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Campbell, Collins, And Colt....(And It Could Be Worse LoL)

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The argument that could be made is that we could have drafted Sanchez, traded/cut Campbell, and started Collins for a few weeks until we believed Sanchez was ready.

Now, I'm not necessarily in favor of that, I'm just saying it would have given us a potential franchise QB along with a stop-gap.

However, to trade up to draft Sanchez, we'd have been giving up a lot and there's no guarantee he'll pan out.

Edit: I thought Campbell and Collins both played fine on Thursday by the way. I'm not necessarily arguing that they should have been replaced.

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I think there are few tweaks to be made but overall, its hard to judge. I saw Jason Campbell doing his job and doing it well with the hand full of snaps that he had. Oh and by the way, Campbell made a great throw with the house coming to Hagans on the sideline! I'm sorry, you are an NFL receiver, if a ball hits you in both hands it is your job to catch it! Fred Davis' two fumbles came at the doorstep of the red zone and killed a drive when we were either going in for 6 or at least 3. Zorn sees that we are moving the ball through the air and not on the ground but twice calls back to back running plays that forced us to go 3 and out. I think the biggest problem is that the Ravens' 2nd team is by far more capable than our 2nd team. 1st team on 1st team, we moved the ball right down the field only to be stopped by our own mishaps. Mental mistakes happen in the preseason and can be fixed easily. I think we will see more solid play against the Steelers and throughout the preseason. Believe me, CP26 will be in the backfield! I am not at all worried, nor should anyone else be.


Hagans maybe should have caught that ball BUT it was far from perfect. He was WIDE open and maybe to wide open for Jason. Also Davis' lost fumble didn't happen with jason in there.

Todd is the most solid and the word is has been really good in camp.

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I think Tod Collins should have been starting all along. Remember, he saved our butts back in 2007 when we had to win out the last 4 games and look what happened. It was accurate passing and being able to find someone even when the Offensive Line came crashing down. For some reason Campbell cant find anyone when the O-line crashes. And when he is forced to run in order to find a pass he cant do that either. If there is someone wide open, Collins will take the shot and throw it right into their direction and most times its a hit for the inzone. Winning the last 4 games in 2007 really made him look good and got him a second string QB spot on our team. After Colt Brennan's performance on Thursday, It goes to show you that he needs further work before he starts. So basically Collins is our man.

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Writing on the wall is really bright today with Sanchez playing so well and Orton playing bad. That "should" show the Jason apologists exactly what the rest of us have already seen.

Unless we start Collins against the Giants in week one it's going to be a very long year.

LMOA what is collins going to do against the gmen?get sacked,fumble ,throw some INT's...if we make Collins the Starter then we reslly are the worst team in the NFC east...T.HOMO,Eli Manning,DMcnabb,and Todd Collins....Tod Collins will never become a starter again in the NFL..Backup yes,Starter hell no!no team wants him to start..Even after we made the playoffs no teams were interested in making him a starter...only backup posistions were avilable to him...Even though our current QB is'nt very good...HE is without a doubt our best QB on the roster...in fact i will be pissed if Collins gets the #2 spot over Colt:doh:

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Well Collins has showed more than Colt. Colt did not do good on Thursday's game. Collins still has those last 4 games in everyone's memory from the 2007 season. And there is no way your going to tell me that Jason Campell has the good over Collins. Ask most people if they think Jason Campbell could have thrown against the last 4 teams we played and I bet you most people would say "No". Collins can throw the ball while running and find someone, let alone it be the full back when our three pass players are covered, including the running back. My bet is with Collins, that we need to get the full-back (Mike Sellers), involved more in our west coast passing games. Just have him go out for a few yards at a time, or run him on a screen route. At least it would give Collins use to throwing it to someone when our TE and both WR's are being covered.

And lets not mention that Colt threw an interception. That's not going to look good on him if Collins goes out in next games and does fairly ok, not to mention a decent performance in training camp. Colt may be positioned at third string QB for a while if Collins proves he has what it takes. So obviously you can say that I think Collins should be the starter. Let alone he probably wants to.

Either way Campbell is gone the way I see it. As soon as the 2009 season is done, we can expect to hear a Fox 5 or channel 9 news update about him being released. And then the search we will be for a new QB during the whole off season of 2009 all the way through 2010. I think we will end up drafting some top notch QB or if we can afford it, pick up one that another team drops for whatever reason. Who knows, we may get back Patrick Ramsey.....LoL.

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Hagans maybe should have caught that ball BUT it was far from perfect. He was WIDE open and maybe to wide open for Jason. Also Davis' lost fumble didn't happen with jason in there.

Todd is the most solid and the word is has been really good in camp.

Campbell threw that ball with the D right in his face and while getting hit by an LB. Also, apparently Hagans wasn't even IN the progression on that play so I think JC did a pretty good job of seeing him open and getting the ball even close to him given those facts. Its just unfortunate that Hagans is like 5'9. Malcolm Kelly or Devin Thomas would probably have hardly needed to jump to get that ball.

