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Journalstar.com:UNL suspends Sigma Chi fraternity following hazing allegations


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UNL suspends Sigma Chi fraternity following hazing allegations


Wednesday, Apr 22, 2009

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln on Tuesday suspended Sigma Chi fraternity after newly unsealed court documents detailed a series of alleged hazing incidents, including one in which a stripper allegedly used a vibrator to anally penetrate a fraternity pledge during an initiation party.

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I never got the appeal of fraternity's. You can be our friend if you let us treat you like **** for 1 semester.....and pay us.

Lol that was always the way I saw it too. I was still friends with a bunch of people that were in frats and I didn't have to pay money to be friends with them or go through a bunch of crap.

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I never got the appeal of fraternity's. You can be our friend if you let us treat you like **** for 1 semester.....and pay us.

Fraternities can provide you with an amazingly large network to utilize once you're out of college...but for the most part, I agree with you in that the appeal of fraternities never registered with me. My father and brother joined one (the same one), but I never even slightly had the desire to do so.

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I never understood frats either but at the same time I dont see a problem with hazing. It shows how dedicated you are and its not like the pledges have no choice. They choose to be with that frat so they choose to go through what the frat deems appropriate.

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When you sign up to pledge most people know what they are getting into. Every rush or pledge has to have some idea of the hazing that goes on before they sign up, and if they truly don't then they probably shouldn't be doing it in the first place.

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I am a Sigma Chi. Hazing like that isn't allowed by any means. This chapter will most likely get shut down.

I Wasn't going to do it, but pledged junior year first semester because I knew people in there and my friend was going up to rush and talked me into going up with him.

There is some hazing at WVU, never anything gay or borderline gay. It was apparently a lot worse back in the day.

Hazing is usually a way to make someone quit, when lots of people don't like them you would just haze the **** out of them. Now people get balled.

As far as paying for friends, it really isn't like that at all. You have dues, but that goes to things like formals and parties. You meet lots of hot sorority girls! And if you live in the house you save a lot of money because its cheap as hell and my house had our own cook.

I'm glad I did it. It was a blast.

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I was in a fraternity and there was plenty of hazing when I was in school 10-15 years ago. Never really bothered me, but I never went through anything like in the original post.

Anyways, I am not the cliched frat guy, nor are most. Sure, there is that element, but there is also a lot of stereotyping.

There are a lot of sports teams in high schools and colleges that do the same, if not worse things. But people do not have the same attitudes toward their local sports team as they do toward the fraternity at the local colege.

Whatever, I had the greatest years of my life in college. And a lot of that had to do with my fraternity.

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"stripper allegedly used a vibrator to anally penetrate a fraternity pledge during an initiation party"

There's no way you can call that "hazing". So the people that say you should expect this stuff if you pledge a fraternity are way off base. I would expect to be hazed some but nothing like what was contained in the article - I would be fighting someone.

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There is some hazing at WVU, never anything gay or borderline gay. It was apparently a lot worse back in the day.

What I would consider hazing decreased every year when I was in school. It was a lot worse when I was a freshman than what it is now; at my school at least. but even when I was going through, it was nothing that really bothered me.

But like you, absolutely nothing gay or borderline gay.

As far as paying for friends, it really isn't like that at all. You have dues, but that goes to things like formals and parties. You meet lots of hot sorority girls! And if you live in the house you save a lot of money because its cheap as hell and my house had our own cook.

I'm glad I did it. It was a blast.

I agree 100%. :applause:

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There's no way you can call that "hazing". So the people that say you should expect this stuff if you pledge a fraternity are way off base. I would expect to be hazed some but nothing like what was contained in the article - I would be fighting someone.

Yeah, there is no doubt that was way too far.

That was not hazing, that was assault.

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What I would consider hazing decreased every year when I was in school. It was a lot worse when I was a freshman than what it is now; at my school at least. but even when I was going through, it was nothing that really bothered me.

It was bad in the 90's. The fraternity next to mine took a pledge and put two bed matresses on a kid (one on front and one on back) and threw him off the roof. Well, the kid died. After that the University had a zero tolerence hazing policy. But it still happened, because no one would really report it. Then several incidents happened with Sigma Chi and Sigma Chi Naitionals, as well as WVU, were both enforcing zero tolerence hazing. If the pledge was to scared to tell the school, he could now call nationals. So hazing died off a lil bit more each year after 2003. I pledged in 04. I assume its pretty non existent now.

I have heard people say that getting into their frat was harder than marine boot camp.

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I was in a fraternity and there was plenty of hazing when I was in school 10-15 years ago. Never really bothered me, but I never went through anything like in the original post.

Anyways, I am not the cliched frat guy, nor are most. Sure, there is that element, but there is also a lot of stereotyping.

There are a lot of sports teams in high schools and colleges that do the same, if not worse things. But people do not have the same attitudes toward their local sports team as they do toward the fraternity at the local colege.

Whatever, I had the greatest years of my life in college. And a lot of that had to do with my fraternity.

Exactly! The bad thing is people only hear the bad about fraternities so there is always going to be a bad reputation.

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I am a Sigma Chi. Hazing like that isn't allowed by any means. This chapter will most likely get shut down.

I Wasn't going to do it, but pledged junior year first semester because I knew people in there and my friend was going up to rush and talked me into going up with him.

There is some hazing at WVU, never anything gay or borderline gay. It was apparently a lot worse back in the day.

Hazing is usually a way to make someone quit, when lots of people don't like them you would just haze the **** out of them. Now people get balled.

As far as paying for friends, it really isn't like that at all. You have dues, but that goes to things like formals and parties. You meet lots of hot sorority girls! And if you live in the house you save a lot of money because its cheap as hell and my house had our own cook.

I'm glad I did it. It was a blast.

Great post on this topic.

Joining my fraternity my sophomore year, and then becoming extremely active in it was one of the greatest choices I've made in my life. Life long friends, unbelievable experiences, random connections, and of course insanely hot girls...I wouldn't trade it for anything. People who just dismiss fraternities as simply "paying for friends" aren't understanding the full picture.

On the issue of hazing- it's tricky because "hazing" by definition can literally be anything, even requiring the pledges to come to the house for a meeting (you're only supposed to ask them to come, not demand it of them). My own fraternity got in a little trouble a year ago because some pledges went running with some brothers, and somebody thought we were making the whole pledge class go running by force.

Hazing is going to happen in some form whenever somebody joins a close group, whether it's a sports team, military unit, etc. The degree of the hazing is obviously what makes it more serious.

A couple years ago a fraternity here at FSU got kicked off because they had their pledges under a house off campus, in just white t-shirts and boxers covered in dog food and tobacco dip, when it was only about 30 degrees outside. Obviously, that's really far over the line and doesn't serve anything other than to treat them like crap because they're pledges.

This story is along the same lines, and these guys will get kicked off campus and deserve it.

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There are numerous reports on "bad" hazing incidents across high schools and colleges. I can recall a number of news stories where kids died, were badly assualted (why it's usually foreign object up the pooper I don't know...).

We hazed in highschool, to the extent of waking up the freshman girls early and making them stay in pj's and no makeup, then making them march around the school, or buy us breakfast...The football team in Highschool would make the freshman pick up equipment, carry towels and such. Some NFL teams do things like tape rookies to the goal post and pour buckets of ice on them...all of that I don't have issue with. Too bad some people don't have boundaries.

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