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The Coolest Movie Characters Of All Time

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Sterling Hayden as Johnny Clay in "the Killing"

Mickey Rourke as Harley Davidson and Don Johnson as Robert "Marlboro Man" Anderson in, -wait for it-, "Harley Davidson & the Marlboro Man". Probably the coolest duo next to the Boondock Saints.

As I was typing the one above when I started to think about this one:

Fletch-remember when he went into the biker bar dressed up all geeky saying he was the son/grandson of either harley or davidson? that character was slick.

Come to think of it, another Chevy Chase cool character is Ty in Caddyshack.

And the award for trying to make a character sound cool but ends up making him look like a total tool: "I live my life a 1/4 mile at a time."-vin Diesel Fast & the Furious.

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