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Screw this Franchise and Dan Snyder (merged)


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Ummm.... yes... I did mention 2 playoff appearances in 10 yrs. I also mentioned there was 1 over a span of 7 yrs before he took over. What is your point?

What FACTS are you mentioning that people don't already know.

My point is, we haven't been a good consistant team since Gibbs I left spanning two owners.

And will you stop putting ****ing words in my mouth. I am not here saying that I wave my towel in support of Danny nor am I saying I don't hope for change.

I am just stating the FACT that the owner we have, we are stuck with for the foreseeable future. I would love for him to let a GM take over, but I don't see that happening. It is called realism.

Hell if I was the owner, I don't know if I could stay out of it. Maybe that is a problem of being an owner that loves the team and game. I know some just treat it as a business and let others run the show. We are stuck with ours. No blowing the doom horn is going to change that.

That being said, what Do you suggest this team does? I cant blame JKC cuz hes Dead. They have produced hardly anything under Snyder/Cerrato whike other teams around us prosper in a year or less. Sorry, But that BS kills me. And running with the same crowd gets us the same result. Keep Zorn but Fire Vinny

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It was for the sake of the argument that the team wasn't a power house before Snyder was here either. Not defending him, as some keep saying, but stating the "facts"

All of you negative Nancys, are very amusing.

Man if you can tell me why I shouldnt be negative at this point please tell me.

This gets me even more pissed off...


Let's get on their balls once again and see them choke once again.

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If i may expound on the "We were bad before Snyder got here" theme and those who have pointed out that we appeared to be turning a corner.

In that time period, parity was not the norm and every team went through a few down years every now and then. When we lost Gibbs and all of our good players got old at the same time, we were destined to have a dry spell. Eventually, we were able to put something together and won the division the year that Danny took over the team. He had no input in building that team. We looked to be on the verge of greatness with THREE first round picks... ready to insure the success of this franchise for years to come.

Everyone knows what Danny did to that team in the offseason. He single-handedly sent us into another downwars spiral.

Did the same thing by firing Marty and bringing in Spurrier.

Did the same thing after the first Gibbs playoff appearance with that awful offseason.

You want to name anyone else that has done that much damage to this organization?

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If i may expound on the "We were bad before Snyder got here" theme and those who have pointed out that we appeared to be turning a corner.

In that time period, parity was not the norm and every team went through a few down years every now and then. When we lost Gibbs and all of our good players got old at the same time, we were destined to have a dry spell. Eventually, we were able to put something together and won the division the year that Danny took over the team. He had no input in building that team. We looked to be on the verge of greatness with THREE first round picks... ready to insure the success of this franchise for years to come.

Everyone knows what Danny did to that team in the offseason. He single-handedly sent us into another downwars spiral.

Did the same thing by firing Marty and bringing in Spurrier.

Did the same thing after the first Gibbs playoff appearance with that awful offseason.

You want to name anyone else that has done that much damage to this organization?

Lawrence Taylor

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Anyone still holding season tickets should give them up. This team doesn't deserve our hard earned money. I've seen enough of Danny Boy's little regime to know that the problems with this franchise will NEVER be fixed so long as Snyder owns this team. It's the same crap year in and year out. I'm emotionally drained from watching this nonsense for so long. As fans, we need to let Snyder know that enough is enough. The best way to do this is to stop supporting him. If he stops making money, he'll sell this team. That's the only way out of this.

You could go back years and find close to this exact thread. It's no surprise that dan snyder is all about selling tickets. He is a very good business man and he will never need to put out a good team in order to get the ticket sales he wants. He has everyone hooked. He puts out a mediocre team, then every offseason he knows how to sign just the right people that get everyone all hyped up and excited about the season. So all you hometowners go out and buy season tickets, and singe game tickets in hopes that the jason taylor's and the adam archuleta's will make all the difference in the way this team plays, but it never does. Then everyone on thsi board gets fed up and talks about boycotting, and never does. I agree that things will change if people express their displeasure by not buying tickets, but it's never going to happen. Just wait until the offseason, watch who we sign and then tell me that you decided not to buy tickets.

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Dan Synder has to be the biggest mistake in the history of this franchise, and that has to do with his idiotic approach to the Redskin Franchise, here is where I see his biggest flaws

1. we get Brad Johnson in his prime and he has a great year, but for some sick reason we decide to pay Jeff George more money which eventually ruins the Redskins for a couple of years

2. Marty comes in here with a terrible Redskin team with Tony Banks as our quarterback and still manages to get them to 8-8, but Dan Snyder loves Firing people , so marty got the boot

3. after joe gibbs terrible first season, we manage to have a more explosive offense the following year, with the addition of the shotgun and using santana moss as a deep threat, but Dan Synder felt the need to bring in Al Saunders, we let Bill Musgrave go who actually gave a lot of input on the offense

4. The second year of Al Saunders offense seems to be a success as the Redskins march into the post season and Todd Collins looks incredible, but Dan Synder loves firing him

5. After Joe Gibbs leaves, we couldve kepted GW for some continuity, but the Redskins love drama so we fired everyone

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my own take:

Snyder wants to win in addition to making the money, but he has two aspects to his personality that prevent him from doing what he knows he must, namely put together a quality front office and cede day to day decisionmaking to a true football manager.

One, Snyder is impatient. He is averse to being told by the likes of the better football men he meets and talks to that it takes several years to build an organization that consistently wins in the NFL.

Two, Snyder has a big public ego. Unlike Jack Kent Cooke who also had a big ego but was willing to preside from above, Snyder's ego works in a way where he wants to be out at Redskins Park and in the draft room as a member of the 'brain trust'. No true football GM or coach is going to work in that kind of system.

