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Wearing clothing to work w/ ANY form of religion


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First, glad to have the responses.

Bang, while we have had our definite differences, thank you for your reply. If someone came to work with an athiest shirt..not sure what it would say...I honestly have no issue. As long as it wasn't something like, "If you are a christian, you are stupid." lol

It wold probably look like this. ;)


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I agree that I would not find it offensive at all. What does your shirt have to do with me? However, the only thing I can think of that they could come back on you with is if you have a policy of no logos, etc on shirts. We have that policy for our casual friday. Shirt with a collar, khakis, leather shoes and no shirst with logos. But if your company has an issue with the shirt they need to establish policy before taking action. People these days seem to be on the look out to be offended about something.

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we have a pretty relaxed atmosphere here we can where what we want so long as it is modest. Frankly I don't see the problem, but I wouldn't want to wear it if I thought a customer was coming in because you don't want misperceptions about the company to get out. I see nothing wrong with it so long as your not flaunting it in a way that hurts others. But I understand why they would say what they said to you. Managers are supposed to appear unbiased.

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Everyone is offended about everything. You can't say anything, do anything, look at anything, have an opinion about anything, breathe anything or wear anything without someone being offended or the PC police chasing you. Just the suck-a** world we live in right now.

I got in a bit of trouble during a PC indoctrination, I mean seminar, at my last job. The guy leading the session informed us that we need to be very careful of everything we say in the work place, so that no one is ever made to feel uncomfortable by our words. He got pissed when I asked him to confirm for me my understanding of his statement:

"In order to ensure that no one is ever made to feel uncomfortable by our words, we must spend our days in constant vigilance and awareness, always wary of those around us and how we might accidentally offend them --therefore never in a relaxed or comfortable state ourselves."

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I used to wear my "ChristianRock.net" shirt at work somedays and I also have a cross on my forearm that I never covered up.

Nobody was offended and people even told me they respected me for wearing my faith like that. There's no reason to get offended at all.....those that get offended are the ones hindering the idea of a respectful coexistence.

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I used to wear my "ChristianRock.net" shirt at work somedays and I also have a cross on my forearm that I never covered up.

Nobody was offended and people even told me they respected me for wearing my faith like that. There's no reason to get offended at all.....those that get offended are the ones hindering the idea of a respectful coexistence.

That's literally wearing your faith on your sleeve.
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I am a Christian who feels that any writing or graphic on a shirt is inappropriate in the workplace. You are being paid to do work, not express your opinion. I am more worried about clients being offended than co-workers.

Isn't that is what is great about America though? The freedom to express yourself?

I can understand the concern with clients, although I'm fortunate the times they randomly showed up at my office to say hi, they already loved me and what I wore didn't phase them one bit.

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"In order to ensure that no one is ever made to feel uncomfortable by our words, we must spend our days in constant vigilance and awareness, always wary of those around us and how we might accidentally offend them --therefore never in a relaxed or comfortable state ourselves."

"In order to preserve our company's solvency and my continued employment, I must be careful as to not say anything that an individual can use to bring forth a lawsuit against the company.

Our country is not overly politically correct, our country is overly litigious, and views any slight, real or imagined, as an opportunity to use our court system as an ATM machine. And so, in the interest of not having my company sued out of existence and thereby forcing me to seek new employment, I should watch what I say and do."

That's more like it.


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If you believe that the workplace is an appropriate arena for expression, I doubt I can convince you otherwise.

I don't understand why not...it's not like you are painting the walls or anything.

Do you have pictures around your desk? Anything relating to your favorite sports? A picture or quote you find inspirational? All of those things express who you are....

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quote: Wearing clothing to work

i know at my work its not optional.

We have a dress code of casual: No jeans, no tshirts

docker type stuff and collared shirts,

i have a flying pig hanging from the ceiling and a redskins cheerleader outfit from my girl when she was 18months old hanging.

Good enough for me.

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