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Beer 101: tutorial; I need help


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What type of flavors do those brews have, after my brief sampling so far I think I like the brews that are heavier on the pallet rather than the pilsner brews.

As for home brewing, well I wouldn't even know where to start yet to even make something worth drinking.

Clipper City Peg Leg Stout

In fact,with the exception of the Loose Cannon, (a very hoppy ale), you may like all of the beers in Clipper City's Heavy Seas line.

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La Fin Du Monde. you can usually find this at Total Wine, World Market, or at any of those "100 beers!" type bars. very occasionally, other bars or stores will have it as well.

it's not a stout. it's a Belgian Triple. it's actually rather blonde, but don't take that to mean it's bland! it's strong (9%) without being bitter. its most prominent features are that it's a little bit spicy with the tiniest hint of citrus, and that the head is surprisingly effervescent, almost like a champaign.

it's a delicious beer especially for how strong it is. it's made by the french-canadian brewery Unibroue, and honestly if you see anything made by them it's always worth a try.

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Very nice, I didn't know they did that type of thing. That's an awesome way to experiment without committing to something that makes you want to hurl. It doesn't look like we have a Total Wine and Bev here, but I can't imagine that they are the only one's who do this.

You can do the same thing at World Market and at Bevmo, if there is one around. Not sure if they have Bevmos on the east coast.

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Hmm, a beer tutorial.

Simple...drink until incapacitated.

Very straight-forward.


LoL! That's too funny, I'm not looking for inebriation, just good flavor, if I wanted to get hammered I'd buy some a gallon of three dollar wine with a twist off cap and save myself the aggravation. To tell the truth though, with my tolerance level right now I doubt I'd make it through a gallon.:silly:

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Probably a little high on the bitterness scale, but I love me some Arrogant **** Ale.

You cannot go wrong with some Smithwick's (pronounced Smit-tiks for those in the know)

I agree, Smithwick's is excellent and I prefer it to Guinness.

I also like Newcastle a lot and I love a Corona with lime, especially in summer.

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Wow, my list of "want to try beer" has gotten long, I'll be hitting the store today, I think today I'll pick up a few different stouts in order to play with some of the flavors that have been appealing to me so far.

I'll report back later, with what I picked up and my thoughts on my first sampling.

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Here are some of my favorite beers (if you like stouts try the Bell's).

Rodenbach Grand Cru (a Belgian "sour" ale a bit different but delicious)

Westvleteren Abt 12 (impossible to find but if you are in Belgium a must have)

Russian River Pliny the Younger (really hoppy but well balanced with a huge malt bill)

Bells Expedition Stout

Schneider Aventinus

Innis & Gunn oak-aged beer (interesting flavor and a heavy mouthfeel sorta stout-ish)

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Ok, back from the store and here's my take for the week: (I'm sampling stouts this week Guinness heavy)

Young's Double Chocolate Stout (sampled prior but I wanted to drink a full one)

Dogfish Head Chicory Stout

Bison Chocolate Stout

Smithwick's Irish Ale

Guinness Extra Stout

Guinnes Draught (bottle with the widget)

I also got two Guinness pint glasses for $11 and they came with two 1 pint cans of Draught, and since the store was selling the glasses themselves for $11 I figured what the heck two free brews.

First tasting tonight...now which one will I try tonight?

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It sounds like you haven't come to appreciate the hoppy side of beer flavors yet - pale ales and IPA's.

Rogue makes a really good chocolate stout. (They make good EVERYTHING. Their Dead Guy Ale is one of my favorite beers.)

Rogue Dead Guy Ale


Rogue Chocolate Stout


Rogue kicks monster ass.

Welcome back and I hope you stay the way you used to be the first time, cause you were a major .............. never mind. welcome back.

Magic Hat No. 9 is the **** btw.


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Welcome back and I hope you stay the way you used to be the first time, cause you were a major .............. never mind. welcome back.

:hysterical: Yeah, it was an election year, and I had other stressers pushing school among them, not a good time. To quote Buddy Ryan, Judge Harry T. Stone's father, "...but I'm feeling much better now."

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