 2k a year!

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I really like my current apartment. Its in a great location and has everything I need in a place. Only thing is that the rent is kinda high. I went on Craigslist to look at other places so I could save a few bones and I come upon a listing by my landlord advertising other units in the same building for $180 less then I pay. Needless to say I intend to pay that price from here on out.

If he says no I would just be like okay let me move into one of the cheaper units. I don't think he really has any defense as each unit is the exact same; same size, same layout. They are even on the same floor. My lease expires in a month.

So any strategies to go about getting the rent reduced? I emailed him already and told him about the craigslist ad and how I feel I am over paying (obviously in a friendly tone).

I wish I could just email him a link to the ad and say "the **** is this ****?"

lol so yeah anyways have any of you successfully lowered your rent?

What are the terms of your current lease? (length left)
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The best strategy in a situation like this is simple honesty.

Tell him you love the apartment. Tell him you don't want to move. Tell him that you enjoy having him as a landlord, etc. etc.

BUT - tell him also that you might have to move b/c you can get a similar apartment for less money. Show him some comps, or where you're thinking about moving.

Don't try to play hardball. All that will accomplish is him throwing up his defenses and it becoming a grudge match. Nobody wins. Just tell him how much you like the apartment and want to stay, and can we work something out.

However, you'd better be prepared to leave if it doesn't.

So many people think negotiations need to be combative... that is the absolute worst strategy. I think you've handled it well so far, though it wouldn't hurt to soften him up a bit and point out what a great apartment he owns and what a great tenant you've been :cool:

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Thanks for the advice zoony.

I just got off the phone with my landlord and it didn't go too bad at all. He knocked off $150 from the rent :D

I did ask about the $30 difference and he gave me some excuse about trying to lure in tenants with such a low price and then adding some monthly fees to bring the price up. But still I am very happy... saving $150 a month adds up like hell.

Thanks for all the advice guys. I didn't put on the tough guy act and he showed gratitude and hooked it up with a discount. I guess it pays to be a nice guy lol

Also, if you live in an apartment you should check out craigslist (or other rental sites) occasionally to see if you might be overpaying. Especially in this economy where its hard to get stuff rented landlords are forced to lower prices.

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I'm glad it went well. When I tried to swindle something similar a few weeks ago the rental agent looked like she was trying to hold in laughter.

'swindle' has nothing to do with it.

You signed a contract based on what you and the landlord thought rents were worth at the time.

If circumstances change and current market rates are lower then of course they can hold you to your contract, but if I was them, in return for something else, like extending the length of your contract, they might reduce the rent.

Otherwise come the end of your contract you have the feeling, however justified, that you have been paying above market rates for part of it.

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