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Is Anyone Expendable?


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I would like to know if people think that there are any current players who should just be cut in order to save cap space. I realize that cap considerations rule some players out -- Portis and Griffin come to mind. ARE and Carter just restructured, so they appear safe. As I see it, the most vulnerable players are Betts, Daniels, Smoot (if Hall signs), and Jason Taylor. I don't know all the ins and outs of the cap, but it seems that the team is really limited in this area and that we won't see the kind of cuts that other teams have made. This being the case, how do they improve and get younger?



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If it weren't for the cap, everyone would be expendable. The old saying goes, if you aren't winning with them, you can win without them. Noone on this team is a true "winner" because here they are not doing anything special. That is why I hate the cap.

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You hate the cap because it puts everyone on a level playing field. Unlike the past (pre-cap), everyone has a chance to win (Carolina, Rams, Cards, etc) instead of the same old teams in the SB year after year. Even if the cap went away, the Skins don't have a Beathard anymore to make great decisions. I would say that the Skins would throw mad amounts of money at veterans that don't pan out because the Skins' FO isn't as football-smart as 90% of the other teams.

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Vinny Cerrato is.

History proved otherwise, even though a lot of ESkinners would like him to be the 1st on the expendable list. He was fired by Marty, Marty was fired by DS a year later, and promptly brought him back (no other NFL team tried to sign him). I guess that makes him the non-expendable one.

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I would argue that basically everyone on the team is expendable except: Laron Landry, Chris Horton, Carlos Rogers, DeAngelo Hall, Anthony Montgomery, Devin Thomas, Malcolm Kelly, Fred Davis, Chris Cooley, Chris Samuels, and Chad Rhinehart.

This is sad to me... Once upon a time, I used to feel a real emotional connection to this team. Nowadays, even the players I listed I'd be willing to give away if the price were right. The only player that has made me truly connect with the team in the last five years was Sean Taylor (RIP). Personally, I blame poor scouting (Vinny Cerrato).

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If it weren't for the cap, everyone would be expendable. The old saying goes, if you aren't winning with them, you can win without them. Noone on this team is a true "winner" because here they are not doing anything special. That is why I hate the cap.

I agree with this (not hating the cap, but the idea that anyone on a losing team is expendable).

I don't care if CP puts up numbers or Moss is sick or Fletcher is a tackling machine. The bottom line is winning games/divisions/championships and none of them have helped us do it.

Anyone on this team (especially the older players) is expendable.

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If we get a Stud DT in the draft, I wouldn't mind keeping JT at a much reduced price. But if he wants what's coming to him no thanks.

Marcus Washington. Part of me hopes he'll be over all his injuries, but I don't think he will ever be the same player. He is expendable.

Shawn Springs. As a spot duty Free safety I wouldn't mind him staying, but I don't really like the guy. He is expendable.

Basically, if you're old and hurt and you don't count against the cap, you're expendable.

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I think every player should be expendable...honestly this is a team game it takes a whole team to win...We have a FO that keeps babying and throwing money at players they are in love with and it handcuffs us....I really liked when Gibbs pulled rank on Lavar bc he showed everyone that you are not bigger than this team....fact is as long as the fo treats players like they are untouchable you will have guys like CP running their mouth about the coaching and throwing the rest of the team under the bus...

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I would argue that basically everyone on the team is expendable except: Laron Landry' date=' Chris Horton, Carlos Rogers, DeAngelo Hall, Anthony Montgomery, Devin Thomas, Malcolm Kelly, Fred Davis, Chris Cooley, Chris Samuels, and Chad Rhinehart.


I think this is a pretty good list...but it is based more on potential than actual results.

Honestly, I can't think of a single player on this team that would make them much worse if he was gone.

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Sure, I'd say most of the team is expendable. Only issue being the cap.

I'd say even though he's old, London Fletcher isn't at all expendable.

I can't think of another player that wouldn't be expendable (That's not to say we don't have very good players, we do, but if we had to part with most of these guys I don't think it would be back breaking).

You could maybe add Chris Cooley to the "Not Expendable" list, and possibly Landry/Horton.

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I am in the minority, but I think Fred Davis makes Cooley expendable BECause we would get great value on the market for Cooley. Fred Davis is absolutely huge, and was the best TE in the draft last year. I see him turning into a starter if put in the position to contribute more. I dont want to trade 47, he is one of my favorate players. I just happen to think he is one of the only players we get a good return on if we tried to move him. I also think we would get good money for Santana Moss.

I guess I see there being more expendable players on th team then must keep players.

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I would not have extended Carter or Randle El.

I would have balanced their cap hit by releasing Jason Taylor and recouping the $8.5M slot he was set to count for.

At some point these older players need to be moved off the roster and a reckoning has to come to this team for it to be able to move on.

Why not make 2009 that year? :)

This team is setting itself up for a 6-10 or 7-9 season in any event in 2009, why not clean this thing up for 2010 and bite the bullet and go 3-13 or 4-12?

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