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Screw this Franchise and Dan Snyder (merged)


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Figured out what? That he owns the team and the team isn't winning? Wow -- that's brilliant. He must be a horrible little ogre then and getting rid of him would solve everything because before he got here we were freakin' awesome. Oh yeah: we weren't.

one of the less...shall we say....intelligent posts in this thread. it aint about what happened before snyder came on the scene. it's about what has happened during his tenure and whether it can be unf'd.

that you have lower standards than many is your own burden to bear.

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Here are two classic articles. The first is from early portion of Marty's tenure.

There’s No Doubt About It: Schottenheimer’s in Charge

By Joseph White

February 25, 2001 in print edition D-3

The top sign reads “1 play at a time.” The bottom one, “Expect to win.”

They are just as Marty Schottenheimer ordered, expect for one thing.

“‘Expect to win’ should go on top because you expect to win one play at a time,” said Schottenheimer, waving him finger in a circular motion at the designs shown to him by a Washington Redskins employee.

It’s not just the slogans that are getting an overhaul at Redskins Park. In six weeks since joining the team as coach and director of football operations, Schottenheimer has already changed the face of the entire organization, using his newfound authority to reverse a win-now-at-any-cost image fostered under owner Dan Snyder.

“I think the spotlight that has been on Dan has not always cast him in an accurate light,” Schottenheimer said. “But–having said that–we have certain ways that we have done it before that have been successful.”

Those are Marty’s ways, not Danny’s. And the new coach has it in writing that it will be so.

Schottenheimer’s four-year, $10 million contract gives him control over all football matters. That makes for one, focused voice in charge of the Redskins, in contrast to the muddled, who’s-in-charge atmosphere of the past two years under Snyder and former coach Norv Turner.

“I’m just looking forward to all of us being on the same page,” Snyder said. “This is a breath of fresh air to feel as comfortable as I do with the management in place. Marty is doing what he thinks is best for the organization. Everybody is paddling in the same direction.”

But on a brand new route:

* A year ago, Snyder flew to Alabama to interview Ray Rhodes for the defensive coordinator’s job, leaving the impression–justified or otherwise–that Turner wasn’t even in charge or hiring his own assistants.

This year, all the candidates came to Redskins Park for lengthy interviews. There was no doubt who was calling the shots, especially since most of his hires were former assistants for Schottenheimer in Kansas City and Cleveland. Schottenheimer even fired director of player personnel Vinny Cerrato, a member of Snyder’s inner circle.

* A year ago, Snyder was on the phone personally courting Bruce Smith, Deion Sanders and other big-name free agents to come to Washington. As a result, the Redskins entered this offseason some $6 million over the salary cap.

Under Schottenheimer’s Redskins, there will be no mortgaging the future on big-money free agents. The new coach is taking the painful option of cutting veteran players now rather than just restructuring contracts and digging a bigger hole down the road.

“I’m not looking at a single season,” Schottenheimer said after cutting Tre Johnson, Irving Fryar and Keith Sims this week. “I’m looking beyond that… . I do not see us being a primary player in unrestricted free agency.”

* A year ago, Snyder was planning an audacious training camp experiment: Hold the practices at home, charge admission and create a carnival-like atmosphere. The admission fee meant scouts from other teams could attend.

This year, Schottenheimer is taking the team back out of town for the summer to a college campus yet to be determined. Besides the competitive issue of the scouts, the new coach cites the bonding that occurs when players are together in dorms and dining halls.

“You find that the players begin to rely on one another,” Schottenheimer said.

Snyder has always insisted that Turner had veto power over football-related decisions, but the relationship was awkward from the start. Snyder noted that he inherited Turner, and just as in the business world, there came a time for the boss to bring in his own man.

“I think that is says it all that I hired Marty Schottenheimer,” Snyder said. “I didn’t hire Norv. Someone else did that. Marty is my manager.”

Snyder said Schottenheimer’s changes are part of the “evolution for the better” that any business undertakes. Stung by the heavy criticism he’s received since buying the team in 1999, Snyder has readily admitted making mistakes as he tackled the learning curve of being a new owner. He recently called Houston general manager Charley Casserly to say he made the wrong choice when deciding between the feuding Turner and Casserly two years ago.

“Those that know how to succeed know how to not make the same mistake over and over again,” Snyder said. “That’s how you succeed, and that’s something I’ve done all my life.”

