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How is this game racist?


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Alright tailgaters, here's a question that been on my mind the last few days. 'How is this game racist?'. Now, before i tell you the rules of the game i need to tell you the story that has prompted this question. A week ago me and a few of my mates were playing said game, with one of my friends girlfriends there as well. After playing the game for about 10 minutes, the girlfriend told us we where racists and the game we are playing is racist. Needless to say, i was pissed. The sheer idea of racism disgusts me, so to be told i am this left me none too impressed.

Ok, so here's the game in question. I'll take the gamble that you have all seen the TV show 'Cops', well the game is based on that. Before the show is about to start you and 2 others throw some money in to make it interesting. Winner takes all. Then, pick a race. White, Black or Hispanic. From here on the game is simple. Who ever gets the most arrests wins. That's it. That's the game. It gets pretty exciting might i say. Especially when there's some decent money on the line.

But getting back to point of the thread, how is this game racist? The definition of racism is to discriminate against a person based on their race. This game doesn't do that. Not in the slightest. I spent a fair amount of time trying to explain to her exactly this point but she wouldn't have it. She couldn't really explain how, she was just certain that we were all racists.

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well bro its a game based on race. i wouldnt say you were racist but if you said something like "i pick black people because blacks get arrested more" you would be racist.

I don't know that that's really a racist statement any more than "more white people go to college" is a racist statement. It's just a fact.

Now, if you say that more black people get arrested because blacks are thugs, that's racist.

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That's exactly what it is. Just bored and playin around. Just don't see how it's close to racist.

well bro if youre comfortable and know you arent being racist then I say continue to play it. She will either understand it or she wont but you cant change the world. :cheers:

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I don't know that that's really a racist statement any more than "more white people go to college" is a racist statement. It's just a fact.

Now, if you say that more black people get arrested because blacks are thugs, that's racist.

It's not a fact.

More whites are arrested then blacks. The problem is that blacks only make up roughly 14% of the population so their arrest rate based on their population number is much higher then that of whites (6.5 times higher to be exact.) So that 14% of the population makes up nearly 39% of the prison population while 50% of the population (whites) make up 44% of the prison population.


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It's not a fact.

More whites are arrested then blacks. The problem is that blacks only make up roughly 14% of the population so their arrest rate based on their population number is much higher then that of whites (6.5 times higher to be exact.) So that 14% of the population makes up nearly 39% of the prison population while 50% of the population (whites) make up 44% of the prison population.


Smackin em with the knowledge!!!

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Stereotypes are wrong. Even Australianers should know that. If she wasn't probably a criminal, I'd say go ahead and worry about it. You're all a bunch of criminals. Throw another shrimp on the barby indeed, mate.

I've got no problem with New Zealanders, though. Flight of the Conchords, Lord of the Rings... there's some good stuff going on there.

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not racist. You are choosing any race. If you told her "nah, we don't choose whites because chances are it won't be a white person" that'd be kinda racist.

regardless of whether you are white, or whether this girl is white (hopefully she is for the sake of this post), here's a little light reading:


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not racist. You are choosing any race. If you told her "nah, we don't choose whites because chances are it won't be a white person" that'd be kinda racist.

regardless of whether you are white, or whether this girl is white (hopefully she is for the sake of this post), here's a little light reading:


That site's pretty funny. I like the Obama one and being offended

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The way you explain it, no. That's not racist.

But the girl didn't say the game was racist when you told her the rules. She said so "after playing the game for about 10 minutes."

So maybe it was the way you played it. Without being in the room at the time I couldn't tell ya.

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not racist.

a good test I have learned for racism is this:

racism is when you apply a stereotype of a race onto an individual.

so if the game was, look around the bar and choose someone who most likely would be on Cops, and all 3 of you choose the black guy, then this would be racist.

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My buddy Rick and I used to play a game similar to this back in '99. We didn't gamble though, and I wasn't old enough to drink without getting in trouble. So it was something to do when we were bored at 3am. We used to try to guess what the person they were arresting/questioning would look like.

One night there was a low speed chase they had with a pick up. I guess what the person would look like, once they got him out of the car, I pretty much called it spot on. So spot on that it eventually became a Halloween costume of mine called, "The Guy You Always See On Cops".


Granted the guy on COPS was a lot whiter. haha.

Anyway, the game is not racist. Based on stereotypes? Yes, but it's not like you actually believe the stuff. It really shows just how dumb COPS is.

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