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Ryan Clark DESTROYED Wes Welker

The Sir

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I mentioned this in the "Matt Cassell" thread in the Stadium.

Ryan Clark "honored" Sean Taylor yesterday more with that hit then our entire defense put together did the whole game against the Giants.

When I say "honored" what I mean is imagine Sean sitting on his couch watching the Redskins D and watching Ryan Clark's play.

Clark's play would have brought a smile to his face.

There was not a single "I'm going to be here all day and I'm going to let you know it" hit by the Redskins defense yesterday. This coming on the heels of George Michael announcing before the game how (paraphasing) "the Redskins are going to show how much they love,miss and respect Sean by their performance in this game today" or some words to that effect.

Back to the Clark hit.

It was a clean shot. Boderline because he left his feet but he did not lead with his head and the ball was tipped so he was just "cleaning out" the receiver.

I'm pretty sure every defensive coordinator in the sport would tell him "Good hit and next time when you're in that same situation............do it again just like that"

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Very borderline penalty. The ball was still in play and had not yet hit the ground. Welker had juuusssstttt given up on it. I can see how they would make that call in today's environment, but I don't think any defensive coach is going to mind that penalty.

You'll notice that the hit knocked Welker out of the game (the best and most important player on this Patriot offense and one tough hombre) and pretty much knocked the fight out of the Patriots.

I think every coach in the league will take a penalty on a clean, hard shot if it can take an offense out of the game. :2cents:

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Damn that was wicked. He was in hitting mode already, I dont think a penalty should have been called there.

Yeah, I was more than a bit upset about the flag on that too. Easy to say watching the slo-mo that he could have pulled up but in real time, I just can't see it. He was trying separate Welker from the ball and it was not his fault the ball never got there.

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There was not a single "I'm going to be here all day and I'm going to let you know it" hit by the Redskins defense yesterday. This coming on the heels of George Michael announcing before the game how (paraphasing) "the Redskins are going to show how much they love,miss and respect Sean by their performance in this game today" or some words to that effect.

I was listening to that on the radio and when Michael said that, my wife commented how the Skins were probably going to get dominated. She knows this team so freaking well after only watching them for 3 seasons.

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Damn that was wicked. He was in hitting mode already, I dont think a penalty should have been called there.

me neither. if the ball hadnt been tipped it wouldnt have been a penalty since he didnt lead with the head. the only reason they called it was cuz the ball didnt show up cuz it got tipped. but thats still not like, say, the landry hit on muhsin last year where the ball was untouched and nowhere near the receiver when he laid him out.

and on a similar note to the penalty calling. how annoying are madden and michaels. they went on for 5 minutes about how a roughing the passer should have been called in the bears-vikes game. why? the defender was running behind the qb to avoid him. ferotte and his moronic butt decides to run backwards for no reason, directly into the defender. and he gets leveled. why would it be a foul when the defender is making sure not to hit the qb, but said qb for no reason runs right into him? it was ferottes fault for not looking where he is going when running backwards.

madden needs to shut up and just retire.

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