The hallway conversations will be different now. While Turner referred to his younger boss as “Mr. Snyder,” the passionate Schottenheimer uses “Dan” or “Daniel” and makes no secret he’s willing to stand up to the equally passionate communications millionaire.

“Will there be collisions? I would hope so, because I think dissent is good,” said Schottenheimer, who invited Snyder to the NFL Combine this weekend. “I think that’s how you move forward and make progress. But I know this: He understands without question what I want, and that’s the same thing he wants, and that’s to win world championships.”

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and this one from Chris Mortensen when Danny fired him...

Jan. 13

Washington Redskins coach Marty Schottenheimer was summoned back to Redskins Park on Sunday night, where it is expected he will be fired. Sources close to the Redskins say that owner Daniel Snyder "basically has a deal done" with ex-Florida coach Steve Spurrier to become Washington's next coach (for five years and $25 million).

Schottenheimer met with his representatives and Snyder at noon Sunday, primarily about legal issues related to his contract, for which he would be owed $7.5 million over three years. Snyder and Schottenheimer had planned to meet again at 10 a.m. Monday.

But late Sunday afternoon Schottenheimer was called back to Redskins Park for another meeting with Snyder, in which the coach was expected to be fired, according to sources. Whether the dismissal will be announced Sunday is touch-and-go in deference to the NFL's desire to keep the focus on playoff games this weekend. Meanwhile, Snyder's efforts to hire Bobby Beathard as general manager appear to have failed, sources said.

It's ironic how Snyder has cost himself about $10 million to $15 million by hiring and now (likely) firing Schottenheimer and his staff.

The only way Snyder could talk Schottenheimer into coaching his Redskins was to give Marty control over personnel decisions. Now he wants to fire Schottenheimer because of that control. It's crazy. Why do you think Marty insisted upon it in the first place? Because he's not crazy, that's why.

One of the most telling signs that Schottenheimer is a goner is that Snyder got word to the league office that the Redskins' coaching staff would be unable to coach in the Senior Bowl, as awarded to the team with the best non-playoff record in its conference. The ability to coach college senior All-Stars is invaluable to the scouting process for the April draft. Snyder just robbed his organization of an edge.

If Schottenheimer is fired as expected, other owners and executives may want to respond quickly. Schottenheimer might have done the best coaching job of his life this season, and sources close to him say he has fallen in love again with being a coach.

So what's Snyder's problem with Schottenheimer? As Snyder has told confidants, and finally his coach this past week, he did not have fun this year -- primarily because he wasn't allowed to play with his $800 million toy. Consequently, he wants to be more involved in the football operation via hiring his own general manager and a new coach.

Sources have described Schottenheimer as respectful and conciliatory in last Monday's meeting with Snyder. That is Marty. He does hold ownership in great respect, especially any man who made an $800 million investment in an NFL franchise such as Snyder has done with the Redskins. Yet the sources say Schottenheimer primarily asked questions to find common ground and also to comprehend the issues in order to measure his owner's intent and vision. There were no fireworks.

In the meantime, Snyder pursued Spurrier, who at first held him off to weigh other options. Snyder had been scheduled to meet Friday with Schottenheimer, but when the coach brought his attorney with him, a surprised Snyder excused them until later. Shortly thereafter, the owner sent a message to Schottenheimer that he was not prepared to meet at this time. So the meeting was pushed to Sunday.

Sundays are normally game days in the NFL. Snyder isn't the only owner who can't sit in his suite and simply enjoy his team. No news there. That takes us back to last January when these two men came together.

At the recommendation of Dick Vermeil, Snyder contacted Schottenheimer, who had been critical as an ESPN analyst of Snyder's meddling during the latter two years of the Norv Turner era. Snyder wanted a proven coach. Schottenheimer was proven. Vermeil convinced Schottenheimer to listen (nice friend, Dick).

Schottenheimer was reluctant, but he had only one safeguard to satisfy his desire to coach again. He had to protect himself from Snyder's meddlesome ways by insisting that he would be director of all football operations with bottom-line power on all personnel decisions. Otherwise, Marty would continue to enjoy another lifestyle until a better job came around. Snyder gave it up.

Schottenheimer inherited the salary-cap mess Snyder created, not to mention Snyder's quarterback, Jeff George. He tried to make it work. But the transition took its toll and Schottenheimer jettisoned George two games into the season. Incredibly, sources say Snyder is blaming Schottenheimer for keeping George in the first place!

