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Should Cigarettes Be Legal


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I don't think they should be illegal either. I loved smoking. I stopped because I knew it was terrible for my health. I always say if I found out today that I only have six months to live, the first place I would go is the 7-11 for a pack of Camel Lights.

I only smoke when I drink but I couldn't imagine not having smokes with drinks.

That was the hardest for me to give up.

I think they should be made illegal. I am a smoker and I hate them, but as many times as I try to quit, I have a harder and harder time.

I quit about 2 years ago. I didn't use the patch, I didn't use anything. The other thing I didn't do, is go cold turkey. I tried to do that once, and three weeks later I was right back to smoking.

I weened myself off of them.

I always smoked when I drank. Or when I was in the car. Or after I ate, etc.

What I did was eliminate one of these things. At first, I eliminated the cigarette I would have every morning on the way to work. It sucked the first couple of weeks. I really wanted one, but I fought it off. After 2 weeks, I didn't even think about it. Once I had one of my "routines" changed. I moved to another one.

Then I picked another one, then another one, then another one. Until I was down to only smoking when I was drinking.

Like I said, that was the hardest one to give up. But I went from smoking five butts at the bar, to only three, to two, to one day I went to the bar & didn't smoke a single cigarette. At that point I knew I was home-free.......

It might not work for everyone, but if you've tried other methods & it hasn't worked for you, give it a shot.

You don't have to quit 100% by tomorrow. Knock off 15/20% a month & be smoke free by the summer.

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My govenrnment forced cig makers to put verbal and graphic warnings on packs a few years ago to help curb teen smoking. teen smoking numbers are up, because some kids think it's cool to have a product with a picture of a diseased heart on the front.

My government has also enacted a new law that smokes can no longer be called "light" "smooth" "filtered" or "ultra light" and forced all stores not to display cigarettes (they are still behind the counter, under a flip up plastic door).

As a smoker this pisses me off since I smoke a somewhat hard to find cigarettes, and when I walk into a store, I can't tell if they even stock my brand. Now kids are buying every type of smoke they can find, kind of like treasure hunting.

The harder you make it to get them, the more some people will want them, it's a fact of life. to a young kid with a rebelious attitude, all you are doing is giving him more ammunition for his teenage rebelion against authority.

Odd. Teen smoking rates in the US are plummetting, but in Canada they are rising.

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I've never smoked, I hate smoking, and I wish people wouldn't smoke, but it's their own (dumb) choice to make.

Same...it wouldnt be that big of a deal if the smokers were just affecting their lives, but smoke travels to everyone and it's disgusting

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Absolutely legal. Stop telling other people how to live their lives.

People can live their lives however they want, but when their actions harm others, it's a different story.

Found this interesting:

"Secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 22,700-69,600 heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year."


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make it illegal to produce and market them

health effects on a population level are much worse, and much more costly than probably any illicit drug... if someone happens to get tobacco I don't think that should be punished... hell grow your own if you want. What someone does with their body is their business, but production and marketing of products is not quiet on the same level.

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So what's next guys/gals? You going to start supporting home invasions to stamp out smokers??

Or maybe quarantine them all to their own little island??

This country's going downhill..............on rollerskates.

how about kill them in the streets?

seriously, health care costs are already too much, and the **** is addictive(physically and mentally)... there are obvious benefits and honestly do you really think the slope is the slippery?

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It's funny some of the responses in this thread. Surprising to me really.

I am about as conservative as we have here and yet this is one thing I could support the government being involved in.

People who don't think twice about big government creating our nanny state, answering in favor of them being legal, with a powerful sense of indignity.

I don't quite get it.

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People can live their lives however they want, but when their actions harm others, it's a different story.

Found this interesting:

"Secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 22,700-69,600 heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year."


I'm not in favor of smoking indoors outside of designated areas determined by the business/building owner. I agree that smoking shouldn't be allowed everywhere.

Then again I'm in favor of legalizing just about everything. Freedom isn't freedom when someone else decides everything for you.

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ok, im a smoker, so take this for what you will.

honestly, i know i the way smokers are treated is kind of ridiculous.

i dont know if anyone here saw 'supersize me', but how come no one goes up to obese people or any people for that matter eating a fast food meal and tells them how digusting it is, how its completely unhealthy for you, ridiculing and judging them, but its perfectly socially acceptable to do this to a smoker.

i agree that if someone is blowing the smoke in your face or is right next to you its a problem, but there are many people who are jus fine with labeling any and every smoker as someone who deserves pain and suffering when there are ALOT of other bad habits or whatever that are dangerous as well, yet smoking is the vice that gets slammed the hardest.

Fat people are ridiculed and judged DAILY, both on this message board and in society in general. You can't watch TV for twenty minutes without it happening blatantly or a little more subtly with weight loss gimmick commercials and such. Then the news comes on and they start blathering about the "obesity epidemic". Last I checked fatness is not a disease; you can't catch it from other people. What's disturbing to me is that we as a nation are not just concerned with what each one of us as individuals puts in our bodies - we as a society want to get preachy about what others put in their body, too.

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Smoking should be legal, but no one should smoke. Frankly, no one should drink or do a lot of assinine things that humans do. Could we make stupidity illegal?

ehhh I think the addiction factor is probably a key difference...

I'd say smoking should get you kicked out of your medical insurance but we'd still end up paying for that somehow

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Oh, and let the business owner decide whether or not to allow smoking. If so, just patronize another business.

Oh hell yeah:cool: letting me smoke on my own property

But wouldn't that be like freedom to choose or something?

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well that's just stupid :silly:


(Apologies to the thread starter for the tangent.)

Illegalizing doesn't usually work. See prohibition, see prostitution, see abortion, see marijuana, heroin, etc. I think it would shrink some numbers or it would shift people into other more dangerous stuff. It is amazing to me the large numbers of the young who get into smoking today. I mean for those 50+ I get that there were all these cool images and they didn't really know what smoking would/could do you or they could pretend to deny knowledge. For anyone my age or younger, the damage was self-aware and self-inflicted.

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well see I don't think cigarettes have the same appeal as hookers, abortions, or marijuana, and not as much as drinking either

and I don't think it would be eradicated, but maybe people would move on to less habit forming styles of tobacco use at the very worst... cause I am pretty sure that the cig companies design cigs for maximum addictiveness.

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