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Campbell, Collins, And Colt....(And It Could Be Worse LoL)

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All Three were horrible, granted no body can play behind that Oline but every single one of them were off in some way. Over thrown balls, missing open players, rushing plays or holding the ball too long. I mean it runs the gamut with the QBs. Lets just hope it changes


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How bout we trade the Coach?

Ah if only we could find a team like Oakland did for Jon Gruden. Traded their entire draft class for the next century to get him. Of course if we did that we would then turn around and trade for the most overrated, over the hill, decrepit veterans we could find.

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Ah if only we could find a team like Oakland did for Jon Gruden. Traded their entire draft class for the next century to get him. Of course if we did that we would then turn around and trade for the most overrated, over the hill, decrepit veterans we could find.

Why not, isn't that what we do anyway!:hysterical:

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So at 6am, I was watching Sportscenter enough to watch the Jets Mark Sanchez highlights, 3 for 4 with a 40 yard pass(do we have this in our playbook?).

So I will try not to hate too much on Jason Campbell but here are my venting issues with him, coaching, and this organization:

* why is he our starting QB, having to listen to his interview during the preseason game made my blood boil. He expresses a sense of entitlement to this starting QB position and for what, performance??? No this is actually something he has never done.

* he is a back up QB at best. By midseason they will be contemplating pulling him, but he will play a game just well enough for Zorny and the rest of the morons to say. "he played well we think he is capable of this and more. He has the fundamentals and the tools", does he really? It will be a game where he is 16 for 24, with 14 of those completions being 3 yard passes. Because his brain lets him follow one reciever down field, and since he keeps his eyes on that reciever it draws an LB or safety. So the receiver is never open, so his first check down is a short out receiver. That should be the 3rd or 4th check down but he is not capable of looking across the field. This is common in a high school quarterback...

* I am sick of hearing we need to be patient with him, and this player and that player. Do we really? Because this is the NFL, this is where the best of the best are suppose to reside. And yet we hear a coach making excuses. The team went after QBs in the off season tell the fans. "Yep we are not really convinced that we have a NFL caliber QB." and I realize our line is suspect but other OBs make plays happen. I am tired of hearing all the propaganda from this organization, give us honesty,


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Look, Campbell is not Zorn's guy. It reminds me of when Gibbs returned, Ramsey was the starter. Gibbs didn't step on Synders toes. Gibbs proved that Ramsey couldn't play. I was for the FO signing Cutler. I bashed Campbell, for good reason. Fans made excuses for him. "OL didn't do the job." Whatever!

This is Campbell's last shot. Contract year. Put up or shut up. I must admit, he looked pretty good on his first throw, Thursday night. We'll see. I don't think any of the collapse of last year is Zorn's fault. Fans blame Zorn and his playcalling. But lets be for real. Campbell didn't have any confidence. Fans want the ball thrown deep. Zorn called for that. Campbell checks down to Cooley. Doc Walker even said that Campbell has to take chances. Interceptions happen.

I'm going to sit back and be patient during this preseason. But come Sept. 13th, if Campbell is not aggressive, it will be a long season. Throw the ball Campbell. Make plays. Score points. The defense will do the job. Do yours.

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I keep laughing when people say Campbell is staring down his Wr's or checking down.

-1st off in order for a QB to go threw his progressions, an O-line has to block. I know you're not implying this because Stevie Wonder can see that the Skins O-line didn't block well the other night. They didn't pass block well, nor did they run block well. Its not an excuse, its the truth. The O lline stinks.

- Another thing you're implying is that WR's are getting open. I didn't see that with Randel El and Thomas. You certainly didn't see it last year. The Skins brass didn't have confidence in putting in the 2 WR's they drafted or the best TE in college football. Why do you think that is? Either they don't have it or the coaching staff doesn't know what their doing.

-Ahhh the check down BS everyone keeps talking about. In order for a QB to check down he usually goes to his RB's and TE's. Well last I checked Cooley averaging about 10.5 yds a catch and was a top TE in the league. Not bad fot TE. Now you can't imply that he was checking down to RB's because if you add up all the catches that the Skins RB's had you'd see they only have about 60 catches combined with Portis leeading the way with about 28 catches, I mean all the backs fb's included.

-Its amazing that people can look at this team and think the Skins are just a QB away from contending. My take is the O-line stinks. No matter who the QB is. I've been saying this for about 2 or 3 years now. The Skins have a weak WR core. They tried to remedy this last year but they didn't contribute Jac. Its stupid when I keep hearing people say well you have Clinton Portis, Cooley and Moss. So What??!! If you're not getting any blocking, I don't care who's at the Skill position. you build teams inside out, not outside in. Thats how the Skins won Championships before. If anyone should know this it should be Skins fans.

