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Per Mike Lombardi: Redskins will need a new QB in 2010


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When Campbell breaks out this season, he will sign long term with us. He's not going anywhere, and he will not have a poor season.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I didn't know you knew how to tell jokes too. Have you tried stand up comedy instead of typing instead?

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again, my biggest problem is why cant colt be the guy? nobody knows because everyones written him off already for no reason, or theyre so excited about him theyre irrational about the situation. give the guy a shot to show he can do something. if next season is tanking badly, put him in there for 3 or 4 games and see what the kid can do.

the point is nobody knows, and its disturbing that the coaching staff refuses to allow a dude who looked good in preseason, set a bunch of records in college, who comes from a WCO offense, and who threw 58 TDs in one year, a shot.

Yup, imagine if we were in a meaningless game and actually allowed Colt to play to get some kind of idea where he stands as a QB? My bad that situation came and went the last game of the 2008 season. But in all fairness to the organization the world didn't implode from the risk of giving Colt game experience, so we should all be thank full.

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I blamed everyone on the roster? Weird, I thought I blamed the team as a whole, but didn't blame JUST Campbell like some others.

I've read posts that the team needs a better scheme, better coaching, better playcalling, better run blocking, better running, better pass blocking, better WRs. WHEN all this happens, JC will thrive.

I'm not dumb enough to think that JC is solely to blame here, but a majority of the blame for a struggling offense has fallen on the starting QB for every NFL team for decades. Why? He makes the biggest difference. He is the field general and leader. And, he is easiest to replace.

I hate to rain on your JC parade, but the BEST case scenario is that a new QB is able to overcome some of his team's deficiencies or even make those around him better. THAT is what I expect of a franchise QB.

If the other scenario is true, that this team is about 8 offensive players and a new scheme away from being successful, we'll be having similar conversations for a decade.

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and 31 other teams had time to draft tom brady and didnt, and 31 teams had a chance to draft eddie royal last year and didnt, and 31 teams had a chance to xx and didnt one year. thats not a valid point whatsoever.

the only thing the coaching staff knows is what he looks like in practice. me and jim zorn have the exact same knowledge of how colt performs in regular season games, and the answer is nobody has a clue, because no one will give him a shot. the reason he isnt allowed a shot is because campbell was handed the job last year, which i fully disagree with. gregg williams disagreed with it as well, and ive heard from at least one guy that the reason fassel didnt take the job is because he didnt want campbell either.

take that for what you will, but handing people jobs when there are other qualified people around who MIGHT do a better job, is bad management.

Whoa, hold the phone.

First, I'm certainly no Campbell apologist, however if I'm not mistaken more than one has said the WCO is not something anyone picks up in one season. I think the guy is getting just what he deserves, i.e. one more year to succeed or fail. No one's signed him to an extension and there are no plans to. At that point Colt is still on the roster, so why not be patient?

That his play regressed as the line deteriorated seems pretty solid evidence that this cannot all be put on Campbell. I am not a big fan of his at this point because I expected better things from him, but I also see the entire offense as having regressed, not just the QB play.

And where are you getting this Fassell didnt want the job thing? I may have a faulty memory but you got a link? The way I remember it Fassell got left at the alter and was all but packing his things last year.

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And where are you getting this Fassell didnt want the job thing? I may have a faulty memory but you got a link? The way I remember it Fassell got left at the alter and was all but packing his things last year.

There were a lot of reports that said Fassel, as well as Williams, were not sold on JC and wanted the opportunity to have an open competition at QB. I read some reports that even Gibbs was considering a return but wanted to start Collins, but Snyder balked at it. This lead to all 3 potential coaches moving on, and the promotion a former QB coach with no clout to HC.

Whether these reports are true or not is only known to a handful of people, and I'm betting that no one on this message board is one of them.

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There were a lot of reports that said Fassel, as well as Williams, were not sold on JC and wanted the opportunity to have an open competition at QB. I read some reports that even Gibbs was considering a return but wanted to start Collins, but Snyder balked at it. This lead to all 3 potential coaches moving on, and the promotion a former QB coach with no clout to HC.

Whether these reports are true or not is only known to a handful of people, and I'm betting that no one on this message board is one of them.

If that's true then Snyder's an *******.

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for the record and sake of argument, can someone tell me exactly at what point the oline "started deteriorating"? because the way i remember it, campbell started the season with 4 nice games, hardly enough to warrant him being some savior. he threw 6 TDs his first 4 games, and after that, he barely did anything.

so when people tell me the line was the reason he got so bad, did the line start sucking in week 5? if thats the case please clue me in.