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Hmm... I could have sworn that Gibbs brought in Saunders...

Anyways, I can give you counter arguments where Snyder (spell his name correctly) has tried to keep continuity.

1) He was willing to keep Spurrier around for another season at least. Spurrier resigned before that happened.

2) Last year Snyder tried a lot to extend Gibbs' contract so that he could coach beyond the 5 years. When Gibbs decided to retire, Snyder spent a lot of time trying to talk him out of it.

3) Tho Snyder didn't take the option of promoting GW, he sure did keep a lot of people from Gibbs' staff to help out Zorn. He even did the hard sell to Blache to make sure he didn't retire so that he can run the defense.

It is these reasons which I expect that Zorn will return next year.

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I think snyder runs the team the same way he runs his businesses... and it just doesn't work the same way for football... it's this impulsive latest/greatest mentality, which if doesn't turn a profit immediately, it's onto the next business...

I had high hopes he had learned about FOOTBALL from gibbs... how to be patient and prudent but until he hires a real football mind to work with, we'll always have his rash, unqualified decisions siphoned through his mouthpiece vinny..

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Lack of continuity? Look...I could see that prior to Gibbs II but we returned virtually every starter from the '07 season!!!

The problems this season were becasue they tried to have continuity while not hiring Gregg Williams. They had to either:

1. Hire GW, keep Saunders, and then do what they did this season in terms of retaining personnel & assistant coaches


2. Bring in a new coach, let him build their own staff, and bring in players that fit that scheme

Snyder's failure in '08 was due to the fact that after deciding not to promote from within (which I'm not saying was the wrong decision) he tried to hard to still maintain continuity......You can point to a Jason Taylor acquisition but that only occurred out of necessity after the Daniels injury.

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That being said, what Do you suggest this team does? I cant blame JKC cuz hes Dead. They have produced hardly anything under Snyder/Cerrato whike other teams around us prosper in a year or less. Sorry, But that BS kills me. And running with the same crowd gets us the same result. Keep Zorn but Fire Vinny

I am in full agreement that things need to change. I am no where near a Danny homer, nor even like Vinny in the least. They have made some serious bonehead mistakes from day one. I believe he really thinks they are good at the time and that is part of the problem. Hell he was just given the keys to a Ferrari. Let me throw these players at it and we are sure to win. We know what happened.

I want the same change as everyone probably. I would love for him to fire Vinny, or let him run the show if Danny has alot of input on personnel. Which I highly suspect is true. I know Tim Ryan defends Vinny on his track record when Skin fans call in ****ing about him.

I think Zorn needs an honest shot at running the team.

I am not sold on Blache. I also think Smith may be over his head as well. I think a good OC would be very helpful, and maybe JZ not call the plays.

As far as players go, anyone who is aging and costing too much *cough*Shawn Springs*cough* should be gone. That damn Cap is still killing us. I think that will clear up some next year or the following.

Would be nice to see an honest competition at QB. I am not a JC hater, nor a Colt homer. I just think it would make more sense given the lack luster performance this year.

One of the biggest things I would have changed this year, something they can still do is... Do any of yahl see how inactive our Position coaches seem to be? When someone ****s up one should be in their face showing them play footage and working to get them back into the game. If I was a coach some players would have been verbally abused with some of the behavior on the sidelines last few weeks. If they don't care, make them care. If the still don't care kick em to the curb, if it isn't gonna hurt too much.

Now, with that being said... He will probably do something about 180 degrees from that. I was hoping that the rumors when Gibbs left that he would stay involved as a consultant. I don't have a feeling that happened.

It could be worst we coulda been Red Sox fans before a few years ago.

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Go ahead and bail on your team . That is the answer to everything and Dan Snyder will sell the Team? Wrong. What that shows is a lack of faith in your team.

I'll always be a fan, but give people a legit to have faith it'll ever truly get turned around while Dan Snyder is the owner.

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Whether you are a Zorn supporter or not, the tone and rancor of this thread is eerily familiar. When you sit back and really think about it...it's hard to fathom that we've been this dysfunctional for so long. :anon:

edit: Digging a little deeper, starting at around page 299 of the 2002 archives...I swear from reading the posts that you could substitute a few names, plunk them down on the front page of the 2008 board and they'd be as relevant and on topic as any current thread. It makes me want to puke. :puke:

Thanks, Dan. Thanks for basically 10 years of ****.

*Let the filters do their job*

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Check out this nugget of prognostication:


The Special Teams Ace


Join Date: Oct 2000

Location: Shippensburg, PA

Posts: 309

Spurrier is here ofr the duration. This is the man coveted by Snyder since he bought this team. This was who was suppossed to replace Turner. Now he has him, he will stick with him. He btter win with him as well. Playoffs and a Superbowl equals vindication. Spurrier as an NFL flop would require Danny to hire additional security at REdskisn Park and at his home.

I was expecting Schotty to be removed since Green announced he was coming back. I denied it to myself and on CP hardcore many times, but deep inside, I knew Marty coudl not keep the word about staying out. He can't do it, he is not the type, he was folling himslef. The sooner this was over, the better off the franchise will be.

With Spurrier coming in, we will have some sense of stability, simply because Danny will have to stick it our awhile because this is WHAT he wanted, Schotty was not, Schotty was hired only after Spurrier said NO.

So, time tio step up ont he Spurrier train, let if fly,a nd lets see what happens.

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Absolutely ridiculous :doh: See, this is why I feel the way I do right now. But, this time, I think Snyder will stick with the plan and keep Zorn on board. I hope that's the case. Otherwise, I'll be posting a bunch of negative stuff that's gonna get old quick :D j/k

Like Moss and his shoe celebration...I don't care that much anymore. Go Caps! :paranoid:

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