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RNC Chairman Steele Disses Limbaugh (merged)

Dan T.

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after Rush attacked Steele.

Steele should have either said "If you know what's so right....then you run for office". Or, don't say anything at all.

Their problem is that on the Sunday talkshows.The Dems talked about elected GOPers running back to beg for mercy from Rush. Then the next day it happened.

So, Steele looks toothless. The GOP is aligned behind a guy who is probably too scared to run for office. And, the world keeps spinning on its Axis.

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Again, that is unlikely. Too much hatred is on the left and that will go against them in the long run - just look at the name calling from "liberty" in the previous post.

Liberty name calling in other threads doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the GOP's leader right now is Rush Limbaugh. The infighting is not with the Dems but the Republicans.

If Steele had any backbone, he wouldn't have retracted what he said to Rush. Be a man Steele.

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Not saying you do this but IMO Limbaugh/Hannity/O'Reilly/Ingram/Savage/etc are not just entertainers. People on both sides of the aisle like to call them that in the interest of marginalizing them, but I think a large portion of their listeners actually believe the stuff they are saying and use them as a source of information- an alternative to legitimate journalism which they have come to se as evil.

And therein lies the problem, how passive people are with a) retrieving information B) being directed by 'news' media. And Dems are no better, in fact they may be worse but both parties' audiences are intellectually lazy if they use the slanted news channels to determine real issues for themselves. Sure I watch Hannity who do like and agree with on much (O'Reilly and Limbaugh are clearly 'entertainment'). But how far removed are they from Maddow, Mahr or Olberman? They are cut from the same cloth, whether you care to recognize that or not.

I look harder into the issues when I make my decisions (reading studies, reports, books, etc) in an attempt to get a truer bearing as to what is happening. The Limbaugh issue yesterday was DC theater at its worst. And also, the GOP at its worst. and Dems right there in the gutter, trying to manufacture consent. Politics and the public deserve better.

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They all must bow to the Messiah Rush:

Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-La.) said Monday night that he was pleased to see Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele apologize to radio host Rush Limbaugh, whom he called a “leader for many conservatives.”

“I'm glad he apologized,” Jindal said during an interview on CNN’s “Larry King Live.”

“I think the chairman is a breath of fresh air for the party,” he added. “As I said before, I think Rush is a leader for many conservatives and says things that people are concerned about. [He] articulates very well the concern people have about growing government spending without an end in sight.”


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Seems rather simple to me. Have some balls, and put Rush in charge of the party. Give him legitimate power within the party to make party policy, and to lead the RNC.

I don't see why not. He obviously is the voice of true conservatism, at least, that's the buzz since the election and the Republicans have decided that their party isn't conservative enough anymore.

Why let him sit there and be so right from the sidelines? Why not give him the position to actually DO something instead of be a blowhard on the radio?

Obviously, so many follow what he says and swallow every word, and that would seem to make it a no-brainer. His followers don't seem to mind his drug addictions and what not, so I don't see why that would matter.

So what is the hold up? Why hasn't Mr. Conservative ascended to even the smallest position within the party? Who's afraid? Him or them?


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Personal attacks against Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Biden are personal attacks.

yet the same people have zero problem on personal attacks.

(It's always nice to see the hypocrisy).

Your dogging Rush and HOPING he runs for office because he's an entertainer that screwed up. Yet one Air America guy that was an entertainer that has screwed over other people ran for office and may win.

Beware you might get what you want. He's got 10million votes locked up, not too shabby. Leave him behind a 4 hour radio show on AM.

Again: Who cares. Its all a fluffy cloud of fog to obscure the days events.

Ohhh and lets not hear about good winners... i've yet to see many.

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After watching how quickly he folded and was bent over backwards, methinks Mr. Steele is not made of steel. A new name is needed. I think we should call them the tin foil Republicans.

It works on many levels :D

Ah, so now we have name calling from members of the media. Yes, journalism is dead - R.I.P.

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Ah, so now we have name calling from members of the media. Yes, journalism is dead - R.I.P.

Limbaugh reaps what he sows. He is the most polarizing figure in the public forum today. People who grow tired of being classified as un-American and unpatriotic are bound to strike back. So don't act shocked, SHOCKED that you hear such responses. Limbaugh gets called names? Tough **** for him.

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You should hear what I call the Dems.

This is a place for letting off steam and joking, BB. Seriously though, after watching the Dems wilt and show a profound lack of courage I don't know if it is more disettling or aggravitating to see the Repubs act in the same spineless manner. At least they act in unison over their convictions (or their gamesmanship) in voting. The Dems caved and always gave in to whatever Bush and he Repubs demanded.

On the other hand, it is really cool how highly you think of me. One quip from me means journalism is dead. I wish I had that kind of influence... Mwhahahahaha

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Yeah, but you just referred to "tin foil Republicans" in the previous post. Well, I fully support Rush Limbaugh and appreciate what he stands for. So yeah, the insult was not direct, but it was a reference to those who are like me. My blood is thick - heck, I got called a whacko maniac in another thread. Such is life, eh?

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And this is why I have liked Steele for years; the guy does not mince words.

For the record, I think he is right. Rush's show is incendiary.

post #4 and it settled it for me. i should have known it was your post katie.

rush is a joke. he is the howard stern of politcal radio. he just likes to stir up **** and then sit back and watch it all unfold.

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Personal attacks against Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Biden are personal attacks.

yet the same people have zero problem on personal attacks.

(It's always nice to see the hypocrisy).

Your dogging Rush and HOPING he runs for office because he's an entertainer that screwed up. Yet one Air America guy that was an entertainer that has screwed over other people ran for office and may win.

Beware you might get what you want. He's got 10million votes locked up, not too shabby. Leave him behind a 4 hour radio show on AM.

Again: Who cares. Its all a fluffy cloud of fog to obscure the days events.

Ohhh and lets not hear about good winners... i've yet to see many.


1. personal attacks are bad depending on the person

2. I would love for Rush to run for office, to bring all the hate mongering out in the open where it can be finally be exorcised (I'd love to have a competent 2nd party)

3. There have been lots of good Presidents (if that's what you mean by "winner")

4. Rush is a fat turd

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