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"In God We Trust"


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I'm 100% positive that Congress has never attempted to pass a law establishing a state religion. Have you seen something that is contrary to my belief?

When you allow yourself to change words around like that you can pretty much make the constitution to say anything you want.

Perhaps the right to keep and bear arms means the Government can not cut your arms off lol.

Anyway, there is a huge difference between respecting the establishment and "establishing."

So yes, when congress passed a law in 1954 on the advice of Eisenhower's pastor to add God to the pledge of allegiance, they ignored our constitution. My view on this subject has been held up in court.

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Seems having Gods name on money would be an insult to him

I do not think it belongs in goverment, I do not want to have "in no god do we trust" or 'in Budda we trust' on our money

I prefer freedom of religion and freedom from religion

We just elected a black president, i await the day when we elect an atheist, that will be much harder

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Like I said, I was told that, but I have never seen the coins, so I wouldnt know for sure what was on them

They're actually pretty neat looking. I would like to think the US could learn to use dollar coins, they're so much easier now that 1 dollar doesn't buy much anymore. Europe has 1 and 2 Euro coins.


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