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There were a lot of reports that said Fassel, as well as Williams, were not sold on JC and wanted the opportunity to have an open competition at QB. I read some reports that even Gibbs was considering a return but wanted to start Collins, but Snyder balked at it. This lead to all 3 potential coaches moving on, and the promotion a former QB coach with no clout to HC.

Whether these reports are true or not is only known to a handful of people, and I'm betting that no one on this message board is one of them.

Absolutely not true. If there were so many of these reports then give us a link to at least one. And I'm not talking about a link to another thread by a Jason basher. I'm talking about a link to a reliable media source. I've read every article in the Breaking News section about JC in the last three years and I've never seen anything like this. If this were true, the media would have picked up on it in a heartbeat.

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In regards to the Skins trading for Matt Cassel:

WASHINGTON REDSKINS — The ‘Skins are going to live and die with their current quarterback, Jason Campbell, and have put the word out that they will not be players in the free-agent market. However, they will need to consider making this move and should do their homework before they dismiss the notion of a trade. Trust me on this, a year from now the ‘Skins will be looking for a quarterback.

What do you guys think? Will we need a QB next year or can Campbell pull though and prove his worth? I'm interested to hear because I haven't heard much talk from the media about this.

Here is the link to the article: http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/2009/02/national-football-post-diner-news-93/

Apparently we're interested in Byron Leftwich. This according to another post (do not have a link but feel free to search and you will find it among the many Campbell/FA posts).

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Well .. we've got a Colt waiting in the wings, so I say we give HIM a shot if Jason doesn't pan out.

I don't know who Mike lombardi IS, but he doesn't sound very knowledgeable about the Skins. I would suggest he read up a little bit more before he opens his pie hole again!

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I think Jason Campbell fits in between the best and worst hopes expressed on the board for him.

He is never going to be a fluid passer like Brady or Manning. He is never going to be a leader in the huddle and locker room like Kurt Warner.

At the same time he is not a bust. He is at the end of the day an 'average' starting quarterback in the NFL. A guy who can make a play when teams drop a coverage and who has the ability to surprise with his strong arm.

There seems, though, to be something missing in his makeup, something that shows through in games in crunch time.............

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Absolutely not true. If there were so many of these reports then give us a link to at least one. And I'm not talking about a link to another thread by a Jason basher. I'm talking about a link to a reliable media source. I've read every article in the Breaking News section about JC in the last three years and I've never seen anything like this. If this were true, the media would have picked up on it in a heartbeat.

Absolutely not true? Wow, it must be cool to be privy so such private conversations. How can I get in that exclusive club?

If you didn't read that anywhere, then you missed a lot of articles. If I was saying that it was true, I'd certainly spend some time backing it up with a 'reliable media source' link to prove it.

But, however, I clearly stated that I didn't know if it was true or not. You seem to think that it is 'absolutely not'. The person speaking in 'absolutes' is the one that should prove it. Or did they not allow recording devices to bystanders to their private conversations?

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It's not time to change quarterbacks.

The Redskins invested a #1 pick in Campbell and don't have bonus draft picks in 2009 or 2010.

This team needs to evaluate Campbell in 2009 and then make a decision on his future.

He should not receive a new contract based on what he did here in 2008 with a limited playbook and a poor second half.

At the same time, Matt Cassel is not the answer.

He is not worth #1 and #2 draft picks, especially from a team like Washington that can't spare the picks.

Let's face it, the Redskins are going to need to rebuild their OL and develop their wide receivers corps for ANY quarterback to be successful here.

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It's not time to change quarterbacks.

Now? No. But if JC doesn't make major strides in the first half of the season next year and the team isn't ready to sign him long-term, they need to see what else they have on the roster so that they can move into 2010.

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I think you can put just about any of the 'great' quarterbacks in the league today behind of our line and they would all produce about the same.

I do think Campbell needs work in certain areas, but he isn't as bad as people would like to make him appear. Unfortunately O line or not, if he doesn't do good this season I can see him losing his starting job.

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The writing has been on the wall for a while now. They will give the job to JC in 2009 and will evaluate him. That's why he has not been re-signed. I feel the team will bolster the Oline in FA and draft and see what JC can do. But if a revamped Oline gives him lots of protection and he still throws behind, over, at the feet of WR's, then he is done. If he struggles, I see him getting pulled by week 8.

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Haven't the last couple of years been the make or break year for Campbell? We need a new QB now.

While I agree that a team should know what they have in a QB entering his 6th NFL season, regardless of his number of starts or schemes, I think he gets a part of next season to prove himself. If the offense is still struggling by midseason, it's time to see what else they have on the roster so they can plan for 2010.

Of course, this all changes if he gets clearly beaten in an open QB competition in preseason.

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