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Does anyone but the Giants represents the NFC?


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Honestly, who is going to stop the Giants from making the superbowl. Right now, they have to be favorites to repeat as champs. Maybe Dallas?

Nobody. If anybody on this board cheers for the giants to win the superbowl again, I will commit Suicide. I of course mean skins fans.

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Nothing is guaranteed in the NFL, but I like my chances with home field throughout pretty much assured now, coming into cold and windy Giants stadium in the middle of January, with 2 weeks to prepare for our first opponent. Oh yeah!

Let's relax there man. Nothing is guaranteed. We are 2 up on Tampa and Carolina. The good thing is, one of them has to lose because they play one another next week.

The weird thing is, we are guaranteed a bye IF we win the division. How weird is it that you clinch a first round bye before clinching the division.

And we wouldn't know who the opponent is until the week before the game so there isn't two weeks to prepare for an opponent.

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New York by far ...

Then Tampa, Dallas BIG BIG BIG BIG IF'S.

Only say that because both teams seem to be hot right now

And to think Dallas actually beat Tampa with the one and only Brad Johnson.

Someone, anyone from the NFC is just going to have to catch them on a bad game.

The NFC will have two shots to do so. It's a reach, but possible.

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;5878919']Let's relax there man. Nothing is guaranteed. We are 2 up on Tampa and Carolina. The good thing is' date=' one of them has to lose because they play one another next week.

The weird thing is, we are guaranteed a bye IF we win the division. How weird is it that you clinch a first round bye before clinching the division.

And we wouldn't know who the opponent is until the week before the game so there isn't two weeks to prepare for an opponent.[/quote']

Tom, I'm not a homer, I'm a realist, that said... home field is basically a foregone conclusion throughout, that ship has sailed after today. The Giants only need to go 2-2 the next 4 weeks to guarantee it, and I think they are more than capable.

As for preparing two weeks in advance. Coaches have been preparing two game plans for as long as I can remember, you can also prepare for who you think will likely make it to the next round. Either way, you do have 2 weeks to prepare.

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Honestly, who is going to stop the Giants from making the superbowl. Right now, they have to be favorites to repeat as champs. Maybe Dallas?

Panthers look pretty darn good too-they're back to playing Jon Fox-style of football, and Jake Delhomme is healthy too.

While Tampa may be overrated, this is one tough SOB team.

As for my team(Dallas)-I'm not holding my breath-I wouldn't be surprise if I wake up 3 weeks from now, and yet another Dec meltdown goes in the books.

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;5878919']The good thing is' date=' one of them has to lose because they play one another next week. [/quote']

haha. not entirely true... Ask Donovan McNutts... there could be a tie as well next week that would really create a mess in the playoff hunt

:laugh: (ok, highly unlikely, bit ya never know)

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The 5th and 6th seeds have won the last two SB's respectively. It's quite possible that a team besides the Giants represents the NFC. The Giants are very deep and very impressive but not unbeatable.

To be frank, we were a couple of plays from being swept in the reg season by the Giants last year. Otherwise-we would have limped into Tampa sans Owens, Gurode, and possibly Newman/Ratliffe, and would have gotten killed there, while Eli and Strahan would have baked under the sun with Lindsey Lohan in the Cayman Islands during the bye.

As for the Steelers-I still stick to my gut feeling that XL was fixed.

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The 5th and 6th seeds have won the last two SB's respectively. It's quite possible that a team besides the Giants represents the NFC. The Giants are very deep and very impressive but not unbeatable.

IIRC, the Colts were the 4th seed when they won 2 years ago. You are probably thinking of the Steelers 3 years ago.

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Any team can obviously lose on a given day but I think the giants have separated themselves quite a bit from the rest of the pack, barring what happens with this plax/pierce situation or other injuries.

I'm skeptical of Carolina as they've been stomped a couple times (granted everyone in the NFC south loses divisional road games), and they struggled a fair share against oakland and detroit. Delhomme's been a bit iffy as well although he historically has excelled in the post-season. Assuming the giants can contain the carolina running game, which I'd expect them to do for the most part, I think they'll put up too many points for the panthers to match.

As for Pitt and Tennessee, I don't see either team as all that strong contenders to take down the giants. Pittsburgh obviously has a superb defense, but their offense struggles big-time against a defense that can get pressure on the QB. As for the Titans, their defense isn't as stout against the run as may be perceived, and I don't see chris johnson and kerry collins being able to put up enough points to keep up with the g-men.

But as was mentioned, the Pats were clearly the class of the league last year and the giants may see a reverse in their fortunes from the other side of the coin this year.

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