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-Its amazing that people can look at this team and think the Skins are just a QB away from contending. My take is the O-line stinks. No matter who the QB is. I've been saying this for about 2 or 3 years now. The Skins have a weak WR core. They tried to remedy this last year but they didn't contribute Jac. Its stupid when I keep hearing people say well you have Clinton Portis, Cooley and Moss. So What??!! If you're not getting any blocking, I don't care who's at the Skill position. you build teams inside out, not outside in. Thats how the Skins won Championships before. If anyone should know this it should be Skins fans.

You could have just saved your breath and went with this, which is reason enough. Good points all, but without a decent OL, the entire offenses suffers.

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Great thread Cali, I just want someone to step it up and get this team scoring again. I really don't care who it is, lets just win!

I'm beginning to get on the Collins bandwagon. Does he have a "church" or "cult" or anything?

Todd Collins is a better QB then JC and Colt, and it just cracks me up that some people thinks he can only play in Saunders system.

We look like a better team when he's on the field, we moved the ball better when he was playing, and if he continues to play better each game, I am all for starting him. After all he is the one who took us to the playoffs when JC was ruining another season.

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Campbell seems to be spinning his head faster by design ... but he is still robotic and inaccurate rather than being instinctive and accurate. Skins should give serious consideration to naming Todd Collins the starter ... he is the Skins' best QB right now.

For at least 3 years now.

He started 4 regular season games, won all of them. Meanwhile Campbell is what? 16-20?

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If Campbell doesn't play well, we may have to replace him with Todd Collins. Colt Brennan looked like a 6th rounder on thursday, so I don't think he's even backup material.
I wouldn't give up on Colt yet because the receivers he had on the field was garbage. Many times they stood in one spot and never even tried to break open and help the QB out. Colt had absolutely nobody to throw the ball too, and I can't wait till these lazy rookies are cut.

But I am seriously starting to wonder if Zorns offense is the real problem, not 1 QB even tried to throw the ball into the endzone. Maybe there's not a play in Zorns book that will let them. Lets see how we do against the world champs Saturday, I bet everyone we won't go after them as well. Not one bomb will be thrown and not one pass will be thrown into the end zone to give our receivers a chance to step up.

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Great thread Cali, I just want someone to step it up and get this team scoring again. I really don't care who it is, lets just win!

Todd Collins is a better QB then JC and Colt, and it just cracks me up that some people thinks he can only play in Saunders system.

We look like a better team when he's on the field, we moved the ball better when he was playing, and if he continues to play better each game, I am all for starting him. After all he is the one who took us to the playoffs when JC was ruining another season.

To compare our 3 to other QBs, it would essentially be this:

Colt = Favre - With Colt we'd score more and be more explosive, but definitely prone to more turnovers.

Collins = Pennington - Consistent and will get the job done. The only concern is him wearing down.

Campbell = Edwards - Inconsistent and erratic. Glimpses of a great QB are there, but they are just flashes.

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LMAO! one good hit on Collins and he will turn into a pumpkin....Collins has showed me nothing special..he checks down well, but every pass he threw looked like a shot duck floating in the air......got to luv Redskins fans always rooting for the backup QB Why can't the Cryboys make Tod Collins their starter?

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Writing on the wall is really bright today with Sanchez playing so well and Orton playing bad. That "should" show the Jason apologists exactly what the rest of us have already seen.

Unless we start Collins against the Giants in week one it's going to be a very long year.

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I think there are few tweaks to be made but overall, its hard to judge. I saw Jason Campbell doing his job and doing it well with the hand full of snaps that he had. Oh and by the way, Campbell made a great throw with the house coming to Hagans on the sideline! I'm sorry, you are an NFL receiver, if a ball hits you in both hands it is your job to catch it! Fred Davis' two fumbles came at the doorstep of the red zone and killed a drive when we were either going in for 6 or at least 3. Zorn sees that we are moving the ball through the air and not on the ground but twice calls back to back running plays that forced us to go 3 and out. I think the biggest problem is that the Ravens' 2nd team is by far more capable than our 2nd team. 1st team on 1st team, we moved the ball right down the field only to be stopped by our own mishaps. Mental mistakes happen in the preseason and can be fixed easily. I think we will see more solid play against the Steelers and throughout the preseason. Believe me, CP26 will be in the backfield! I am not at all worried, nor should anyone else be.


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