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Writing on the wall is really bright today with Sanchez playing so well and Orton playing bad. That "should" show the Jason apologists exactly what the rest of us have already seen.

Sanchez was playing against the second string. He didn't go in the ballgame until the 2nd quarter. He did play well but I'll wait until I want to see what he does with the 1st string defense.

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Campbell threw that ball with the D right in his face and while getting hit by an LB. Also, apparently Hagans wasn't even IN the progression on that play so I think JC did a pretty good job of seeing him open and getting the ball even close to him given those facts. Its just unfortunate that Hagans is like 5'9. Malcolm Kelly or Devin Thomas would probably have hardly needed to jump to get that ball.

He is drilled to hit either in stride or between the numbers, he missed plain and simple.

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He is drilled to hit either in stride or between the numbers, he missed plain and simple.

Reality really just has no effect on you, does it? Do they drill the QBs for throwing to a guy while a rusher is nailing them right as they release the ball? When a QB gets hit right as he is throwing you're very unlikely to get a perfect pass. You're usually lucky to get a completion.

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Reality really just has no effect on you, does it? Do they drill the QBs for throwing to a guy while a rusher is nailing them right as they release the ball? When a QB gets hit right as he is throwing you're very unlikely to get a perfect pass. You're usually lucky to get a completion.

Again the haters just want to take it to a personal level. Just chill and respect another opinion, that or maybe internet message boards isn't for you.

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Again the haters just want to take it to a personal level. Just chill and respect another opinion, that or maybe internet message boards isn't for you.

I don't respect things that are utterly retarded.

Maybe football isn't the game for you. You obviously don't understand it.

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Can we all agree, at least for a day or so, to stop bashing each other over the head for our QB choices? lol...Let's face it, nobody set themselves apart tonight....none of them gave any of us any "ammo" to support our stances. So arguments about Colt being a "field general" and having that all-elusive "it" factor, about Campbell improving with a 2nd year in the same scheme, and how Collins should have benched Campbell last season, can be put on hold for a moment, don't you agree? lol :)...

My only thoughts concerning our top 3 QBs are that 1) this offense and team can't afford for QBs to not connect with open receivers, 2) "dinking" and "dunking" gets a bad rap, and 3) throwing INTs always sucks if you can't consistently throw a few TDs to go along with it. And I hope we can ALL agree that mentioning the O-Line woes is not just an "excuse", no matter who is behind center.

lordy...lordy...a califan post where there is a meeting of the minds! I will "stay on topic"....just to keep you happy....:-).....and chime in...."yup!"

so...the conversation does sound eerily...ummm...repetitive ....;)......lol (just to join your apparent amusement in the moment). I'm frankly tired of the whole thing. JC...it's only one game...I know. but...dude...you are in control. you have to be the difference maker.

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You're capable of optimism? ;)


I am optimistic that Jason finally finds the spot where he should be at the start of the game and that is behind a clipboard on opening day. I say that because I want the Skins to win and make the playoffs and no other reason.

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Can we all agree, at least for a day or so, to stop bashing each other over the head for our QB choices? lol...Let's face it, nobody set themselves apart tonight....none of them gave any of us any "ammo" to support our stances. So arguments about Colt being a "field general" and having that all-elusive "it" factor, about Campbell improving with a 2nd year in the same scheme, and how Collins should have benched Campbell last season, can be put on hold for a moment, don't you agree? lol :)...

Personally, the only thing I want to see from all three QBs next week is improvement, that's it. I'm not looking for Campbell to prove he's taken that "next step", I'm not looking for Collins to prove he should have been starting all along, and I'm not looking for Colt to prove he's really the franchise's future. And I'm DEFINITELY not looking for Chase Daniel to save us all from our misery lol. So I, for one, hope we don't have to have even MORE endless debates about which QB is the best, which QB is the worst, which QB has "moxie", which QB doesn't, which QB has the best 4th quarter rating when it's snowing on a thursday night in November...etc, etc, yadda yadda. Let's just look for each of them, and for the offense as a whole, to improve.

My only thoughts concerning our top 3 QBs are that 1) this offense and team can't afford for QBs to not connect with open receivers, 2) "dinking" and "dunking" gets a bad rap, and 3) throwing INTs always sucks if you can't consistently throw a few TDs to go along with it. And I hope we can ALL agree that mentioning the O-Line woes is not just an "excuse", no matter who is behind center.

And it could be worse...Kyle Orton has thrown 3 INTs in the first half...It's beyond obvious why McDaniels wanted him over Campbell lol :thumbsup:

don't forget cutler came out with 50% for 6 yds per and an int

the redskins look lucky to have campbell ;)

oh the preseason is so much fun

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