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Are you better or worse off then you were 4 year ago?

The Wicked Wop

What do you think of the new site?  

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Now that the election is over, and the answer to this question was pushed down our throats during the campaign (CNN has various posts from people around the country on the subject) I thought it was worth asking.

I think it's a pretty simplistic question that puts no responsability on people answering.

For example in my circumstances I'm definately better off (this is not a means of bragging but simply stating my feeling that a large % of people in this country just expect things to happen for them). I wised up and got educate, made long term career moves, and never deviated from it. I didn't make crazy or impulsive decisions without thinking of the financial consequences. Could things go south for me.....of course, but at this point I have choices that I created and I'm not blaming the government for the fact that I did or didn't do something.

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I would have to say that I am worse off. Four years ago, I was a freshman in high school. As of right now, I am unemployed and not going to college. Hopefully that will change soon, but from my standpoint, I was better off 4 years ago because I had 4 years of certainty ahead of me and now all I have ahead of me is uncertainty.

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I would have to say that I am worse off. Four years ago, I was a freshman in high school. As of right now, I am unemployed and not going to college. Hopefully that will change soon, but from my standpoint, I was better off 4 years ago because I had 4 years of certainty ahead of me and now all I have ahead of me is uncertainty.

45 you should be glad that you still have your youth. I didn't get my act together until 21, but when I did it was like a switch went off. Don't really think it was finding myself, as much as experiencing a little life outside of highschool and thinking where I was going. Regardless I wish you well and hope you push yourself, because in my mind thats the way people make things happen for themselves.

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Have to define terms very carefully.

I love what I'm doing professionally. I'm probably generally happier. I'm not making as much money and my savings and retirement took a hit this year... So, am I better off?

You need to define your terms.

Think its more financial in nature. Though if your doing what your want and its on your terms, and your not adversely affected financially because of it, then I think your ahead.

Really piggybacking off the cnn column and the way the campaigns portrayed it.

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I would have to say that I am worse off. Four years ago, I was a freshman in high school. As of right now, I am unemployed and not going to college. Hopefully that will change soon, but from my standpoint, I was better off 4 years ago because I had 4 years of certainty ahead of me and now all I have ahead of me is uncertainty.

Hmmm, you're still young. Have you given any thoughts in joining the Military. Might I suggest maybe the Air Force? Then you can see the world for 5 years or so get out if it's not for you and go to College paid mostly by the Government.:2cents:

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Think its more financial in nature. Though if your doing what your want and its on your terms, and your not adversely affected financially because of it, then I think your ahead.

Really piggybacking off the cnn column and the way the campaigns portrayed it.

See I think your question should be directed towards how you feel about your life. As I said, my parents (and by extension me, since I'm still dependent), are better off financially, but I'm definitely not as happy as I was four years ago.

Are you trying to gauge how the last four years of Bush has affected people, or is it just a general, non-political thread?

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I'm 3 times as far in CC debt because I took out excessive Student Loans in order to be able to not work during the school year which didn't work out well (not the school year but the amount I had to take out), I also have a mortgage that I'm struggling to pay, I couldn't get student loans to go back to school for my SENIOR year because of this damn condo and my other student loans... I'd say I'm worse off...

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I'm 3 times as far in CC debt because I took out excessive Student Loans in order to be able to not work during the school year which didn't work out well (not the school year but the amount I had to take out), I also have a mortgage that I'm struggling to pay, I couldn't get student loans to go back to school for my SENIOR year because of this damn condo and my other student loans... I'd say I'm worse off...

Why can't you get a loan because of the condo?

I did get good news today from a cougar friend that does mortgages. This whole Help for Homeowners thing might work for me. I might even get to pay less then before. It seems they (who ever does this, I don't know just yet) will redo my mortgage to the current selling rates of the homes in the area. That would be a big savings and my American dream could stay alive. How bout that?

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I'm 3 times as far in CC debt because I took out excessive Student Loans in order to be able to not work during the school year which didn't work out well (not the school year but the amount I had to take out), I also have a mortgage that I'm struggling to pay, I couldn't get student loans to go back to school for my SENIOR year because of this damn condo and my other student loans... I'd say I'm worse off...

Have any family that could co-sign on just the senior loan. Not a big fam of co-signing someone elses loan, but if it's only one year it may make it more acceptable.

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Why can't you get a loan because of the condo?

Well it's a really complicated story, which involves me buying this condo at 22 years old in order to prove to my college that I intend on living here after I graduate in order to get in state tuition (I do plan on living here, so I'm not just doing it to circumvent the rules or anything), well I got denied due to lack of evidence, so I ended paying $10,000 in out of state fees for last year, plus I could rent an apartment for $200 less per month, which considering my principal on my mortgage per month is about $80, so I'm losing $120 per month by living here... Now my debt to income ratio + the credit crunch makes me one of the least attractive borrowers in the bank's eyes...

And I've tried the cosigning thing as well... I got denied because I changed jobs late last year and didn't have enough money to pay 2 of my credit cards for 2 months... (My fault I know, but I've since cut them up and am working to pay them off as we speak) so I was denied because of MY credit score, rather than my cosigner's

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Wrose off. Every time my family get alittle ahead and we are fortunate to have a little extra money left over at the end of the month, a few months will pass as they did and everything went up.

gas went up, food went up, general monthly shopping expenses went up.

That extra $300 was being used and now we are right back where we started.

Now Obama wants to take away our 401k tax exemption. Maybe take away our retirement so the gov can use it, and my other anuity is losing everyday.

I really don't see things getting any better. The more we make the more they take and we never seem to be getting ahead, just keeping even.

I guess I could be grateful, at least we aren't behind.

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Well it's a really complicated story, which involves me buying this condo at 22 years old in order to prove to my college that I intend on living here after I graduate in order to get in state tuition (I do plan on living here, so I'm not just doing it to circumvent the rules or anything), well I got denied due to lack of evidence, so I ended paying $10,000 in out of state fees for last year, plus I could rent an apartment for $200 less per month, which considering my principal on my mortgage per month is about $80, so I'm losing $120 per month by living here... Now my debt to income ratio + the credit crunch makes me one of the least attractive borrowers in the bank's eyes...

And I've tried the cosigning thing as well... I got denied because I changed jobs late last year and didn't have enough money to pay 2 of my credit cards for 2 months... (My fault I know, but I've since cut them up and am working to pay them off as we speak) so I was denied because of MY credit score, rather than my cosigner's

Damn, they denied you for changing jobs and two late payments. I guess this reflects what is going on in the credit drama these days. And school loans, I always thought were the easy ones to get. Times are tough. I bet if I tried to get a loan right now they'd put the application on youtube, just for laughs.

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