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RI: Brown Reveals Rams' Haynesworth Strategy


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Brown Reveals Rams' Haynesworth Strategy

Has St. Louis center Jason Brown figured out the secret to stopping Albert Haynesworth? He seems to think so.

A friendly hat-tip to ESPN.com's Mike Sando for spotting this St. Louis radio appearance in which Brown said in pretty simple terms that Haynesworth, a two-time Pro Bowler, tires easily.

Brown played the last four seasons with the Baltimore Ravens, where he squared off against Haynesworth and the Titans on four occasions, and Brown essentially said that in Week 2 the Rams would utilize a hurry-up offense to tire Haynesworth.

"I'm so glad we're playing Washington early in the year because it's going to be hot out there, we're going to be running hurry-up offense and he's going to get fatigued," Brown said. "And I'm not sure if you have watched film before, but when he gets fatigued, he taps out. He just falls down to the ground, and you're like, 'Oh my gosh, is he hurt? Is something wrong with him?' No, he's just giving the guy on the sidelines enough time to mosey on out there so he can get up, go to the sidelines, catch a breather, get something to drink and then he comes right back out.

"And then people are like, 'I thought he was hurt.' No, he got tired. But you know what, that's exactly what we're going to have to do when we play Washington. We're going to have to play hurry-up offense and make them tired."

Following practice Sunday morning, Coach Jim Zorn was told of Brown's comments and St. Louis' presumed offensive gameplan for the Rams Sept. 20 visit to Washington.

"That's awesome," Zorn said with a chuckle. "What a great strategy."

Not sure how wise it is to give a guy like Haynesworth extra motivation, but as Zorn pointed out, never mind the regular season, "our guys don't want to make Albert angry at practice."

"I don't think he said it to get Albert angry or all fired up. I think he was just making a comment. It's one man's opinion of what we do,"

Zorn said, before flashing a smile and adding,. "maybe he's exposed some dramatic secrets to the Rams. I don't know."

And what does Haynesworth himself make of Brown's take?

"Good," Haynesworth said. "Let him think that."


Thought this article was worth posting simply because of Zorn's response:

"Thats Awesome. What a great strategy"

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Jason Brown is a pretty classless player to begin with. Talked a bunch of **** about the Ravens and his former QB as soon as he left; so I don't take what he has to say with a whole lot of concern.

In any case, please let Haynesworth see this and tack it to his locker. Zorn's attitude is right. I'm pretty sure Brown will be picking himself off the turf plenty of times just after another Haynesworth sack or tackle for a loss. Brown will be plenty sorry...

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This certainly isn't helping the Rams cause at all. Their offense is already going to be overmatched by our defense. Why don't they give Haynesworth some extra motivation, just to be sure they get their ass whooped.

We'll see how tired Big Al gets when the Ram offense goes 3 and out every time.

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I thought it was "one game at a time"

Are they already game planning for the Skins?

I was thinking the same thing too:silly: How about getting through the pre season first.But anyway since he has found the secret to "stopping Haynesworth" as it were.I hope he is in tip top condition cause, that ass is gonna wore out:hysterical:

Jason Brown:lift: before the Redskins game ......Jason Brown :anon: afterwards

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