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Best TV Character Run-Off: Dr. Fever vs Ted Baxter vs KITT CLOSED

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Ooh that's a harder one. I wouldn't go for KITT because while I think they did some interesting things by trying to put some humanity into the role, it was a very limited role. Still, KITT was so darn cool.

Johnny versus Baxter.... that's rough. Two outstanding characters.

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I can't vote on this one. I didn't watch any of the shows on the account that I was either not born or to young to understand why they were cool.

Watch the Knight Rider clip.

(The opening credits were the best part of the show.) :)

Ted Baxter.

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I watched Knight Rider more and liked KITT but I won't put him above the others. I watched WKRP more than MTMS and liked Dr. Johnny Fever. I've seen episodes and clips from MTMS and Ted Baxter was a riot.

A toss up between Johnny and Ted, I'll cast my vote for Ted.

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