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Favorite Romantic Comedies

Thinking Skins

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One time my friend asked me to go to Six Flags with him, his wife, and their two kids. He had been a little nuts lately and I wasn't exactly sure that I wanted to go but went anyways. So on the way down he says, "Have you seen any good movies lately?" and I can't remember my reply. Then he asks, "Have you seen any good love stories?"

This was a little strange... he then starts talking about some movie he had just seen and describes it like this, "It's not like a lot of love stories where a guy and girl get together and just have sex and then the girl ends up getting pregnant and the guy has to marry her because of the baby even though he doesn't want to."

Basically, this is exactly what happened to him and his wife is staring at him the entire time he is telling me this. She says, "What are you saying Michael?" To which he replies, shouting, "I'M SAYING YOU TREAT ME LIKE ****!!!"

10 minutes later he stuck his tongue down her throat for an extended duration at the water park. Then we went off on our own, him dropping the N-word every 30 seconds (the majority of the people at the park that day were African American) for the duration of the day. He got into a 5 minute argument with two black guys and when they finally left he threw his fists up in the air and started screaming, "WHO WALKED AWAY?!?!?!" For everyone to hear.

We're not... we're not really friends anymore.

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In a very twisted sort of way, I guess you can call it a "Romantic Comedy", tho it more ends up being a comedy of errors.

As far as traditional RomComs go, I like "The Truth About Cats & Dogs". Basically a different take on Cyrano De Bergerac.

One film that qualifies that I really enjoy is "Down With Love", which is a tribute (and a parody of sorts) to the Rock Hudson-Doris Day RomComs. In a lot of ways the film borrows heavily from "Pillow Talk". (In that the main male character pretends to be someone else to make a fool of the female character, only to fall for her.)

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My favorite one is The Proposal. Its the one where the woman has to go back to Canada but her assistant comes into her meeting for a quick second and he says "ok, someone called and i told her your in a meeting and i said you'd call her back and i said that your otherwise engaged" and then the woman looks at him funny and then she comes up with an idea of how she would not be imported back to Canada, so they get proposed.

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I've just gotta say this. Its one thing to sit and watch a romantic comedy cause its nothing else on TV or because your girl "forces" you to. But I realized yesterday that there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING MANLY about asking a girl to come over and watch something entitled "Love, Actually". I was about to do it, but instead I just said we can watch The Boondocks. Then I'll prolly just be like, "oh, look at what we have here..."

I think that way I can keep an ounce of my masculinity.

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It's one of my favorites of all time....and I've never seen Wolverine or any of those comic movies so I guess my image of Hugh isn't tainted. You'll like it though, trust me. It's quirky. Marisa Tomei is in it, too, if that helps.

OK, I'm forced to question your taste in movies. Hugh Jackman saved this movie for me and at least made it so I could watch the entire thing, but c'mon, how sappy can it get? I mean really? The girls go from one extreme to the other back to the original and then back. Its not anywhere near the level of Definitely, Maybe or How to lose a guy in 10 days. I wouldn't even call it a romantic comedy. Its more of just a sad romance thats so sad its funny (for guys at least).

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I loathe the genre but we were forced to watch a Jennifer Aniston movie with Vince Vaughn in Social Psychology. The movie was set in Chicago. I can't recall anything else about the film other than Vince Vaughn talking trash to some kid on xbox, but the movie seemed to be fairly entertaining. Since this is the only romantic comedy I have seen I will qualify this movie as my favorite.

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Bingo. Good call.

Also, how has Bridget Jones not been mentioned? If you like English humor, you'll love Bridget Jones.

My wife's favorite is Love Actually. It is a suprisingly good movie, actually. I, umm, enjoy it too.

And the penultimate Romantic Comedy is When Harry Met Sally. Classic movie all the way around.

Old school recommendation would be the Philadelphia Story.

OK, going to tear up my man-card now, brb.

Bridget Jones and When Harry Met Sally are both excellent choices :D

I actually think guys would enjoy When Harry Met Sally a lot more than they might expect. And Billy Crystal is hilarious in it.

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And more recently, The Proposal, which was hilarious by the way...and I have slight man crush on ryan reynolds

Haven't seen The Proposal yet, I'll probably watch it with the lady friend when it comes out on dvd. But speaking of Ryan Reynolds, Just Friends is hilarious.

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And the penultimate Romantic Comedy is When Harry Met Sally. Classic movie all the way around.

I can't believe it took 36 posts to get to this movie.

And I can't stand the guy, but no one's mentioned Woody Allen?

Lastly, calling the Princess Bride a romantic comedy is like calling Spaceballs an action adventure movie. It's not exactly right.

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TS, you seem to know far too much about this genre of movies to the point that you made the comment about your life being one and using a reference point.

Do you have a lot of female friends ?

I'm a Black male in grad school. Do you know how rare a species I am? I've got a lot of white male friends (mostly scientists and engineers) and black female friends (mostly social scientists).

Hey, I'm not proud of knowing that much about these movies, but being that most of these ladies I talk to study things like womens studies, american studies, and history, I'm bound to hear these theories and talk about these movies anyway. I tried to just play the macho "I aint watchin no chick flicks" card, but that meant no conversations. Now I just watch and enjoy the ones that are enjoyable.

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I can't believe it took 36 posts to get to this movie.

And I can't stand the guy, but no one's mentioned Woody Allen?

Lastly, calling the Princess Bride a romantic comedy is like calling Spaceballs an action adventure movie. It's not exactly right.

Vickie Christina Barcelona was really good.

I love Woody Allen, but it's hard to call his movies "romantic comedies." They are really best classified as "Woody Allen" movies.

Aside from the obvious choices, I love "Purple Rose of Cairo."

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