The Redskins started 0-5. They finished 8-8, meaning Schottenheimer went 8-3 in the last 11 games. Only eight teams did equal or better -- and they're all in the playoffs. Folks, Marty Schottenheimer went 8-3 in those 11 games with Tony Banks as his starting quarterback. Think about that. Schottenheimer never blinked through early season rumors that his job was in jeopardy. As the saying goes, Marty just kept on sawing wood. Kept on coaching. In the end, initially leery players were willing to be led by Schottenheimer.

The best example we have of that is the final regular-season game between the Redskins and Cardinals at Fed Ex Field. The Redskins were trailing 17-6 on a cold, wet day. In the locker room, Schottenheimer kicked a chair that almost struck right tackle Jon Jansen. He yelled. He got emotional. He made an impassioned plea for the players to show some pride. He's not the first coach to ask his team to do that in a final regular-season game when everyone knows the U-Hauls are packed.

These pleas usually fall on deaf ears, but that wasn't the case with the Redskins this time. They played a hard-nosed half of football to shut out the Cardinals, who were desperately trying to finish with their own .500 record. The Redskins won 20-17.

I have heard and read a lot about how people suspected Marty Schottenheimer came back to coach for only the money. I privately wondered myself, seeing how Schottenheimer compromised himself by going to work for a man like Snyder.

Let us not wonder anymore. Schottenheimer is still a heck of a coach, one of the best in the NFL. He is a fine man. If I were a general manager, I would not hesitate to hire him. He is not a power-tripper. Every coach wants a say in personnel. That say doesn't have to result in a power struggle; in fact, most organizations come to a consensus between the personnel people and coaching staff.

Put Schottenheimer with a proven football man in the front office, and I know this much -- he'll win. As for Snyder, I laugh at all these stories of how he wants Spurrier or Jon Gruden or Steve Mariucci. These guys haven't gotten successful by being dumb. That's the final thought I have on Schottenheimer. He was dumb to believe Snyder would honor his word, but he was smart enough to protect himself.

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To All Redskins Season Ticket Holders:

My full condolences to all of you. I completely agree with virtually that has been mentioned on this thread (and more), and I personally don't blame any of you, if you choose not to renew your season tickets, particularly considering all the horse s#!+ we have manfully downed in the past 10 years of the Snyder regime. The time, energy, psychological, and money expenses all have long-since outstripped the quality of the game-day experience, as we used to know it.

Best wishes to all of you, especially for a more productive lifestyle, in your Redskins Season Ticket Holder afterlife.

:2cents: :logo:

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HAHAHAHAHA! People are GIVING tix away for the Eagles game and I just got this email from Dannyboy....some ****ing nerve he's got

Dream Seat US $475.00

Ha Ha. Dream Seat? I guess it might have felt like a dream if you were in that seat during the Rams game, or the one coming up later on today. A freaking nightmare, in fact. :2cents:

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Reading those articles on Marty make me even more depressed. Eff you, Snyder. I hope this team gets smoked by 90 tomorrow so your nose is deeper in this **** you've created.

Now you did it.

Now the "Your not a REAL Redskins fan" mafia are going to nail your ass to the wall. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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For those that are bashing the team, GO AWAY!!! The team doesn't need you and this site doesn't need you. Go cheer on Dallas you bandwagon fans. There will be not one of you that will admit to this crap if the team wins the Superbowl any time in the near future. So go and get your man crush on T.O. and Romo sits to pee and get away from the Washington Redskins' official message board.

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Anyone still holding season tickets should give them up. This team doesn't deserve our hard earned money. I've seen enough of Danny Boy's little regime to know that the problems with this franchise will NEVER be fixed so long as Snyder owns this team. It's the same crap year in and year out. I'm emotionally drained from watching this nonsense for so long. As fans, we need to let Snyder know that enough is enough. The best way to do this is to stop supporting him. If he stops making money, he'll sell this team. That's the only way out of this.
So much for the "skins4eva" name hmm? Just saying.... :silly:
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For those that are bashing the team, GO AWAY!!! The team doesn't need you and this site doesn't need you. Go cheer on Dallas you bandwagon fans. There will be not one of you that will admit to this crap if the team wins the Superbowl any time in the near future. So go and get your man crush on T.O. and Romo sits to pee and get away from the Washington Redskins' official message board.

