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Dictator Goodell to move the Pro Bowl


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I can definitely see why they'd want to move it out of Hawaii. From the owners' perspective, locating it at one of the team's existing stadiums has got to be more lucrative for the NFL as a whole. Plus, I'd think more fans would attend a game in the continental US. So, from a profit-aspect, seems to be a no-brainer to me.

Now the timing does seem curious to me. Even as an extremely avid fan of the sport -- I'm about spent by the time the conference championships and super bowl roll around. I'm not sure throwing the Pro Bowl in between the two is the best move from a timing/interest perspective.

Other ideas might be to either have the game at some point in mid-season, or perhaps in replacement of the Hall of Fame Game. :whoknows:

I'm not sure the timing of the game needs to be changed so much as the venue. On the other hand, moving the game out of Hawaii -- you might see more Pro Bowl players deciding NOT to attend/play in a Pro Bowl at a locale that is not as lush as Hawaii. The players are already not fans of the event. Taking it out of Hawaii might have some unintended effects.

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The biggest problem is not the pro bowl, but the SB. I think there should only be one week between the conference championship games and the SB. Two weeks is too much time. You may get some better played SBs with only 1 week off. And obviously like others said, if the pro bowl is played between the SB and the conference title games, then none of the SB players will play.

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I really don't see anything wrong with this. So what if the Superbowl players don't play in it. They're gonna play in the biggest game of their lives a week later. If they do this,though, they should do the skills competition and show it on TV the night before and not on a wednesday at 1 in the afternoon.

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It's a great idea. The Pro Bowl game is worthless. While it still may be worthless, there will be a hell of alot more interest in it during the off week before the Super Bowl.


It's not a one man decision. Even if Goodell came up with the idea all by himself, the owner's would have to approve it. So you can't blame a single person for the decision the league as a whole does.


I still for the life of me can't understand why anyone hates Goodell. What exactly has he done to warrent displeasure? Cracking down on thugs? Is that it? Some people don't like that Goodell is putting his foot down on scumbags?

I just don't get it.


Thank You, I like Goodell. He is a good owners. I think people can't stand how little he punished the patriots organization.

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I just don't understand WHY. The Super Bowl get's all this hype anyway. Why move the Pro Bowl?

Because right now it is a complete afterthought, the most irrelevant all-star game in all of sports.

The real question should be, why retain the current design of the Pro Bowl?

It's a total dud, completely in need of a shot of vitality.

Worst case scenario, the change fails and we're left with an anti-climactic "all star" game in which many of the games top players opt not to play.

Sound familiar?

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This is stupid. So essentially the pro bowl occurs during the bye week of the Super Bowl, which could be detrimental to those pro-bowlers who actually have to physically and mentally prepare for the biggest game of their lives the next week. What happens if one of them gets hurt in a meaningless Pro Bowl game before the Super Bowl? Man, Goodell sucks.

The probowl will not include players in the superbowl.

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Yeah, I'm not exactly sure what this is going to do. I guess give fans a football fix in the week between the CCG's and the SB, but that's about it.

Anyone remember that game they used to have before the season between a college all-star team and the Super Bowl champs, and it was played in Chicago? They should bring that back......I loved seeing the 1970s Steelers kick the crap out of college players!

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Not only would the Super Bowl teams not be represented I think you'd see alot of playoff teams player's drop out. I think holding it after the Super Bowl allows the player's on the losing end of a playoff game get over the loss and to recover from alot of little nagging injuries. Not only that, the fans might not like the game being played in Hawaii but the player's seem to love it.

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Why don't they just move it to d*ll*s and let the c*wb*y offense play teir own defense?

After all, they are the most talented team in the NFofL

Why don't they move it to Washington and let the Skins offense play the Skins defense? I mean, that's how Skins fans have voted so far, right?

It makes me laugh that Skins fans are part of the people complaining about this while they've turned Pro Bowl fan voting into an absolute joke. Making a mockery of the Pro Bowl? Look to Washington, not to the commish's office.

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and he is just continuing his mission to completely destroy the NFL.

What a jerk off

The Pro Bowl has never meant a damned thing anyways. Guys in the Super Bowl will still be considered Pro Bowlers, it's just their replacements will have to go and actually play.

If anything, this may eliminate some of the huge snubs that have happened over the years.

Of all the people in this thread complaining about moving the Pro Bowl, how many of you actually watch it anyways?

Is it really as big a deal as you're making it out to be?

Again... It's the Pro Bowl.

We've added to the mockery with this vote the Redskin ticket stuff. Which I'm glad for, the Pro Bowl IS a joke. But, I feel moving the game to the week prior to the Super Bowl will only add to the intrigue of the game, making it an NFL Super Bowl hype event and allowing players from all over the league exposure on a national stage.

The game played after the Super Bowl makes it an afterthought, but if it's played prior to the Super Bowl, I suspect they'd actually get much better ratings.

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This is stupid. So essentially the pro bowl occurs during the bye week of the Super Bowl, which could be detrimental to those pro-bowlers who actually have to physically and mentally prepare for the biggest game of their lives the next week. What happens if one of them gets hurt in a meaningless Pro Bowl game before the Super Bowl? Man, Goodell sucks.

I heard this the other day, and I thought they made it clear that if a player's team is in the Super Bowl they would not be playing in the Pro-Bowl. Frankly, I'm not sure why the NFL needs an All-Star Game. I'd rather see them add one or two more games and shorten preseason as it is. Or better yet change the playoff format. Make there be actually 4 Wild Cards that pla in the first round for the right to play the #3 and #4 team, and then give the #1 and #2 team two weeks off.

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I actually kind of like this idea. The Super Bowl should be the last game of the year. My guess is that players who are playing in the Super Bowl but made the Pro Bowl will probably just skip it, which is what a lot of the players end up doing anyway so it doesn't really matter.

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I like the idea of moving the ProBowl one week before the SB. And they can keep it in Hawaii for all I care. It's sort of like a buffer while we're waiting 2 weeks for the SB. Who cares if the SB players are not in it... it's just the ProBowl. Also, give the selected probowl players in the SB their share of the money too.

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