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The Dojo of Dorsey


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I think we may have found our punt returner and speed scat-back we've been looking for for the past few years.

He displayed quickness, and some power in his stint at RB

if he can hold on to the ball, and have another outing like last night against the Pats.... I'll be ready to sign up :D

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Im finding it a tough call between Dorsey and Mason. Mason as great vision while Dorsey can be just down right explosive.


But I think Dorsey would be able to help the team more than Mason could. We tried Mason out in special teams and didn't show much at all. Dorsey seems to thrive there. Mason seems like another CP and Ladell clone, just not with as much talent. I don't think that's what this team needs.

Not to discredit Mason though, he still has plenty of talent, and I hope he does catch on somewhere if we do let him go again.

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Dear Football Abby,

I've been a Rock supporter for a long time. I love role players, team player, underdogs, and home grown talent, which he is all these things.

That said I find it hard to root for these other guys knowing it probably means Rock looses his job but also knowing Dorsey is probably a better move in the long run for the long term.

Where do I cross the line from Rock supporter to possible position upgrade?


Conflicked Redskins Fan

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The problem is this team has hung onto veterans instead of developing young talent. As much as I like Rock is it really worth keeping him around at the risk of losing a game where Dorsey could break one for a TD or give us great field position?

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This is perhaps the single most interesting decision to observe that will be made by our coaches other than the final WR spot.

Rock seems to go through this every year, but I think this is as close as it has gotten since he's been here. Dorsey flashed tonight for sure.

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If it came down to Dorsey Vs. Cartwright for that last spot, how could you not pick Dorsey? He is younger, faster, and has more potential. Although Rock has a long tenure, and was a high ranking kick returner last year, Dorsey seems to have what we need in a kick returner and as a spell running back (vision, speed, quickness, explosiveness)

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But I think Dorsey would be able to help the team more than Mason could. We tried Mason out in special teams and didn't show much at all. Dorsey seems to thrive there. Mason seems like another CP and Ladell clone, just not with as much talent. I don't think that's what this team needs.


Mason doesn't do anything really different from Portis or especially Betts. And he's not good at special teams.

Dorsey can return balls, and he's got a hell of a speed burst.

The only issue is his hands though- I could see that being a problem, and reports out of practice/camp mentioned it coming up there as well.

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Yeah, I'd rather have him in the slot as opposed to Randel 'El.

That's just crazy talk, he's not even a wide receiver.

But I do agree that Dorsey showed something that we've been missing recently, and that's quickness and vision to potentially take one to the house. I can't express how much better I would feel about him returning punts over ARE.

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Between him and Marcus Mason, it's hard to understand where Rock fits in.

Don't get me wrong, I like Rock and he's been here and played hard for 8 years now...but it just seems like there's better talent in camp.

There is an easy solution to this, we keep both and cut Rock. I'm not sure what the reasoning for keeping Cartwright would be.

Plus I still have visions of Rock pouncing on a still ball on the 1 yard line and knocking it into the end zone for a touchback. :doh:

Love Dorsey's speed and vision. Next Darren Sproles?

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Depends who is better on special teams coverage. I know it's not the sexy thing, but our coverage was awful last night and now that Thrash and Campbell are gone, Rock is probably the best special teams player. Losing 3 of our top special teamers in one season would really hurt. It's always hard to tell, and Dorsey didn't look bad on coverage, so based on that and his value as a returner and a change-of-pace back, I'm really pulling for the guy.

But don't forget, hopefully in the next two games, we'll see Anthony Alridge. He was supposed to be faster than Dorsey, so I'm hoping it's not too late for him to make an impression.

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