VINNY CERRATO SUCKS!!!!! It's been 16 years dude. 3 playoff appearances in the last 10 years. It's not going to happen anytime soon. Get off your high horses. This team sucks, Front office sucks, Jim Zorn sucks, this whole organization is screwed up.

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For those that are bashing the team, GO AWAY!!! The team doesn't need you and this site doesn't need you. Go cheer on Dallas you bandwagon fans. There will be not one of you that will admit to this crap if the team wins the Superbowl any time in the near future. So go and get your man crush on T.O. and Romo sits to pee and get away from the Washington Redskins' official message board.

Told you Outerbanks, lol.

It's like clockwork around here. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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VINNY CERRATO SUCKS!!!!! It's been 16 years dude. 3 playoff appearances in the last 10 years. It's not going to happen anytime soon. Get off your high horses. This team sucks, Front office sucks, Jim Zorn sucks, this whole organization is screwed up.

Then like I said, you're free to choose another team. It's amazing how the Dallas fans here are more polite towards the team I love and have loved for 30 years, yet people like you, the people that are suppose to be fans of the Redskins, are always bashing them.

Go join another team, heck I've heard the Patriots are also looking for new bandwagon fans. Just leave this team alone. Honestly, fans of other teams get banned for bashing the Redskins, you bandwagon fans should get the exact treatment.

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Told you Outerbanks, lol.

It's like clockwork around here. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Trust me, I didn't even get past the first 3 posts. I don't know who you are, don't even care. If you're someone else bashing the team, same thing, go away. Being frustrated is one thing, I'm frustrated, but bashing the team, that's not being frustrated, that's being stupid. You call yourself a fan, yet you bash the team.

Now what was this clockwork about? Oh, it must be the fact that you nobodies always decide when things are bad to start going off on the team. That's the only thing that seems to be clockwork. Throughout my life as a fan of this team, I've always felt the Redskins had the best fanbase. Now with you jackasses, I know it's untrue. The Eagles are better fans than you.

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Then like I said, you're free to choose another team. It's amazing how the Dallas fans here are more polite towards the team I love and have loved for 30 years, yet people like you, the people that are suppose to be fans of the Redskins, are always bashing them.

Go join another team, heck I've heard the Patriots are also looking for new bandwagon fans. Just leave this team alone. Honestly, fans of other teams get banned for bashing the Redskins, you bandwagon fans should get the exact treatment.

Can't believe you'll continue to watch Snyder and Cerrato drive this team straight to the ground. Nothing great has happened to this franchise since that short fat head geek became owner.

Being a Redskins fans means I have to wait another 30 years to watch this ever happened to this team.


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Can't believe you'll continue to watch Snyder and Cerrato drive this team straight to the ground. Nothing great has happened to this franchise since that short fat head geek became owner.

Being a Redskins fans means I have to wait another 30 years to watch this ever happened to this team.


Well considering the fact that you're NOT a fan, then you don't have to worry about that.

But as I've told others, I'm giving myself a vacation from this site. Maybe all of you will leave by then.

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My gosh, my heart sank. I haven't been on ES since Wednesday. I took a look at the thread with people so angry and I simultaneously had the main stadium window open and saw the big coaches are scared to Washington thread and I thought that some how I missed that Jim Zorn had been fired...

It is too early in the morning for this.

Wow, thank goodness...

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For those that are bashing the team, GO AWAY!!! The team doesn't need you and this site doesn't need you. Go cheer on Dallas you bandwagon fans. There will be not one of you that will admit to this crap if the team wins the Superbowl any time in the near future. So go and get your man crush on T.O. and Romo sits to pee and get away from the Washington Redskins' official message board.

Jeebus. :doh:

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Mediocrity rules this organization.

All these years gone by with the same mentality and I thought by now I would have gotten used to it. I cant. And it hurts because I love the burgundy and gold in general. Always will.

But this franchise is a dysfunctional inept, snake bitten embarrassing organization in itself.


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Criticizing obvious ineptitude does not make a person not a fan. If you just walk around saying you are not a fan if you criticize is just stupid. That is how you end up like the Bengals and the Lions. We can see the team will suck as long as Disco Dan runs it this way and we want it to stop. That makes us great fans, not blind, stupid, lemming fans who stupidly think next year will somehow be different from the last 10.

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